Friday, March 11, 2016

Five on Friday

I was one of those students who tried to hide a book on her lap and read in class while the teacher was talking. I thought I'd matured and was able to delay reading until the appropriate time. Not so. One morning this week I read the second to last chapter of The Lake House before going to school. Bad move. I couldn't leave it. I popped the book into my bag and after getting my classroom set up (computer logged in, screens working, handouts ready), I spent the last few minutes before the students arrived finishing the book. Ah. So satisfying!

The atmosphere in school was festive this afternoon for we now have two weeks off for spring break! Oh frabjous delight! In Home Ec, as a treat, we made these Chocolate Easter Egg nests.

Yesterday, this magazine arrived. I haven't opened it yet. I'm planning on settling down one afternoon with a cup of tea and immersing myself in reading. 

There's a long, long list of what I'd like to accomplish over spring break - things like scrubbing the kitchen floor and painting the bedroom. Gardening. Sewing. Reading. One thing I hope and plan to do is spend time walking on the beach, or in the forest. Getting outside. AND of course, there will be time with the family. 

Right now I'm mellowing into a happy, relaxed puddle in front of the fire, cup of tea to hand. Hooray for spring break! 

Linking to Five on Friday hosted by Amy of Love Made My Home. 


  1. Oh Lorrie, you are well and truly working full time when you can write in such a heartfelt manner about two weeks off! I hope you get to tick off each and every item on your spring break wish list. I've just had an email from Ivy's Books to let me know that my UK Country Living is in. Bliss!

  2. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Hooray for Spring Break! I hope you will feel relaxed and refreshed before you return to school. Those little bird nests are too cute!

  3. Your list is wonderful! Loved that book and can understand finishing it at school. Love, love sea glass! Now I must stop at the store tomorrow for that magazine. I don't have a subscription, but love picking it up often. Yes, I made those bird nests when my children were small. I think your favorites here would be mine also.

  4. So nice you are getting that break! Read away. The book looks so good and the title rings a bell. I'll look for it The nests look so sweet. All of my little relatives are going away for the holiday so I have no one to make cute little desserts and treats for!! Next year!

    Happy Weekend, Lorrie!


  5. Hurray for spring break indeed!

    Enjoy every minute!

  6. Hurray hurray for spring break!!! And I must make those chocolate easter nests- it has been so long since I made them that I forgot all about them. Do enjoy your time off.

  7. Nice to read a book you can't put down! Your plans for spring break sound wonderful. Long walks in nature are so restorative. Enjoy your week! xo Karen

  8. The joy of a book you can't put down. Have a wonderful Spring break, hope the weather is kind for you.

  9. Oh I remember that relaxing puddle when you first break up! Enjoy your magazine. I've just made the spiced Easter biscuits from it and they were super easy and delicious. I loved the Lake House and can well understand your little bit of furtive reading. Enjoy your holiday. B xx

  10. How we used to long for those breaks, no marking, no planning, just time to do the things that mattered! Enjoy every moment.

  11. I just requested the book, Lorrie...thanks for the recommendation!
    I hope you enjoy your spring break. You've certainly earned one & I hope you have nice weather so you can get out & enjoy it. Don't work too hard inside...that painting will wait!
    We woke to frost & freezing temps again today after 2 really nice 60º-70º days. *sigh*

  12. I must check out that book. I have read a few of her books and thoroughly enjoyed them. I don't think I've read this one though.
    The little Easter egg nests are so adorable and an ideal way to celebrate Spring break.
    Your break sounds well deserved and also well planned. Enjoy!

  13. Kate Morton's The Secret Keeper was that sort of book for me! I think I'll put The Lake House on my summer reading list. Right now as we are preparing to move is not the time to get caught up in a book I can't put down! :)

    I can feel your enthusiasm for spring break. Enjoy!

  14. Those Chocolate Easter Egss are too cute! Hope you have a fun and productive spring break!

  15. I was shocked to find out just this morning that the clocks switch at midnight and we lose a precious hour. Now I have to learn it's spring break as well?! My, the year's rushing along -- and with your very busy term, you'll finally get to catch up a bit. I hope you're careful about not launching yourself too quickly into the floor-scrubbing and bedroom-painting. Sounds as if time with a few good books and choice magazines deserves priority!

  16. I lose myself in books too and though I really like Kate Morton and can't wait to read a new book by her, I found The Lake House a bit disappointing and the ending rather rushed. Felt like she was trying to stuff too much into it.

  17. Anonymous7:53 AM

    2 weeks for Spring break...that's fabulous. I'm sure you'll make the most of your time. Those Easter nests look yummy. Have a leisurely weekend!

  18. Yes Spring Break was always. Something I looked forward to but in the days I taught I looked forward to a 500 mile drive from snow and ice to your beautiful island. You have a long list of things on your to do list but I am sure you will get to most of them. Spring days a re wonderful energy boosters. I have recently discovered Kate Morton and understand why that book just had to go to school with you. Happy Spring break

  19. Going to put this book on my "reserve at the library" list.

    Candy looks where did I hide that bag of dark chocolate from my diabetic husband? :)

  20. Any break coming up I used to plan “doing nothing”, just “resting” and enjoying myself.
    Of course, things did get done but only those I felt like doing, the ones that gave me pleasure.

    Happy spring break to you! I’m always on a break. (Well, you could call it a break).

  21. Two whole weeks?! How lovely...must you really paint the bedroom? You can tell that painting is not my favorite thing.

  22. Two weeks sounds wonderful and you have a lot of hopes and a good balance of down time too. It must be cold there is you are sitting by a fire! 80 degrees here today, a little too warm I'd say!

  23. A girl after my own heart. So many wonderful things to do. Do you find yourself getting impatient with people who say, "I'm so bored". I just can't understand that frame of mind. I really can't.

  24. Yes, when we're buried in a good book, it's hard to put it down. I've read on past midnight at times because I just didn't want to stop. Two weeks off from school will be a nice reprieve, time for catching up at home, and of course on some reading.

  25. I love Kate Morton...her books are some of my favorites. And it's nice to have a good magazine to read and get ideas from. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  26. Walking, reading a favourite magazine, more time with the family and even catching up with some household chores sounds good when you've got a Spring Break. Enjoy your time off!

  27. What a lovely post and Five super things. I used to read on my lap during lessons too when I could get away with it. I've enjoyed a few Kate Morton books but haven't read this one yet. Hope you have a wonderful Spring break it sounds as if it is going to be great fun:)

  28. Sounds like you've had a lovely time full of delights. Enjoy Spring break. I look forward to more of your beautiful photos.

  29. They are five great things with a lovely Easter feel. I hope you fit in everything you have planned during your break xx

  30. I love that you are still reading in school!! Your seaglass is very pretty. Thank you for joining Five On Friday, sorry to be so late visiting you. I hope that you had a great weekend and will have a great week! xx

  31. My guess is that teachers love Spring Break as much as students. Thank you for the book idea. I'm with Patsy... no time to be bored.


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