Wednesday, December 31, 2014

An End Before a Beginning

Here we are at the end of 2014. It's been a good year - we welcomed a darling grandson, Felix, enjoyed watching the Little Misses grow, celebrated my father's 80th birthday, spent time with family and friends and delighted in spending time together in God's beautiful creation. 

We arrived home via the ferry this afternoon, unpacked, bought a few groceries, and napped. This evening we're getting together with friends to welcome in the New Year. It will be a quiet get together, but not lacking in fun. 

For a photo collage of the year, I went through photos and picked out sewing and crafting projects. There weren't as many as I'd like to see and more sewing is one of my intentions for 2015. 

 Although our marking of time on calendars seems a little artificial to me at times, there is something appealing about a fresh start. Resolutions are rarely part of my New Year, but changing over to 2015 provides an opportunity for reflection on the past and intentions for the future. I'm thinking, pondering, dreaming, and hope to share some of those thoughts with you in the days to come.

Thank you for your visits, comments, emails and interactions in 2014. I'm looking forward to the same thing in 2015. Happy New Year!  


  1. Looking forward to seeing what 2015 unfolds for all of us! Blessings upon blessings are hoped for you and yours...

  2. Wishing you all the best for 2015 Lorrie!

    P.S. Love your new grandson's name. Sweet!

  3. Always a good visit here. I enjoy seeing your beautiful photography and learning about your corner. Your grands are adorable and your projects inspire me. I got all caught up with my Advent calendar today except for visiting the library...tomorrow's project! A wonderful 2015 to you and yours!

  4. All my wishes for a new year full of good things, and lots of sewing ! I'm going to try to do the same... the dinosaur is just so cute ! (did you do it or is it a project ?)
    And the hooded capes for the little misses, very nice !
    May 2015 hold lots of joy in store, for you and your loved ones.

  5. Although you aren't quite there yet, Happy New Year to you, Lorrie.May it be a peaceful and family orientated year.

  6. So nice to see your year in review, Lorrie! I hope you get to sew more, too. That is what I plan on doing today, as they say whatever you do on New Year's Day is what you'll do all year long.
    I thought of doing a year-end review but I only had 10 blog posts in 2014 (DH was sick) so I'm resolving to do more in 2015.
    Happy New Year!!

  7. Such a wonderful collage of 2014's best bits. Bonne année et bonne santé from Normandy !

  8. I never fail to be truly inspired by your wonderful images dear friend.
    Wishing you dear Lorrie and yours a joyously happy and healthy New Year!

  9. Neat idea for a year end review collage. I would feel a great sense of accomplishment to see all of these lovely finished projects.
    Wishing you happiness and good health in 2015.

  10. I hope some very good things are in store for you and your family, Lorrie!
    Looking forward to chatting with you more , across the miles : )
    God bless!

  11. Have a wonderful New Year! May it bring happiness and many lovely days. :) Kit

  12. A lovely mosaic Lorrie! Happy New Year xx

  13. Lorrie, I hope you have a fabulous 2015, with plenty of time for sewing projects! I'm hoping to be able to take on a few home "sprucing" projects.

  14. Happy New Year Lorrie! I have enjoyed getting to know you this year! I also am enjoying my Stillmeadow Calendar book! Thanks again!


  15. Lovely pictures, Lorrie, and I always enjoy reading your posts. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
    Helen xox

  16. Hi Lorrie, I enjoyed your year in review mosaic. Lots of good times for you to remember. Hope you have many blessings in this new year!

  17. All the best wishes for 2015 for you!

  18. Happy New Year to you, as well Lorrie! I'm so glad 2014 was a good year for you and your family, and I wish you happiness, good health, and prosperity in 2015.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  19. I'm glad 2014 was a good year for you and hope 2015 treats you just as well.
    Wishing you a pleasant new year.

  20. I joined you sometime mid- year and I have enjoyed your posts very much. We have much to look forward to. Happy New Year.

  21. Wishing you a New Year filled with joy, family and friends Lorrie, happy 2015!

  22. Although there weren't as many craft projects as you'd like to see, your collage makes my collection of projects look small! You amaze me with your ability to accomplish so much.

    A blessed New Year to you!

  23. Your sewing and crafting projects are all so beautiful, Lorrie!
    Wishing you and your family all the best for the year 2015!

  24. Blessings to you Lorrie on this New Year's Day!

  25. Happy New Year Blessings to you Lorrie~

  26. Intentions are exactly what I wrote about yesterday. :) Wishing you all the best in the new year. Tammy

  27. Happy New Year, Lorrie. Wishing you much joy!

  28. Happy New Year and look how many lovely projects were accomplished over the year! And in between there was life, love and laundry! :) :)


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