Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Home Keeping

I love teaching, and I also love puttering at home. Balancing the two takes effort. Summers are wonderful times to do the things I don't have the time or energy for in other seasons. 

Tea on the patio with raspberry scones felt like a luxury. I'm planning to do more of this.

On the last day of our boating trip, we met these sweet faces (and their father - their mother was working) at the dock and took them to Sidney Island for a few hours. They were quite intrigued with the little dinghy bobbing along behind the boat. I suggested a little rowing excursion. This is a new-to-us dinghy and the oars are MUCH longer than the old ones. I'm having a hard time getting coordinated and our trail through the water looks quite wobbly. One of my passengers inquired why we were going so slowly! I thought I was doing well just to get back to the boat!

Anyone want kale? The garden is producing mountains of it. I'm thinning the plants and making kale chips (no substitute at all for potato chips), kale gratin, kale salad, etc. I asked our neighbour if he would like some and the answer was an emphatic "no!" 

My parents grew a large garden in my younger years and as I shelled those few peas in the container above, I thought about shelling peas as a child. My father put up the old canvas camping tent and we used it for shade while shelling. I've decided that frozen peas are just fine and I won't be growing peas anymore.  

Our temperatures are pleasant - they could be a wee bit warmer for my liking, but I'm particular, according to Tim. Eating outside makes a simple meal almost party-like. 

Making bouquets from the garden is another luxury. The lace cap hydrangea bush is finally doing something after poking along for a couple of years. I look around to see what's doing well and cut a few stems, then plunk everything together - in this case, roses and asters.

Trying out new recipes is fun, especially when they are as easy as this one. I saw it on Madonna's blog Make Mine Lemon, and adapted the flavours a little. Well, a lot, because I wanted to use what I had. And it was delicious!

A couple of years ago Tim and I made a little tent for one of the grandchildren. We just finished another one for a little man who's been requesting one. He'll be coming over to spend the day tomorrow and will see it then. 

En route to Cabbage Island on our boating trip last week, we spent a night in Bedwell Harbour. The resort there is a lovely place for a getaway - we've gone in early spring and thoroughly enjoyed it. The way it glowed in the setting sun is magical. 

The light also reminds me of the precarious situation that many residents of our province are facing with wildfires. One of my cousins has been evacuated from her home, and many are on alert. Over 400 square kilometres of land has been scorched, and 14,000 people displaced from their homes. A state of emergency has been called. Several homes have burned to the ground. The Island is not affected, but there is concern everywhere. This situation came about very suddenly as the temperatures rose and dry lightning strikes lit the dry forests. We are all praying for heavy rain with no lightning. 


  1. I knew I'd love this post just from the title, Lorrie. What we do in our free time-slow time, is so necessary for our happiness. Spending it with wee ones, finding new adventures, enjoying cut flowers and outdoor meals...it just doesn't get any better than that!

    So sorry to hear about the wildfires. The are scary and sad. My son was involved in one when he lived in San Diego. We were on pins and needles. I'm praying for rain for all of you.

    Jane x

  2. Love the photos of the flowers and veggies! Glad you are enjoying the days of summer.

  3. So lovely summer photos - and delicious too. I enjoyed. Wishing you a lovely week Lorrie.

  4. I agree with you 'frozen peas are just fine' but I do enjoy eating them straight from the pod.
    The photo of Bedwell Harbour in the setting sun looks enticing - what a lovely place and setting.

  5. What lovely photos. Your flower arrangement is just the kind I prefer natural looking and so beautiful. I love kale and we eat it a lot in the winter months as a green vegetable though I did once try making chips with it but like you wasn't too impressed! I love podding peas as it is a kind of meditation and takes me back to childhood but we rarely grow many so I do use the frozen variety too.

  6. Glad you are enjoying life out and about! Your garden is obviously producing lots of lovely produce, but I hope that the kale slows down for you as it sounds as though it is a bit much! Hope that all will be well for your cousin and everyone else affected by the fires, it is so sad isn't it.

  7. Kale is not a favourite here, though I know it is supposed to be full of goodness.
    I am keeping up with the fire news through my daughter who tells me the atmosphere in VC is smoky.
    Your flowers look so pretty, that is the best way with a bunch from the garden...allow them to arrange themselves.

  8. I'd love the Kale and would make a big old salad with it...very tasty and nutritious. Grands can be hard taskmasters! I can just see you trying to row faster. LOL! Keep enjoying these wonderful summer days...🍉

  9. Looks like you are enjoying your summer with lots of lovely boating trips, fun with grandkids, and enjoying fresh food from the garden. Our grandkids are coming today and we'll be picking and eating peas. That's the only reason I grow them. Enjoy your lovely summer weather. Hoping there is rain for the mainland and the fires.

  10. Such evocative photos. Perfect for this time of year. The prawn dish looks delicious, will have to go and look at the recipe. Bet you had fun puttering around in that rowing boat with your grand children. Enjoy the summer. B x

  11. I hate to hear about those terrible wild fires...very scary! And I'll take some of that Kale...it's so good for you and a turn at a nap in the tent! Row faster! hahaha! Hugs!

  12. These are all luxuries here! The very best kind of luxuries. Even the green peas that I adore but have to admit have never grown them. And I keep a package of Cascadian Farms peas in the freezer all the time as I can only find local fresh ones for such a limited time. Your scones! I want a bite of that and of your shrimp dish, went to the link for it but yours looks so much prettier.

    I just can't imagine the stress level for people who have to evacuate their homes and neighborhood. And then to actually lose your home in that fire, what heartache there. Stay safe!

  13. Prayers for rain and that the fires would be contained!

    What fun to have a boat and a dinghy to take the kids out on!

    I love to eat outside too, and your flowers look wonderful on the table!

  14. So sorry to hear about the fires on the mainland, hopefully there will be rain soon which should help. Heartbreaking for those who have lost so much. So many beautiful things in the summer to be thankful for, a lovely post.

  15. Oh...those raspberry scones look marvelous. Beautiful photos and you really need to consider food photography as a side line. That dish looks amazing!

  16. How fun to go rowing with the little ones! Love the scenes of the island, too. The food looks wonderful (and makes me hungry!) and so nice to use things that you have on hand. Lovely to have fresh flowers this time of year, too. I am so sorry about the wildfires - I am listening to reports on the news right now. We haven't had rain for over 3 weeks now and I am always watching for signs of smoke. We border the wilderness with only one road out. It is a constant worry. I am so sorry your cousins were evacuated. So heartbreaking. xx Karen

  17. Yea Grandma Row FASTER!! :)

    I am in PA, USA and we don't usually have wildfire troubles / when I read the news in the morning and see people dealing with this it just breaks my heart and it is hard to imagine these raging infernos engulfing neighborhoods and escaping them with just minutes to spare.
    I remember seeing many posts like that last year and wishing that I could send some of OUR rain Your / Their way....

  18. Isn't it fun to do things like that with children! Adults can be so boring sometimes. Lol. Love the tent, the dinghy, and the memory of shelling peas. My sister and i would spend summer afternoons sitting on the backyard swing (like a porch swing) and shell pans of peas. Mom would then freeze them. I just made cranberry scones, but I think I'll make raspberry ones next time. They are good and yours look delicious!

  19. I enjoy puttering around the home too and wish that I can join you for tea on the patio. I love shrimp so your tasty dish made me salivate.

    I've read about the BC wildfires. So scary!

  20. It looks like you're having a wonderful summer, Lorrie. I loved your thought on finding frozen peas just fine! The raspberry scones and the shrimp meal looked divine, and as always, your photos are note card worthy.

  21. Dearest Lorrie; OMG!!! What a terrible situation of wildfires your province are facing. We need switch weather; Natural Disaster seems always unfair, doesn't it? It is beyond my imagination experiencing inferno and heartbreaking such many people were affected.
    I first learned the word "putter" :-) I QUITE agree with "Balancing the two takes effort" ☆☆☆
    I really enjoy seeing pictures and reading this post of wonderful summer life♡♡♡
    Thank you SO much for your sweet visits and Have a WONDERFUL rest of the week.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  22. It seems like so many are in threat with wild fires all along the west coast. Take care!! What special grandparents to build a tent for the little guy. Your shrimp and table outdoors both look so wonderful. Add the beautiful bouquet just makes any occasion so special. Love the picture of the light on the harbour. And how fun to be out on the water playing with your special little ones. Enjoy!!!

  23. Want to copy your flower arrangements. Fireman just came home and said he refused to pay the flower prices.

  24. What a lovely post, filled with all kinds of goodies, from those delicious-looking scones to the flowers and vegetables, and the beautiful scenery. I'm sure you love your summers, having a rest from the work of the school year. Looks like you have a wonderful time ahead of you (and so do those sweet children). I just made a shrimp dish tonight that looks very similar to yours. Blessings, Deborah

  25. Oh my goodness... look at all the beauty! Of course, my mouth is watering from that shrimp dish!! Your garden is producing such a bounty... raspberries, blueberries, peas, carrots, kale (wish I lived closer, I'd take you up on your offer!!) ... and the flowers. Every photo just beautiful! I know you cannot wait to get into that tent with the wee one. Have fun!

  26. Lorrie, I'd be more than happy to take that kale off your hands! I've been too lazy to grow any veg these last two years. Any time I've grown peas, I've never managed to get any into the kitchen - I would eat them right off the bush/vine! - so I rely on frozen peas.

  27. Your summer is delightful and adventurous!

  28. Oh those scone and that shrimp dish....yummy!
    Enjoyed your post.

  29. I love to putter around at home too! And I can imagine how hard it is to balance being a teacher and enjoying doing things around the home. Your shrimp dish and the raspberry scones made me hungry!

    We have been getting the smoky haze here from the fires you are having, and our hearts and prayers are with all those affected, it is such a tragedy! It is our greatest fear here every summer. Praying that it gets contained very soon!

    Those sweet faces on your rowboat excursion were precious :)


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