Friday, October 13, 2017

October Moments

This week has been short, with Monday the Thanksgiving holiday, but busy with covering classes for another teacher. 

Rain fell this week, and temperatures are dropping. Late in the afternoon, however, golden light suffuses the garden as the sun slants low over the Sooke Hills beyond our home. 

Rich tawny shades dominate in one last burst of colour before the austere lines of bare branches are etched against the sky.

Something drew me to an upstairs window on Wednesday afternoon. A thin layer of mist covered the distant hills seen beyond our neighbours' roofs. A tree, aspen perhaps, glowed yellow. 


An enormous murder of crows rose up and swirled silently in circular patterns that spread from garden to garden including our own. The black crows spiraling upwards in the mist and the beacon of the yellow tree formed an unforgettable picture not captured by any camera.
At a time when the world aches with pain and despair, this moment of grace came as a gift from God, and I tucked it into my heart for safekeeping. 

The weekend is upon us. Some homekeeping is on the agenda, and a little cooking. Hopefully a long walk and reading by the fire. What are your plans? 


  1. Your photos are beautiful. My plans this weekend are to move into my new house!!

  2. What a visual feast your words and pictures conjure. A very cheering post. Thank you. B x

  3. It sounds like a beautiful weekend, full of rest and beauty. Enjoy.

  4. Lovely photos. The weather is cooling down here too, sweater weather. It looks like some rain for us, but I can work on my list making for our December trip out your way. Enjoy the weekend.

  5. Beautiful pictures, Lorrie. It is cooling here, too, but we are the warmest we have been in many years. Many of our trees have not changed color yet. Just so odd...but I will take it as I love the long days of Fall.

    Not sure what all is on the docket for the weekend yet- I am sure there will be plans afoot whether I am ready or not. lol xo Diana

  6. Such beautiful captures! I loved reading of your gift of grace. I wonder how many such gifts we miss when we're not paying attention. So glad that you were.

    At our house today, we're in party prepping mode. We'll be celebrating my dad's 80th birthday tomorrow.

  7. Beautiful and full of meaning, as always. Our plans are slow this weekend - we already took a drive down to see the Snow Geese and Trumpeter Swans that are migrating in, not a lot yet - but more to come I'm sure. They are predicting a bigger than usual migration.

    Baking some bread - made pumpkin custard last night - and then relaxing for the rest of the weekend. Happy week ahead.

  8. Ah yes...a weekend of simple things to keep us satisfied.
    Busy times here as we are cleaning out our storage area and it has been YEARS! so lots of work and cleaning but I took time out to read a lovely new book from Sharon Santoni My French Country may already have read her book and the pictures are gorgeous!
    Off now to prepare our dinner...
    hope you enjoy that walk.

  9. Beautiful moments captured. We are winterizing the house and stacking firewood. Hope your week ahead is full of many more moments of grace. x Karen

  10. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Lorrie, so lovely. Moments of grace... I love that phrase. xo

  11. Beautiful moments... such wonderful photos, individually and as a series.
    Some days ago, my mother and I have seen Chris Tarrant's "Extreme Railways: The Railway That Created Canada". I was so pleased to know many of the things that were shown... because I have read about them in your blog posts. :)
    Wishing you a happy and blessed Sunday!

  12. Beautiful, both your words and photos conjure up some amazing images in my mind. Yesterday crafting, today Church and quality time with Gerard making plans for our forthcoming trip away.

  13. Your photos here are like old oil paintings, Lorrie! And I really love your thought of tucking these gifts into your heart. It does help, doesn't it?

  14. Such lovely photos! Glad you are having some lovely Fall weather. I am working outside in some glorious sun. Putting all my yard art away. I can smell balsam, and wood smoke. Lovely. :) Kit

  15. A beautifully written post. The unseasonably warm temperature continued this weekend. This afternoon, the #onstorm caused quite a bit of damage across the province.

  16. I love your words here Lorrie - the world is a sad place and this year has been a bad one for so many. Your photos of the autumn flowers and leaves are beautiful - I'm certainly looking forward
    to spending time outside looking up now that it's beginning to cool a little.

  17. Such moments of beauty and grace are pretty much what is keeping many of us sane these days. So needed. Thank you for sharing yours.

  18. Such beautiful photographs, wonderful colours too.

    All the best Jan

  19. Oooohhh! Love that hydrangea... such rich colors in it. I am not sure I have ever seen a hydrangea blossom I didn't love, though!

  20. Lorrie - I am playing a bit of catch-up with blog posts; we had visitors for nine days! This post was worth the wait! Your writing is so inspirational and the light in these pictures is sublime. It was truly a gift of grace that drew you to that window without a camera so that you could be quiet in the moment and recognize the gift in it. Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. I am catching up. This is a very, very beautiful post. Thank you. x


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