Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Bluebells of Spring

I love this time of year when the garden begins to fill with colour. In one corner of our yard a small patch of bluebells delights the eye. I'm still trying to figure out my camera - it takes fine pictures on automatic settings (I use the scene choices, mainly landscape, indoor, and close up). But since it has a few more bells and whistles, I'd like to learn how to use them.

I picked a handful and brought them indoors, placed them on a creamy plate and set them in the late afternoon light streaming through the window. 

The Aperture priority setting seems to give the best results. 

Here I used the shutter priority setting and the photo is completely washed out. I also did some photo editing in Picasa to intensify the shadows, add a vignette effect and a museum matte.

This is an untouched photo, done in the close up scene mode. Practicing with such pretty subjects is fun, and relaxing after a day of work - still invigilating AP exams and working in the school library.

Don't forget to sign up for my 900th post giveaway, here.


  1. Beautiful pictures... love all the different settings...

  2. Thanks for the tips. I find that I use the A setting most of the time. Most of these photos are simply beautiful...lovely subject those little bluebells.

    The new camera does not do such a great job on zooming as my last so I resort back to the Canon for those, most especially for the moon shots.

  3. Your photos are wonderful, both untouched and "tweeked." I remember bluebells from when we were in England, masses of them in the woods. Do they need shade? Too warm for them here. I also find photo editing to be relaxing.

  4. Beautiful flowers and beautiful shots!

  5. gorgeous!

  6. This was a good year for bluebells, and yours are lovely. You are really getting to be a pro with your camera! I love the first photo - worth framing, I think.

  7. Super macros and great colours.


  8. Love your blooms! You captured them beautifully.

  9. I love your second shot. I shoot on aperture priority 95% of the time.

    Most likely, on your shutter priority shot, the shutter speed was too low for the amount of light, hence the washed out result.

    Keep playing around! It's the best way to learn about your camera!

  10. Beautiful spring flowers and gorgeous photos. I can see that you are having fun with your new camera.

  11. Love your close up shots of the bluebells Lorrie, the first picture is my favourite.

    have a lovely weekend

  12. Apeture priority. I need to learn how to use that. My camera is really overwhelming, too. Thanks for such beautiful photography.


  13. I can't figure those settings out. My son-in-law tries to teach me but always explains too many things at once.
    I love that first photo!

  14. Beautiful....
    I am having a hard time figuring out my settings on a new little point and shoot Canon. I don't do well with reading instructions. :)

  15. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Wow! These are stunning photographs, Lorrie! Just gorgeous!!!
    Hope you are enjoying a great weekend!

  16. I love your experiments - it's good to see the ones that don't work, as well as those that do. My camera is pretty basic but maybe one day... Thanks for your kind comment. I'm having a quiet evening and am appreciating some time to myself.

  17. These are so gorgeous!


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