Friday, January 02, 2015

It's Just One Word

1. have the courage to do something 
synonyms: be brave enough, have the courage, venture, have the nerve, have the temerity, be so bold as, have the audacity, risk, hazard, take the liberty, stick one's neck out, go out on a limb

I'm pretty much a chicken. I like my comfortable routines. I've done a few brave things in my life, but I mostly settle for the easy. 
Over the past few weeks, I've returned again and again to look at the photos from the 4 year old birthday party. From these photos I've taken my word for 2015 - Dare.

There have been some hurts and hard things in the past few years that have caused me to draw into myself, to trust God less and worry more. Less laughter, more cynicism. 

Time to change that. To Dare.

Dare - to be myself

Dare - to trust God

Dare - to believe the best of others

Dare - to love without judging

Dare - to stretch myself

Dare - to dream and then work to form it into reality

Dare - to try new adventures

Dare. That's my word for 2015. 

I don't know what measure of joy or sadness will be poured out for me during this year. My intention is to live each day as God gives it to me, daring to be the person He wants me to be. 

At times I'll likely stick my neck out. Other times I'll dare to keep my mouth firmly shut. Both may prove difficult. 

How about you? Intentions? Goals? Any words or phrases to set the tone for this year? I'd love to hear them.  


  1. Go for it, Lorrie. From what I know of you you there is enough courage to allow for lots of daring! So sad to think of what we settle for when we believe we must do everything well, or not at all. Another blogger worte about this recently. I wish all the joy of this new daring!

  2. What a great word with thoughts on how to dare! Love your choice. I'm still working on mine.

  3. Coincidently I wrote a post on my word of the year too. I chose BRAVE. It's time for me to step up to the plate. Happy New Year!!

  4. First of all, I really like the word. I chose it once myself for some of the same reasons. I failed and haven't wanted to select a new word since. Perhaps I should not have put so much pressure on myself. The expectations were much too high. I can not, a basic introvert, suddenly become someone I am not. That kind of thing... Love that gal behind the camera looking so hip and happening! All the best with DARE!

  5. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Lorrie, I love the word that you've chosen. I'm not one to do much daring but I look forward to sharing your journey and hopefully becoming more courageous. I blogged about my word today too. :-)

  6. Great word that you've chosen, Lorrie! I haven't really chosen a word... I just keep on keeping on!
    Thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind comments. Happy New Year blessings to you!

  7. You've chosen a good word....dare. And it will mean a lot to you to think of it as you face new challenges and adventures this year. I'm still trying to decide on a word. Last year I chose Explore and that really described my year. Sweet hugs, Diane

  8. Good word! And no doubt you'll live up to it in 2015. I actually see a lot of daring in you, over the past few years of getting to know you through your blog. Love that outfit you've Dared to model for us -- what a good accompaniment to those great pictures of your granddaughters, the inspiration we can draw from children's openness. Happy New Year!

  9. I think that is a great word - I'm leaning towards "nothing" - as in how I spend my time, what I do and where I go. I want "nothing" to be my plan, and let things unfold as they will - no prodding or pushing - nothing - just living a day or an hour and getting to where I'm going - where ever that might be.

  10. What a big step to take, Lorrie.
    I have no doubt 2015 will prove to be a very interesting year!!

  11. "Do what is right, not what is easy" ... dare is good. Well said. Children sure can teach us a lot about unmitigated joy and pleasure in the moment. I'm seeking balance and harmony. But am also finding my voice for the things that are important. Living life with integrity and gratitude. Hugs and blessings, Tammy

  12. Excellent post and perfect pictures Lorrie! I can truly identify with a lot that you said here. May God bless you as you walk into uncharted waters this year!
    Blessings, Aimee

  13. Quelle bonne question... je n'y ai pas encore réfléchi. Ce sera ma tâche à accomplir pour ces prochains jours. Je te souhaite, ainsi qu'à ta famille, une très belle année 2015. Bises.

  14. That's a brave word, but one can also choose not to dare to do something, I guess!

  15. I like my Freedom and your Dare...they go well together, don't you think?
    Gros Bisous...and thank you for this lovely post.

  16. No special words here but I sure do love those pics and this post :)

  17. Love this post, Lorrie, and your courage to take on such a word. Love the way you presented and illustrated it, and yes, you look great!

  18. A beautiful post and photos! I don't know what I think on for the year ahead. I'm in a terrible rut that is holding me too tightly and I really need to get un-stuck but feel like I'm being pulled into it further. Not good. I'm happy for you though....that you will be daring this year. Blessings to you!

  19. A good choice Lorrie, especially when it's hard to step out of one's comfort zone. The word I chose is Grace, a trait I must work on.

  20. I love the photos you chose for this post, Lorrie, and the expressions on the faces of the little ones. It sounds like you have plenty of energy behind your word choice. I can't say I've chosen one word, but I do know I want to laugh more this year!


  21. Great word. I love my comfortable routines, too, and sometimes, we must just push beyond them . . . Isn't it wonderful what children can teach us? Blessings to you in 2015.

  22. That's a great word. I understand what you mean by the fact that you've pulled into yourself and are not being fully yourself. That has happened to me. But it is so important to be all God created you to be. Dare to TRUST Him with it all!


    ps - great outfit in your last photo - and those grand girlies are so cute!

  23. Great challenge Lorrie! I Dare you!

  24. Wonderful word for 2015, how daring of you to choose it! I haven't ever chosen a word before and am not one to make resolutions but am challenging myself to be more trustful of my creative muse when she calls on me to create something new.

  25. Great post, Lorrie! Your words and pics work so well together
    Like Barbara, I agree it is a brave word! It is going to make for an exciting year! You can dare to do large or small things, sometimes a small thing will turn events on an entirely different I say, exciting, creative. May the Holy Spirit illuminate your mind as to when and what to dare to do: I believe it is a wild and creative force of inspiration.

    I am commenting here, but loved your subsequent post too, Lorrie. That was a beautiful poem/ quote from a poem.

  26. I like the word you've chosen. It's a challenge that I know will take you to high places.
    Dare to trust! My word . . light ... I hope will challenge me to look for the light of Jesus,
    to walk in that light and to shine for His light. Happy New Year!

  27. Happy New Year, Lorrie!

    I admire you for choosing 'dare' as your new word, by which to inspire your actions this year, since, coincidentally, I've also considered this word, but haven't DARED to choose it yet, which in itself, should be more the reason to!

    All the very best, my friend!


  28. An excellent word for the year. I have every confidence that you will live up to it.


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