Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Floral Bliss in a Large Garden

Since I didn't seem to be accomplishing too much at home this afternoon, I decided to take my camera to Butchart Gardens. En route, while waiting to turn left, I glanced at the car to my right and encountered a friend. A quick chat and Sandi met me at the gardens for a stroll. 

This is, of course, the time of year when many, many people from all over the world visit the gardens. I enjoy mingling with the crowds and hearing all the different languages. Everyone, it seems, loves flowers.

Bees, of course, thrive on flowers. The dahlias are just beginning to bloom and this particular bee is very happy about that.

A richly coloured Black-eyed Susan (I think) grew in a raised bed at my eye level. Blue eyes met Black eyes..

Every rose bush is blooming with colour. I particularly like the pink of the Frederic Mistral rose above.

The Butchart's home (now a tea-house and restaurant) seen from the Rose Garden.

Arches in the Rose Garden are appropriately covered with roses, great sprawling bunches of them.

For more wonderful floral photos, visit Floral Bliss, a link up hosted by Riitta in Finland.


  1. The 'bunches' of rose are fantastic looking like readymade bouguets fit for a bridal party - do you know the name of the first cream coloured flower?

    1. I believe it's a lantana, Rosemary.

  2. The flower in your first photo is stunning <3 I don't recognise it, pelargonium? And the 'rose bunches' in the last are a wow! Thank you for sharing Lorrie - have a great day.

    1. I think it's a lantana, Riitta.

  3. Yes, I too wondered about the first flower.
    I can never achieve photography like that with my little Canon. Every petal on the flowers is so sharp. Beautiful photos, Lorrie.

    1. I'm very happy with the macro lens I was gifted for Christmas a year or so ago. And I think that flower is a lantana. They usually come in bright colours that remind me of the Fruit Loop cereal. This is more subdued.

  4. Always a joy to go to the gardens with you, but the flowers to seem to be especially beautiful in these photos!

  5. Butchart Gardens looks like a gorgeous place to visit. Loved your photos.Have a great week.

  6. Have been there twice -- and would love to go again! Such a beautiful place!

  7. A beautiful place to walk and a friend to share it with--can't beat that!

  8. What a perfect place. Those pink roses look wonderful. Definitely would enjoy a visit to their tea garden :). B x

  9. Oh...my...Your photos literally took my breath away! Those blossoms are truly glorious!

    Thank you for sharing :) Hugs to you!

  10. How nice to have this beautiful escape garden so close. :)

  11. Dreamy photography. Do you know what the first pale, buttery yellow flower is?

  12. Lorrie, I love your style of photography. I'm left feeling I was eye to eye with those flowers myself! Must visit Butchart Gardens again one day.

  13. PS Was able to open my current giveaway to readers from Canada and Europe as well as US, so I thought of you.

  14. A perfect place to spend an afternoon away from home. Love all the flower photos. Where there are flowers, there the bees will be too. I am now following you and invite you to follow me too. Have a beautiful day!

  15. it was a long time since I visited a rose garden. We don´t have any in my town. To bad, it is beautiful to visit. :)

  16. Liebe Lorrie,
    ein ganz wundervoller Garten. Es ist ein Ort zum Träumen und glücklich sein!
    Alles Liebe

  17. Oh...so pretty!!

  18. I'm smiling at the nice German note. It surely is a dream garden and it's been way to long since I've seen it. So nice you could meet up with a friend without planning it.

  19. Wow, this looks like a wonderful place for a quiet walk and awesome photos! Great flowers!

  20. A garden, a camera and a friend - my idea of a perfect summer afternoon.

  21. Such beautiful scenes! Glad you took the time . . . and shared . . .

  22. Such great photos Lorrie, will be there mid August..I am sure different flowers will be blooming..how lucky we are to have such a treasure in BC! Xo

  23. Beautiful pictures.
    The lantana I know, but the bunches of pink roses?

  24. Such pretty flowers! Your images would make great cards!

  25. Truly beautiful floral bliss, I so enjoyed seeing all the gorgeous flowers.

    All the best Jan


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