Friday, July 16, 2021

A Look Back Over the Week


We are fortunate to not have deer problems in our garden. However, last Saturday morning while eating breakfast, we noticed a pair of them just across the fence in our neighbour's garden. They were sniffing at the tomatoes and raspberries. I went out to gently shoo them away. I don't know how they got into the garden as it is fenced and hedged, and deer like to see through whatever they are jumping over. They were uncertain about how to leave and stood in this corner for several long minutes before finally figuring out a way through the hedge to the right. 

That same morning we saw a raccoon meander through the garden. I wonder if our extremely dry weather is forcing wildlife to find food outside of their normal routes. 

One granddaughter spent a couple of hours with us while her parents ran an errand. She ate a piece of dessert (blueberry square), played Blokus with us, and read her book. She's an avid reader, like all three of our school aged grands. Although bookish, she's also a strong and able girl in martial arts.

Thursday was Iris day. I made a little outfit for her - a top (seen above) and shorts, from a pattern given to me by a friend more than 35 years ago. My friend Emma used the same pattern to make an outfit for my eldest daughter. 

Pouring beans is a fun activity and the cloth on the floor helps me to pick them all up more easily. I love those little toes. 

Last night we went out to watch Adria's final softball game of the season. She is looking too grown up! I was impressed by the way she throws the ball, and was happy to be there when she hit the ball and ran to second base. 

I'm harvesting beets and zucchini from the garden, along with lettuce and swiss chard. Tomatoes are slow and the green beans are beginning to entwine themselves up the trellis. 

The double poppies come up throughout the garden and are easy to transplant to where I want them or pull up if I don't. A friend told me that the seeds are edible so I'm going to save them this year. I like a subtle crunch on bread or buns. Lemon poppy seed loaf is a treat, too. 

Today I did laundry, changed the bed linens, and am preparing for a short boating trip this weekend. I'm making Vietnamese summer rolls for tonight's dinner aboard. 

Any plans for the weekend in your corner? 


  1. So nice that life is getting back to normal and you are able to spend time with your grands. It sounds like your garden is doing well. We haven't made any plans this weekend yet. I am sure we will find something fun to do. Have a great one!

  2. Time with the grandchildren is always a treat. Enjoy your weekend afloat.

  3. The deer are so beautiful , but unfortunately they can also be destructive in a garden. Your granddaughters are beautiful .

  4. Nice to see your granddaughters' different hobbies and interests.

    My exciting weekend plan was visiting Dollar Tree for the first time since November. However, when I got there, they were closed for inventory. D'oh! Luckily, there was a Dollarama nearby.

  5. I've been leaving pails of fresh water for the wildlife that comes in the night. Raccoons are quite common and Opossoms. Luckily no deer ( lovely to see them but I'm sure they'd make short work of my flowers)
    The shaggy pink Poppies are very pretty. So are your lovely granddaughter. That's a pretty top you sewed for Iris.

  6. I love all of the freebie poppies that arrive in the garden, but I don't have such pretty pink pompom ones like yours. Wildlife in general does appear to be behaving differently today - is it the weather, lockdown, or is there something else that has triggered their arrival in so many of our gardens?

  7. Double poppies are the most delightful flower! I don't recall seeing them before.

  8. It's too hot here to make any plans! Apart from strolling very slowly to the greenhouse to water the tomatoes, I have done very little. Your poppies are so pretty, I guess they may re seed themselves.

  9. Your "Grands" are adorable...

    Those Double Poppies, I have never seen them and they are amazing!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Thrilled that you are able to spend quality time with your grandchildren. The little outfit you made is a delight, so pretty.

  11. Sounds like a good week and an enjoyable weekend, too. Cute toes, for sure! I'm always happy to see avid readers. I'm looking forward to watching our Grands when they play sports.

  12. Oops My comment disappeared. Love your deers and your Dears are lovely.
    What are we up to? Putting in gift grasses from a neighbor that grow to 10 feet in height.

  13. How wonderful to spend time with those lovely young ladies, they are all doing exactly what they need to do and excelling at it! Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Hello Lorrie, and thank you for your beautiful posts!
    Your granddaughters look 20 cm taller every time I visit your blog. It's great they are both bookish and sporty.
    Reading terrible news about the N. American heatwave and wildfires as well as the floods in Central Europe, we are expecting our next thunderstorm. A small corner of the world, our weather events used to be small...
    Stay safe and well!

  16. I have never seen poppies that look like that - they are gorgeous! Your granddaughters are pretty girls, and how nice to have them for a visit. Also, so good to be able to sew for them. I have always wanted a granddaughter, however our family runs to boys and we have five handsome grandsons. The deer look very sweet, but I know they can be a pest in the garden. Here it is possums: last night one devoured most of my parsley :)

  17. Your grans are adorable, Lorrie, all three of them. You must be so proud. Didn't do much this weekend, it is so hot around here, almost too hot to go outside.

  18. Oh to have deer in the garden - such a thing would be amazing in the UK. But to be fair we have marvellous raptors in the sky above our house. And there is wonder in small nature too - in butterflies and moths and shrews and worms (well maybe not worms says my wife Jane!)

  19. Your little girl are growing up! I think my daughter (45) had an outfit like Iris' when she was little. The weekend passes so quickly. I hope you enjoyed your sailing trip.

  20. I love the deer in your garden.
    It is nice to have your grandchildren.
    I am busy with my son and wife, cooking, cooking….
    I have to go out with them but I am tired with the heat, now it’s our turn!

  21. I do believe all the wildlife are hungry this year, and anything green is going to be something they are looking for! So sweet to enjoy your precious grandchildren, and I love the fun bean-pouring activity... and yes, those toes... I just love darling little babies feet! Your Vietnamese rolls sound wonderful, and I hope you enjoy your boating weekend. We are going to take our new-to-us camper out for another adventure, I think :)

  22. can your grandchildren be so grown up already? I always played ball, even as an did all my children...but sadly none of my grands are playing softball. Glad you could catch Adria's last game!

  23. Your granddaughters are so precious, Lorrie! I love seeing an avid reader. My favorite outing as a child was to a library.

  24. Looks like twin deer there! I am surprised we seem to have less of them this summer. Last year we were the chosen new neighbor to visit! Isn't it fun to engage with the grandchildren at their various stages?


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