Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Monday

Easter. The defining event for Christians around the globe. We gathered, 11 of us, after church, for dinner, for an egg hunt, and for a birthday celebration. 

On the table I used a vintage cloth from my mother-in-law with a yellow center and sprawling vines of yellow and pink flowers. The cake was demolished by the end of the day. Sunny skies belied the rather chill breeze, but that didn't seem to matter to the young ones who stayed outdoors as long as they could. 

Monday morning. Another blue sky day. I took Tim (since it's his birthday today) and our Vancouver-based kids out for breakfast at The Pier Bistro. Small, but with a fantastic view of the water, the sun-warmed restaurant was a cozy place to enjoy Eggs Benny and chat over coffee and tea.

A recent conversation with a five-year-old:

me: What's on Sunday?
5-year-old: Easter. And Easter egg hunt.
me: And Grandpa's birthday party. Do you know how old he will be?
5-year-old: No.
me: 60.
five-year-old: 60? .... That's pretty close to 100.

We've been giggling about that for a couple of days now,
even Grandpa!

Some places around here are warmer than others. My tulips aren't blooming yet, but these, along the water in Sidney (where we ate breakfast), are full and bright. The weather forecast is for a sunny, warm week - just in time to go back to school. Sigh. It's been a lovely break. What do you have planned for this week?

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Judith of Lavender Cottage Garden. 


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Oh you have me laughing, too. Yikes and I just turned 65 so it's ok for me to laugh...yes? It's so much fun to talk to kids. Sounds like you are enjoying your Easter Monday just right!

  2. Your photos are so neat. I love the conversation you had with your five year old. Looks like a very happy Easter weekend. Your mosaic is lovely too and those flowers are gorgeous! Those tulips are a lovely vibrant color. I would like to invite you to join my Today’s Flowers Meme. No pressure but thanks for considering, and just in case the address is:

  3. Laurie
    A beautiful Easter table, Lorrie. And I bet it was so fun watching the children gather there eggs. Happy Birthday to Tim. Oh my, I'm so thankful 60 isn't really close to 100 though. Kids say the cutest things!

  4. Oh dear! 60 is close to 100? Kids do say the funniest things!

  5. These are wonderful photos Lorrie. They show some very special times with your family. Happy Birthday to Tim (I may have already said that). You have some beautiful areas to enjoy a lunch (or breakfast) on the waterfront. That was a really sweet conversation, and I hope Tim wasn't feeling too old after hearing it! I used to write down the funny things my kids would say. Then I typed them all up and gave them to the grandparents as a gift.

  6. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Lorrie, I love tulips! Happy Easter Monday! Your vintage tablecloth is beautiful! Love the picture of the family around the cake! They look like they are in awe!

  7. The vintage tablecloth and bouquet of flowers marry nicely for a spring looking Easter table. Happy Birthday to your hubby, a pleasant milestone but nowhere near 100. :-)
    It must have been nice overlooking the water for breakfast, and sunshine to brighten the day....

  8. Isn't it a treat to take out a beautiful old tablecloth, iron it and smooth it onto the table? I didn't use an old cloth at Easter, but I often do so, and think of Mum or my mother-in-law ironing it so many years ago.
    Sixty is closer to 100 than it is to 1!! Our grandchildren think that we are very old too. I tell them that I am as wiser as an old owl. They are young enough to believe me.
    The four-day weekend went all to quickly. Tomorrow I will be back to work for the rest of the week. I was smart enough to adjust my week though, shifting my weekly visit out to William Head to another day - it's a good idea to ease back in....slowly....

  9. I love little peeks at the world through the eyes of a 5-year-old. :)

    Your table was lovely and your celebration(s) sound oh-so-special. Resurrection Sunday is indeed a glorious day! Happy birthday to your hubby, too!

  10. Obviously, your grand is rounding up, way up! Ha! The things they say. What a fun time for the entire family both on Easter and today out for breakfast with those beautiful sunny views. No tulips, not even daffodils, here yet.

  11. Children have a odd sense about time and age, don't they? Was your husband's birthday on the 27th as is my oldest daughter's? She didn't make it to Easter dinner, so we celebrated it last weekend and the cake went home with her. Your mosaic is wonderful, rich with color and beautiful flowers. Have a nice week.

  12. Ha-ha! Kids really have no concept of age. When I was teaching 4 year olds many years ago, I asked them how old they thought I was and the numbers ranged anywhere from 20 something to 100. So funny! Looks like a lovely celebration and gorgeous weather. My son is on Spring Break this week but ever since the full moon, we've had dusty, windy, dreary, rainy weather. Best wishes for the rest of your week, with April just around the corner. Hard to believe.

  13. You had a joyful Easter. The tulips are stunning!

  14. A beautiful mosaic of your Easter Sunday Lorrie.
    Your precious table cloth with memories of covering another table on earlier Easters in Tim's family. In years to come I imagine it will be used in one of your children's homes for this special day too.
    I love the questions are grandies ask - so sweet!
    You had a lovely family weekend.

  15. Grandchildren are so funny at times! Glad to know that 60 is nearly 100, what does that make 70?!

  16. Sounds like a wonderful holiday weekend. Gotta live the thoughts on 60! This is my 60th year too and now I know what it really means....

  17. Hello, Lorrie! Happy belated Birthday to you hubby! It does sound like you had a lovely Easter weekend. Pretty mosaic and images. Since I will be turning 60 this year, I have to say it is no where near 100. Enjoy your new week ahead!

  18. Belated Birthday wishes to your hubby. Your grandchild really did make me laugh, nearly 100, whew! Looks like a wonderful family celebration.

  19. Good Morning Lorrie,

    What precious joy and chuckles from your grandchild. I can only imagine how old we must seem to these young eyes.

    Birthday wishes to your husband and wishes to you for a great week ahead.

  20. I really enjoyed seeing your MIL's beautiful tablecloth & the color combination of the purple hyacinth with those yellow daffs is just breathtaking! Scream "Easter" to me!
    Lovely photos of the water & tulips but the grandchild's comment on Tim's age made me smile the most. LOL

  21. How wonderful your Easter was! Enjoy the rest of the week! My very best!

  22. Anonymous9:54 AM

    It sounds and looks like you had a marvelous holiday(s) weekend. :-) I remember once when I was around 50+ a corporate lawyer referred to me as 'relatively youthful.' Maybe your hubby can adopt that philosophy. It worked for me for several years. Now, I know better. :-)

  23. A lovely Easter and birthday celebration! I love the beautiful table cloth and the flowers in the centre are perfect. Sixty is getting pretty close to 100 eh? lol Little kids are so cute and their concept of time is quite funny. I hope you have a good week back at school.

  24. gotta love 'em! It sounds like you had a great weekend of celebrations. The vintage spring tablecloth is just lovely too!

  25. As always lovely photos, Very pretty flowers. Children are wonderful the things they say, I will always remember our grandsons telling their grand-dad who they affectionately call 'Pops' that he was very old, now they are young men. they say 'You're not old Pops', and he smiles as he's now 76.

  26. Sounds like a great time for all! 'Close to 100' is really quite accurate, isn't it!!!

  27. Out of the mouth of babes! 60 is the new 100! Your photos capture the joy of Easter, birthdays and spring beautifully.

  28. Guess that is pretty close to 100 when you are so young. Lovely photos - and wonderful weather. We had rain most of the day on Easter - then sunny starting yesterday.

  29. Hahaha! "pretty close to 100". (some days it may feel like it!)

  30. I just turned 60 a couple of weeks ago. It's nice to know I'm "close to 100" now!
    Enjoyed your post.

  31. Sounds like a lovely Easter! Love the beautiful photos - oh, that beautiful blue sky! We are finally getting some sunshine here....Yes, being 60 does sometimes feel close to 100. Especially after a day of weeding! Out of the mouths of babes.....x K

  32. Your birthday and Easter celebration sounds just wonderful. Love the location of your Monday morning breakfast too. Our tulips are just beginning to bloom. Have a good week back at work. I am just doing the normal things: exercising at the gym, sipping tea in the morning, computer guy trying to figure out why I can't use my printer after he worked on my computer, dreaming of traveling, and off to a sheep farm with Desmond to see the babies.

  33. Happy Birthday to your husband!

    I love multi-day celebrations!

  34. Out of the mouths of babes! Love that! Happy birthday to your hubby. Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration...birthday and Easter all rolled into one. The cake looked amazing!

  35. I love the tablecloth! And the conversation with your granddaughter! Happy significant birthday to your hubby.

  36. Ok I just cracked up at the 60 close to 100 statement ! :)


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