Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Fill-ins

These bleeding hearts are from my son and daughter-in-law's garden. I added a little "Boost" to them with the Picasa editing feature. I think I need to find a place for a bleeding heart in my own garden. All those hearts dangling like beads are so pretty.

I'm joining in with Friday Fill-ins again. Working full time (until June 15) is seriously cutting into my blogging/sewing/gardening/cooking time. I know I'll get used to working all day, but just now, I come home and collapse on the couch with a cup of tea before making dinner. And then the evenings are just not long enough to do everything I want to do. 

1.  When we go for our evening walk, I'm amazed at the life that is bursting out in every yard, every tree, every patch of ground.

2.  I'm head over heels in love with my granddaughter and looking forward to being the same way with the next one, due in less than one month.

3.  It'll be AMAZING! (see #2)

4.  Scandinavia is a place I've always wanted to visit, but haven't yet.

5.  When I'm sad I eat chocolate. When I'm happy, I eat chocolate.

6.  Good things as well as bad are happening in and about my community.

7.  And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to shopping for some household items with my husband, followed by Poirot on the television, tomorrow my plans include gardening, sanding a piece of furniture, housecleaning and Sunday, I want to go to church, relax, and have my family over for a barbecue.

What are YOUR plans for the weekend? This is a long one for us - on Monday we celebrate Victoria Day!


  1. Happy Victoria Day! Have a blessed and beautiful weekend!

  2. I so enjoy the bleeding heart in my garden...which came from another garden originally.

    Enjoy your long weekend. May it be filled with all good things!

  3. Wow, Lorrie, you are busy, busy, busy! Thanks for your comment and visit. You asked about the Kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate. It's Latin name is Polygonum orientale and it was first grown in the US by Thomas Jefferson. I got it from a friend and it is a self-seeding annual. If you'd like some seeds in the fall, email me and I'd be happy to mail them to you.

    Hugs, Beth

  4. Lorrie have you seen the white bleeding hearts at the garden centres? Both types are glorious!
    #2 I finally get what it means to be a Nana.....amazing! How exciting for your family .... not too long now.
    Happy weekend to you.

  5. I've a bleeding heart plant in a shady corner of the front garden and it does makeme smile whenever I see it.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Enjoyed your fill ins! Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  7. No plans except some long, free days for relaxing before the new week knocks on the door.

  8. Sadly, my bleeding heart must have bled to death some years back! One season and it just melted away perhaps from too much heat and sun, should have searched for that shady spot!

    Yes, Nature is in full bloom now - so beautiful everywhere it takes ones breath away!

    Happy weekend dear.
    - Mary -

  9. Quel programme ! J'espère que tu as pu faire tout ce qui était prévu. Ici il y a eu un petit contretemps : Laure nous a "enfermées dehors" - et Jean était parti. Il était 18 heures et nous ne pouvions plus entrer dans la maison pour manger, prendre notre douche, et faire les activités prévues ce soir-là. Nous sommes allées nous réfugier chez des amis et nous avons dormi là-bas, et nous sommes rentrées ce matin à 11 heures. Depuis je n'ai fait que des machines et du repassage ! Je me rattraperai demain. Bonne semaine et bon courage au travail !

  10. When I see flowers such as Bleeding Hearts, I always think, "How can anyone not believe in God?" Lovely photo, Lorrie.

  11. Hi there!
    Happy Victoria Day! We celebrated also but on the other side of the border. I'm in Aurora, ON...
    I do like your the chocolate part too.
    We were at the cottage for the weekend in NY state and the weather was so beautiful...back home its the same. We bought some flowers for planting though we'll have to do it next weekend.

    Come by and visit...I'm having a GIVEAWAY...

    have a great day


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

Merry Christmas!

  Merry Christmas! Just popping in on the morning of the 24th to wish you all a most merry and blessed season.  May joy fill your hearts. ...