Sunday, April 24, 2016


Things have been hectic for both of us recently. A mini-vacation seemed to be in order, and what better place to relax than on the water. Tim readied the boat and I haphazardly threw food together and off we went, to Tod Inlet for two nights. 

The photo is of our little boat in the inlet, taken from shore. I played with the watercolour options in Photoshop Elements to get the above effect.

As we ate dinner on Friday night (salads and roasted chicken courtesy of our local grocer's), I looked around and wondered where Tim had stowed the blankets. 

Hmmm. Seems like we'd forgotten them. What to do? Return to the launch, unhook the trailer from the truck and one of us return to town? That would take a long time and we'd be boating and finding anchorage in the dark. Another thought - the entrance to Butchart Gardens was a short dinghy ride and walk away - would our son be willing to give up some of his Friday night to bring us our bedding? Yes, he was. Wonderful son! 

We were VERY grateful for the quilts as the nights are still chilly. 

The woods around Tod Inlet are full of bluebells. A few lilac bushes stand alongside old drives and the remnants of house foundations. Apple trees are in flower, another reminder of days gone by when the inlet was a bustling community.

Lunches are simple affairs. The jar holds a peppery tomato jam that I made last summer and is a wonderful accompaniment to bread, cheese, sausage and vegetables.

These pilings are all that's left of the busy dock that once stood here. The tall ones are now homes for purple martins, and in the evening they swoop and chatter, possibly relating the events of the day before going in for the night.

We, too, are home again, the laundry is sloshing away, and all is ready for another week of work. Two days of reading, paddling, and walking might not seem like much, but I feel rested and raring to go! 

Do you take mini-vacations? What restores your mental and physical energy? 


  1. Sounds like a fun way to spend the weekend.
    Those chickens and salads are perfect for the boat on a Friday night as there are usually leftovers for the next day too...makes it easy to have a relaxing time not cooking too.
    Hooray for your son! He saved the day!

  2. A mini-vacation is a great idea. It can 'tide you over' when things get hectic. Sometimes life can seem over full and a time out can be a very good thing.

  3. A mini-vacation is a great idea. It can 'tide you over' when things get hectic. Sometimes life can seem over full and a time out can be a very good thing.

  4. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Whew! Good thing son was able and ready to come to your rescue! Looks like a wonderful mini vaca was just what the doctor ordered. I love those kinds of lunches, too. Glad you got away and didn't freeze!

  5. Sounds like a taste of heaven, Lorrie, your mini-vacation. What a blessing to be able to pick up and go just a short distance and enter into rest.

  6. mini vacations/short breaks or what ever we call our relaxing time, are always good for the body & soul. Thankfully your son was near enough to come to the rescue with some bedding for the cold night. We too have just had a few days away at the coast, a great tonic for us living in the heart of the country, we both miss the sea, after always living near to the coast and especially Mr France who was in the merchant navy, & used to take our son sailing.

  7. A little break is very good for one, I think. I know that in the past when we have taken a couple of days away it has made a huge difference to one's well being. What a good thing your son was so close, it would have been a cold night without blankets.

  8. Your mini-vacation sounds like a little bit of heaven. After reading your post it made me thing we all need a boat! Sounds like leaving the blankets behind just added to your adventure. Love it!

    This weekend I've planned a retreat for myself just to refill my own cup and I can't wait. I'll be sure to post about it when I get home.

  9. Glad you could get away and your son came to the rescue! A little time away can do wonders can't it? I even feel refreshed after just a day away, such as a back road drive out of town. Have a good week.

  10. Just to have a change of scenery, and a beautiful one at that, is so important when life gets complicated.
    Lovely pix of the scenery and healthy food!
    Hope all is well this week as we head toward the end of yet another month. . . . . . and closer to our big travels!
    Hugs - Mary

  11. ow wonderful to have the facility to be abl to just pop off like that. Looks ideal and serene. Glad you got your blankets and benefited from the break.

  12. Well, that seems like my kind of vacation! What a wonderful son you have to rescue you from the cold. Your lunch looks absolutely scrumptious :)

  13. We just took one too, though it was a full weekend of visiting dear friends. Late nights, but we never were rushed nor did we have to be anywhere, was refreshing, and needed.

    Glad you got away. What fun to spend a few days on a boat!

  14. My dear Lorrie, your mini vacation sounded absolutely delightful! Those times can be so refreshing and just what we need :)

    Have a lovely week. Hugs!

  15. It looks idyllic...especially that first photo. And now your delicious lunch has me craving lunch! :)

  16. It sounds wonderful, a true mini vacation with nature restoring your spirits, idyllic.

  17. Sounds wonderful! Very nice of your son to oblige. We all need little breaks to recharge. An overnight to Dubai is our quick fix (even if business is involved).

  18. It's nice that you can pack up the boat and get away for a couple of days of relaxation Lorrie. Your lunch is something I'd put out too, it looks delicious.
    Back to your routine but at least refreshed - enjoy the rest of the week!

  19. What impromptu mini-vacation! I'm sure you came home refreshed and raring to go!

  20. It does a world of good. We feel revived when we take a day trip and come home with photos and lots to talk about. I hope you have a wonderful week! Hugs, Diane

  21. I suspect we'll do more of this when we consolidate our lives down into own home. . . I'm really looking forward to that. Your photos, as usual, are gorgeous!

  22. What a wonderful mini-vacation. How very special. I always think we should do it, but most often we just take a day trip when needed. When we really want to get away for that mini time we rent a room at the beach. I had to smile at the blanket story and so glad your son brought them to you. Brrrr! That would have been so cold.

  23. How simply wonderful and romantic for you and Tim to take a mini vacation, to get away from it all. Your son was very thoughtful to bring bedding, Lorrie. Your lunch looks so colorful, easy and perfect for keeping it simple. The jam sounds delish!
    p.s. Loved your photos, too!

  24. Vacations are very important and I am so glad that you have your getaway on the water. Busy people need them! (Alas. No vacations. My entire life is a staycation.)

  25. What a beautiful place for a getaway, glad you enjoyed it!

  26. The lovely picture of your boat encapsulates your mini vacation. It is good to have a break away from all the demands at home that are constantly beckoning to us. Bless your son for coming to your blanket rescue.

  27. The lovely picture of your boat encapsulates your mini vacation. It is good to have a break away from all the demands at home that are constantly beckoning to us. Bless your son for coming to your blanket rescue.

  28. No mini vacations here right now but yours sounds so peaceful. The boating I think would just be the best!


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