Thursday, April 16, 2020

Five on Friday

Fawn lilies shine like stars in the green woods where we walk in the evening. To see the yellow stamens one must bend low for they tuck their heads down and never look up. 

The light stays longer and longer and is so very welcome. We are in a stretch of warm sunny weather that feels almost like summer. My garden is thriving; snap peas, carrots, and radishes are growing well. I just planted beets, onion sets, and spinach. Strawberry plants are beginning to blossom. 

I am busy with teaching online. It is much less satisfying than the classroom. I miss my students, even the challenging ones. While I have a dedicated sewing room with a desk and a table upstairs, I wanted to be downstairs where there is more light and I'm closer to the centre of things. So we brought in an old table that we use outside and I scrubbed it up. At school I use a desk top to create my handouts, but at home I use a Surface Pro. We found an old keyboard and mouse that I enjoy using much more than the small keyboard that came with the Surface; it's much easier to use for typing the accents in Spanish. I need just the right height for videos and use some of my larger books to prop things up. The whole set up has been moved several times as I look for just the right light for video conferences and creating teaching videos for my students. This seems to work, in a corner of the dining room. I use that rice bag a lot as I spend a lot of time sitting and my back doesn't like it at all. 

In the woods the bluebells open, vibrant blue against green. The ones in my garden are a little slower. 

I've had a hard time settling into reading very much these days. My thoughts are scattered and I am easily distracted. I find that old books are comforting this is a selection of what I'm dipping into. The Quiet Center is a collection of essays published in Victoria magazine during its first 20 years or so, and there are many that I enjoy. 

Here is an excerpt from Meditations of a Beekeeper by Faith Andrews Bedford:

"In years past, as the crocus pushed eagerly through the soft earth, my honeybees greeted the arrival of the year's first flowers with excitement, diving into the deep cups of the blooms and covering their furry bodies with bright yellow pollen. Their buzzing echoed happily inside the purple chambers, and the blossoms shook. Each April, when the Andromeda bush by the back door was covered with delicate rosy panicles, the sound of the bees' quiet hum would greet our comings and goings. And as I snipped the tender new growth of thyme and rosemary, I would always find a honeybee or two already busy at work gathering nectar from her side of the herb."

In the woods an old apple tree blooms. Someone has cleared away the brambles and undergrowth that choked the tree, and now it's showing signs of life. It will be interesting to see if any apples grow from these blooms. 

These days roll on one by one. They feel odd in many ways, yet the garden grows as it always does, birds come to the feeder, and fawn lilies shine in the green woods. These things ground me. "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven" said wise King Solomon. These days have their rhythm. The strangeness will end. 


  1. Hi Lorrie,

    So lovely to see spring blossoming there, in Finland we still have to wait. The life seems so odd and the ability to concentrate on reading or on anything is very week. Walking in the nature helps to cope. Sending you warm greetings & sunshine to your weekend.

  2. Lovely post and a always beautiful photos too. Very calming which is something I need just now when my emotions seem so up and down. Our apple tree is about to burst into bloom too when the prefume will be gorgeous as it must be for the one in your picture. Thank you Lorrie for calming me as I begin another strange day here.

  3. I love your little Erythroniums, mine are sadly over - I have lemon ones, white ones, and soft pink ones.
    It looks as if I shall miss out on my visit to the bluebell woods this year. We are now on an extended lockdown for a further 3 weeks, and to visit the woods I need to use the car, which is not permitted - only essential travel is allowed in a vehicle, but the bluebells will return again next year.

  4. I'm a light seeker too. Your temporary desk seems set in a lovely spot now. What a challenge it must be at the moment, not just preparing and teaching your lessons but figuring how the best way to present them online. Grace, grace.

    I feel the same about reading, I'm easily distracted these days. I read in small doses and graze here and there from various books that offer hopeful thoughts and beauty.

    Loved catching a glimpse of the world around you in word and picture. Gorgeous photos.

    Happy weekend,
    Brenda xox

  5. The name Fawn Lilies sounds like a fairy tale story to be told.
    I think the apple tree will have a few apples. Lovely photos.
    The desk set up, if the monitor is at eye level, no looking downward, can be more comfortable. For comfort, I pull out my desk drawer, lean the keyboard into the front, and close the drawer far enough for the keyboard to remain stable. If that doesn't work, then put a book inside the drawer, and then try closing it to hold the keyboard stable.

  6. Like you, my daughter is teaching her University students from home. At the moment she lives an a very pleasant rented flat, waiting for her purchase of another garden flat to start up again. Her flat is open plan and she says she has to be sure everything is tidy before she begins her sessions!
    The garden is such a calming place, even today when we have at last had rain. things look happier today after a drink. Dahlias are just appearing so lots to look forward to.

  7. Lovely post and as always a joy to see the photos. We are certainly living in strange times, which very soon will become the rhythm of normal. Take care.

  8. Dear Lorrie,
    I wouldn't be surprised if that old apple tree has apples this summer. It couldn't be so beautiful without it forming into fruit. You are well on your way with your vegetable garden. Mine has not begun.

  9. None too soon. I think of all those who have paid, and continue to pay, an awful price. I am asking The Lord for mercy even as I see mercy drops falling.

  10. I am sure that you made the best choice in setting up your teaching where there is more light. When my husband began to work from home several weeks ago, he talked of setting up his work station in the basement. I encouraged him to use the small room we had made into a library/sitting room, where there is light all day long. I miss having that little quiet nook for myself, but I could not imagine working nine hours every day in a dark, ugly space.

    I look forward to the time when this strangeness will end. It is hard living in the "in between."

  11. I’m eager for the strange time to be done! I like your set up. I must have light, too! I always open the curtains and the blinds everyday. We have a finished basement but I rarely go down there. Not much natural light in that space.

    Your photos of nature and the words you use are wonderful. You should do a book!

  12. It is encouraging to see that nature is not affected by Covid-19. It carries on, undisturbed .

  13. Yes, the strangeness will end and I'm looking forward to that. May God have mercy on us all. Spring is not halted for sure. It's wonderful to see it burst forth!

  14. A lovely five, I'm finding solace in reading old, favourite books too and seeking out nature in the garden. Very strange unsettling times at the moment, it's good that you have a light and airy corner to work from:)

  15. Such beautiful, soothing photos and words.
    Your posts keep conveying serenity and peace and it's almost difficult to believe you don't feel perfectly calm even in these difficult times. :)
    Walking in the wood, growing vegetables, admiring flowers and reading are great ways to feel better. This too shall pass.

  16. Love the apple blossoms!!
    I can just imagine it is more difficult to teach online, but so happy your students have you to hang in there with them. The fawn lily is just gorgeous. Those bluebells have taken over my garden. They are everywhere, like a weed. I use to try digging them out, but it is an endless job. I like them in the woods, but not when they take over the garden. The Shell Seekers is one book you have on your stack I would like to read again one day.

  17. Hi Lorrie,

    Oh my goodness, that fawn lily is exquisite!! I don't think I've ever seen one of those, but how beautiful. We used to have bluebells at our first home; the previous owner had planted them, and I would just love to have some here. I'll have to see about getting some through mail order. They are one of my very favorite flowers.

    My niece is a teacher, and has apparently had quite a time adjusting to this teaching from home (as have her students and their parents). My husband's back gets very tired and sore from sitting on our sofa with his laptop, so he has to move to his desk in the basement after lunch.

    "The Shell Seekers" is one of my all-time favorite reads!! Did you enjoy it? I hope your family is staying well, Lorrie -- take good care, my friend!

    Warm hugs to you,


  18. Nice office set-up! Having a separate mouse and keyboard makes such a difference.

  19. Ahhhh Lorrie, The Shell Seekers is a favorite of mine, and Rosamunde Pilcher is one of my very favorite authors. I am smitten with her characters and the settings, and never want her books to end.


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