Thursday, July 29, 2021

Friday Favourites


Here we are at the end of July already. As Shakespeare noted, "Summer's lease hath all too short a date". I want to laze around and soak in the beauty and warmth, but I also want to make the most of summer weather. Bright colours fill the garden beds - zinnias, echinacea, rudbeckia, and more. Tall white phlox tones things down, and the big bushes of blue hydrangeas dominate other areas. The garden is very, very dry. We've not had any measurable rain for 50 days, and there's none in the forecast. 

Our weekend camping trip was a lot of fun. It was impossible to find four campsites in our provincial parks due to incredible demand, so we settled for a private campground alongside a river. The three eldest grands had a wonderful time exploring the rocky shoreline. They were gone for long lengths of time, and it was a delight to see them engaging with the natural world so freely. They created a little "fort" in the woods that we were invited to visit on the last day. 

Here at home the garden is producing beets and carrots, lettuce, zucchini, and Swiss Chard. The other night I roasted baby carrots and beets, and set them on a spread of drained plain yogurt, and topped them with lemon zest, chopped cashews, and a good sprinkle of snipped chives. A squeeze of lemon juice over all added the finishing touch. It made a good accompaniment to grilled chicken.

I've had grands visiting this week during the day while their parents work. On Tuesday we baked and decorated a cake, on Wednesday they created a fort in the living room with the sofa cushions and happily read for quite some time. We played Set, a matching card game. Thursday we went to the beach where they discovered a driftwood structure and added to it. It was big enough for both of them to sit comfortably inside. They are growing up so quickly. 

This morning I made apricot jam before going to the beach. It's my mother's recipe and has pineapple and a hint of orange in it. The golden jars will sit quietly on the basement shelves until we open them and spread summer on buttered toast. 

We're in for a few very hot days again, but nothing like the heat dome we had last month. It's a long weekend here and we're planning a walk with friends on Monday morning when it should be a bit cooler. Happy Weekend, dear friends!


  1. Nothing quite a lovely as Apricot jam. I used to make it in the days when we had our own Apricot tree. You will enjoy it so much in the Winter.

  2. I must get busy with my jam making, you put me to shame. That camping trip sounds like great fun. Hope you get some decent rainfall soon. Compared to last year everywhere is very green here. Have a lovely weekend. B x

  3. Your time with family camping sounds wonderful. Seeing children playing in nature is a treat these days when tablets take up so much time for some children.

  4. Jam is the best food in the world - truly, if I were ever marooned on an island I'd want an endless supply of jam more than anything else. And apricot would be high on my list of favourites!

  5. Lots of good times spent out of doors!

  6. You are getting to do so many fun things with your family. We camped with family every summer when I was growing up. Those are some of my best memories!

  7. I'm usually not one, to lament any part of any season, but.... I am a bit upset, that our 'real summer' is fading. Not that I like awfully hot and humid... But, neither do I like it, that it may all behind us.<---Can't be pleased, can I????? >,-)))

    You have been having lovely summer fun! And your food looks marvelous.

    Those jam jars are like jewels!!!!

    Keep enjoying your summer!!!!


  8. "...spread summer on buttered toast," sounds like a wonderful image to remember in winter.

  9. Beautiful jars of apricot jam. Brings back fond memories of our dear mom who would make apricot jam every year to use in the pastries she baked. Yum!

  10. Your salad and jam look yummy! Sounds like camping and beaching was a lot of fun.

  11. Your flowers look wonderful and that jam, I can almost taste it.

  12. Apricot jam sounds fantastic. Your camping was a big success, I'd say

  13. Your descriptions of the grandchildren's activities in different places bring up the most heartwarming images. It occurs to me that your grands will also retain memories of aromas of their grandmother's house that are strongly evocative, like the ones I have from my grandparents. I'm thinking of all the good food that you cook, that must often fill the place with yummy smells. And the flowers... and probably your furniture polish, etc etc. I just know it's wonderful there!! <3

  14. Your grands are at a delightful stage where they can wander off on their own and still be safe. They must have enjoyed their stay with you immensely.
    The apricot jam has a wonderful colour and I'm sure a delicious taste too.

  15. You have spent some quality time withyour grandchildren. Happy days to remember in the winter. We finally gott a good rain, it was so needed. I am happy with the cooler temperatures at present. Try to cope with the upcoming heat wave.

  16. i like your salad and I would like to have vegetables in my garden, maybe next year.
    Like you with your grandchildren I had a good time with my son and his wife. I love apricot jam, your recipe looks very good.
    I have a copper special pan to make jam. I need to go to the market to get some fruits!
    I wish you a nice Sunday.

  17. Your summer sounds so beautiful, full of family and nature. Enjoy!

  18. Your jars of apricot jam are so lovely! I am sure that you all made lots of happy memories as you camped together! Such fun to watch the children explore and learn.

    How quickly the summer has seemed to pass . . .

  19. It sounds like a wonderful summer! I also feel like it's going so fast!

  20. Your apricot jam looks really good and delicious too.
    It is so lovely for us all to be out and about again, and spending time with our families. Fingers crossed things are almost beginning to feel back to normal.

  21. Hello, Lorrie. Your salad and your jam look amazing. You are right when you said, "Spread Summer." That is exactly what one does on a cold winter morning. It was wonderful for your grandchildren to be free to explore - that will be forever memories for them. The world doesn't offer such places too often these days.
    Enjoy these summer days - it is moving along too quickly.

  22. It was so enjoyable to read the words and see the photos on your latest posts, Lorrie. Isn’t little Iris growing so fast? She’s such a cutie pie. Happy 44th Anniversary to you and Tim. I had professional pictures taken, too. Your apricot jam and those Madeleines look so good. Jam making is a favorite pastime of mine. I guess I love seeing the pretty jars all lined up, and of course, the yummy taste! Happy August to you snd your family. 😊

  23. Can't believe it's August already!

    Your colourful flowers look like they could be computer screensavers. It's ironic that your area hasn't received rain in nearly 2 months, while we're getting rain or thunderstorms nearly everyday.


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