Friday, March 18, 2016

Five on Friday

"There's nothing like staying at home for real comfort" (Jane Austen)

There was some discussion about a trip during spring break. In the end, we decided to stay home. Tim is taking this week off work as he has some vacation days to use up. Here are some things I've been thinking about this week.

I'm realizing how much fun it can be to stay home. We're accomplishing necessary chores around the house and yard, and taking time for outings (such as our trip to Botanical Beach, and to Butchart Gardens).

I'm enjoying the delight of puttering. Filling a sink full of hot soapy water, plunging dishes and ornaments under the bubbles and washing away the grime yields a fresh appearance to things on display. Then there's the fun of rearranging. 

I'm thinking, thankfully, that there's still a creative spark in my soul. I wondered if perhaps my creative mojo had disappeared into just looking and not doing. Not so. But I'm also realizing that I have only so much energy and time, and teaching means that most of those two commodities are expended in school-related work.

I've admired moss wreaths for awhile and this week I made one. I bought the square wire frame, lined it with a plastic bag cut into strips, filled it with a little dirt and then collected moss from the stone retaining walls and shady garden patches. I wrapped clear fishing line around the wreath to hold all the moss in place. For now I've tucked in a few branches of forsythia, but I'm planning to get a few faux flowers. A quick and satisfying project.

I'm thinking about the restorative powers of nature. After our day trip to the west coast yesterday, I slept like a baby, although I did have waves crashing in for awhile before falling asleep. The Stellar's Jay above watched us carefully while we snacked at a picnic table before driving home. His feathers are all fluffed up because of the cold. I just love his colours and coincidentally, they reflect much of what's in my own closet. Blue. Grey. Black.

I'm thinking about Easter next weekend and I've set out a few things like this trio of ceramic eggs from Ecuador, given to me by a good friend many years ago.

Linking to Five on Friday hosted by Amy of Love Made My Home.  


  1. Your wreath is so attractive, Lorrie. I've never thought about having a square one, but it looks very chic.

  2. I love the wreath, I have never come across a square one before, it is delightful. Love the ceramic eggs.

  3. I hear you about the stay cation and just puttering, doing simple things at home. I get refreshed making the smallest changes or improvements in fact working on a post on that very topic. Your wreath looks lovely--I've never seen one like that but it does look quite smart on your door.

  4. You've accomplished some lovely things this week, Lorrie. Your dish arrangements are beautiful and I love your square wreath - so simple, yet very unique. Your bowl of ceramic eggs is wonderful. Now I need to scroll down and see your previous posts that I somehow missed. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend with a little sunshine. The sun is shining here and I am soaking it in! xo Karen

  5. You're right about staying home on those breaks. It is a time to get things done around the house, inside and out, and also to take little day trips. I love the photo of the Stellar's Jay. Such a beautiful colouring it has. Did you paint your china hutch yourself? I really like it. I've been tempted to paint ours but it means the table and chairs would need it too and that is a lot of work. :) I hope you have a lovely weekend. We're dipping into the freezer again after such a mild stretch then a huge blizzard on Monday. At least we know it will be spring!

  6. Glad you had a lovely time enjoying your week at home, it sounds wonderful! I love that trio of eggs, and your wreath is fantastic, I really like the square shape!! Very lovely. Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, hope you have a good weekend and a good Easter! xx

  7. Those stay-at-home vacations are sometimes the best ones, aren't they? That photo is great and I love your wreath, too. Love these 5 on Friday posts. xo Diana

  8. You seem to have spent some nice relaxing time at home. Your dishes on display look lovely ... I like the stacked teacups. Such a pretty shot of the jay! Enjoy the rest of the holiday/weekend.

  9. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Lorrie, your wreath is beautiful! I've never made a moss one before and I don't know where I'd start! I love staying home with an occasional visit to the grandchildren. ♥

  10. I need creativity. but don't always make the time for it.

    I like your wreath, very springy.

    I'm not sure we can do staycations at this point in our lives. My hubby would have a hard time not working, though we've done it if we have a project to work on for the week.

  11. I find a day of puttering quite relaxing myself and your shelf cleaning/arranging looks nice. Of course I checked out the teapots first off.
    The one day a week or so ago when I was able to be outside for a couple of hours tidying, I passed out early from all the fresh air.

  12. I found that my vacation expectations have changed over the years. I used to love jetting off to exotic locales, but now prefer staycations, puttering around and exploring what my little corner of the world has to offer.

  13. Hi Lorrie,

    Your photos are always so good. :) I love your open shelving (beautiful filigree metal brackets) and I love your china hutch. Such pretty pieces displayed there, too. You did a great job on your moss wreath, and I know what you mean about the creative spark. Sigh. The Stellar Jay is an interesting bird! Do you have Bluejays there on Vancouver Island? That's what we have here in North Carolina, along with eastern bluebirds.

    I'm glad you've enjoyed spring break; there are many times when I , too, enjoy just staying home and puttering. :) Visiting from Five on Friday; hope you have a great weekend.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  14. There is something about talking our pretty things down and giving them a good bath. And certainly teaching zaps one's energy I dare say quicker than some other professions. While it isn't physically all that challenging, it certainly does drain us mentally. Sometimes staying home is the best therapy.

  15. The line that resonated with me is "the delight of puttering". That is one of the things I love most about retirement.

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my post.

  16. Your ceramic eggs are just gorgeous and such a beautiful colour. I love the Steller's Jay, so different from our jay's here in the UK. xx

  17. It's very therapeutic washing and rearranging ornaments. Just what you need after the stress of the term. Your door hanger is inspired and I love your pretty blue eggs. Have a great weekend. B x

  18. Five lovely things. It is good to stay home sometimes and just get things done whilst enjoying trips out. The beach sounds lovely and the colours in the Stellar's Jay and your beautiful ceramic eggs are wonderful. Like your moss wreath too. Have a great weekend:)

  19. Teaching does take up a lot of time and energy so I'm happy for you and all the teachers out there that are taking a well-deserved break. Pottering at home is a good restorative and you have the pleasure of some days out too. Looking forward to seeing photos of your trips to the gardens. Your photos in the past have looked amazing. I love the beginnings of your mossy wreath. Enjoy your rest, the beauty around you and precious moments with your loved ones.

  20. What a beautiful and inspiring post, Lorrie!
    The moss wreath is really lovely, but nothing can beat the fabulous blue of the last two photos.
    Have a great weekend!

  21. Anonymous4:53 AM

    It sounds like you had a lovely stacation. Handsome Bluejay, the wreath is lovely, and the eggs are gorgeous. Happy weekend. :-)

  22. I love that wreath ..l miss seeing forsythia here in the subtropics, so I'm glad you posted before you replaced it! A Staycation is a wonderful thing, especially when you live in such a beautiful area as you do!

  23. So much to comment on Laurie.
    I like your shelf and hutch rearrangements, the beautiful Jay and Ecuadorian eggs!
    I'm so glad you had a break and time to enjoy home.
    PS Love the wreath too!

  24. soothing & serene! I admire your restraint in decorating, Lorrie & the colors you use are just beautiful.
    Enjoy your time have surely earned it!

  25. Staying home always feels good, we have to make ourselves get up and go places. We don't have stellar jays here, what a cutie he is.

  26. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Staycations are very nice indeed! Looks like you've filled it with a great variety of fun and chores. Wonderful photo of the jay! Happy to enjoy your creative gifts with my eyes!

  27. What lovely photos. I like the wreath.

  28. A gorgeous five Lorrie, especially your wreath and the eggs. I've just started to do my Easter decorating getting ready for next week. Have a wonderful Sunday and week ahead pottering around :) xx

  29. I agree - staying home is a wonderful thing sometimes. We had decided this week to have what we call a "bum weekend" - getting our weekly chores done early - then spending the weekend doing just whatever comes to mind - relaxing and enjoying the slow life. Then this morning we headed for the garden center - picked up some flowers and spent the rest of the day working hard at spring cleanup in the garden - planting the new flowers and really enjoying the hard work. It was what we wanted to do - and we are glad to be able to do it. Enjoy the rest of your time off - whatever you plan. Love the photos - that Jay is stunning. And your dishes are great - I too love to wash up the dishes and put them back all shiny and bright.

  30. I love the blue and black combinations. It's also lovely to see a bird reflective of your country.

  31. If any creative spurts happen here, I hope that they are as nifty as yours. I love that wreath.

  32. How I'd love to visit Butchart Gardens again. There's a restaurant there where I want to have lunch, but when you're on a tour, there's never time.

    I rubbed the boar's nose and wished for another visit, so maybe it will happen. When I moved back to Missouri, I found there's an identical boar in Kansas City. I think the one in Spain was the original. Seville? Madrid? Can't remember.


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Spring Prelude

  Fine rain fell as I walked through Butchart Gardens with a friend this morning. Signs of spring are popping out everywhere. Witch Hazel ha...