Friday, July 22, 2022

Sweet Peas and a Road Trip


I planted a row of sweet peas along the back fence, where we took out the cedar hedge. Tendrils cling to the mesh fence and reach for the sky. Blooms of dark purple and red mix with pale pink and white. They are old-fashioned flowers, and have such a lovely scent. This is my first real bouquet of them this year. 

Petunias, sweet potato vine, and pansies from last autumn grow in profusion beside the front door. I love the contrast of cobalt blue and lime green. 

The garden is filling out and looking lovely these days. But alas, we're going to miss a lot of it, because by the time you read this we'll be off on an adventure. 

We're headed for the Arctic Ocean! It's a long, long road trip and we're taking five weeks. We'll be taking ferries and traveling the length of British Columbia, the Yukon, and part of the Northwest Territories. We've been planning this for months and finally, the time is here!

We have house sitters coming to stay, and there is nothing like having someone else live in your home to motivate a deep clean. That's what I've been doing for the past couple of weeks. 

We're taking our little Escape trailer, and that bouquet of sweet peas is coming along, as well. Its fragrance fills the space. 

Connectivity is going to be hit and miss along our travels, but I'll post when I can. What's the longest road trip you've taken?


  1. Safe & Happy Travels!
    Have a lovely adventure

  2. Lorrie, how exciting! I've done part of that journey with my daughter when she lived in Smithers, and it is fascinating. You will be able to stop when you want in your lovely camper, and really enjoy the different scenery. Bonne Voyage!

  3. It sounds like the trip of a lifetime! Enjoy!

  4. We are so excited for you - Bob wants to come too! He's always hoped to get farther north in Canada. Must say I could enjoy that too - the peace and quiet, plenty of nature and I'm sure meeting some very interesting people in those distant outposts!
    Having your camper is definitely the way to go as it's quite a remote area - make sure you plan carefully for gas stations and hoping cell phone coverage will be possible. . . . and that you will be able to post something now and then, perhaps on IG.
    This is such a special adventure Lorrie, we hope you and Tim enjoy every moment and we wish you safe, scenic travel.

    Our longest road trip ever was by car (3 weeks) in the early 1970's. Crossed the northern US states from New Hampshire, where we lived, to California and down into Mexico, then back through the southern states - about 6,800 miles! Many great memories from that time so long ago, when we were so young!

    Yes, I agree, bon voyage, we'll be keeping you in our thoughts.
    Big hugs, Mary and Bob

  5. What an interesting road trip. You are such adventurers and I know that you will have an exciting five weeks.

  6. Have a wonderful trip! It sounds like a great adventure, I look forward to your post!

  7. Hi Lorrie~ Your trip sounds so exciting! I love nothing more than to jump in my little home on wheels and go exploring. Your, Sweet Peas and the flowers in the blue pot are just gorgeous! Safe travels! Hugs, Barb

  8. Your Sweet Peas are lovely. It's a good thing they bloomed before you left so you could enjoy them.
    Your road trip sounds like a lot of fun. The longest one we took was in 2007 when we traveled to the Grand Canyon as well as Bryce and Zion and any other sites of interest on the way. We traveled with friends, we in our RV and they in theirs. It was a trip of a lifetime.
    Safe travels!!

  9. That sounds like a fun trip. I’m sure you will have lots to share when you get back. Safe travels and get lots of pictures.

  10. Wishing you safe and happy travels in that cozy little trailer. Oh, the places you'll see! I hope you get to send blog postcards. That's a long time to be away and your family will miss you.
    The longest road trip was probably when we flew to Toronto, rented a vehicle to explore Eastern Canada and down the coast to Florida and back.

  11. Oh, my, does that sound fun. My longest road trip was last October, driving over the mountains across the Great Basin and back, 1700 miles I think...

  12. Oh Lorrie, this is fabulous. What a road trip! In my ignorance, I would have thought such a trip would not be possible, going through such cold and bleak country. Take lots of photos to show us = I look forward to any posts, but will love to hear about it when you return. The longest road trip we have done is driving from Brisbane to Melbourne, then West along the Great Ocean Road. We have driven to Melbourne several times, and to Sydney many times. Happy travels!

  13. That sounds like an amazing trip! You and your hubby are bold and adventurous and I know you'll have a wonderful time!

    Me? Not so adventurous. My longest road trip was to Maine (750-ish miles) when our son and his family lived there. That was puh-lenty long enough for me.

  14. Delightful!!!!


    Be safe!!!!!


  15. I love sweet peas! Your trip sounds amazing, and I look forward to hearing about it. Have fun!

  16. Wow! Sounds like a fabulous trip. Enjoy your time. Save travels.

  17. Wow! What a great trip. Drive carefully and stay safe.

  18. Wow! That is a travel adventure. Thanks for including the map. Looks like a good idea to take your trailer. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures.

  19. What an amazing trip, Lorrie! Have fun and enjoy. Can't wait to see all of the great pictures that you will post.

    Regards from Toronto,

    All the best.

  20. First, I adore sweet peas. What a treat to have a bouquet as you travel. This is an amazing road trip. I think the longest we have taken is three weeks. Enjoy every moment. We will be back to here about your trip when you return home.

  21. Have a nice time ! Enjoy your road trip!

  22. What an exciting sounding trip. I look forward to reading all about it. Have a wonderful safe journey. B x

  23. Have a wonderful time, Lorrie.

    Stay safe and Happy Travels!

  24. I hope you have a fantastic trip!

  25. Wow, Lorrie! I've never known anyone who has taken this trip. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventure. And thanks for sharing your sweet peas with us. I didn't get around to planting them this year and now it's too late.

  26. What an exciting roadtrip. I think the longest roadtrip I took was when my friend and I drove from Ontario to Cape Cod. We stopped at different cities (Salem, Boston, Hyannis) so it took about a week?

    Happy and safe travels, Lorrie!

  27. Your trip sounds like an amazing adventure. Enjoy every moment of it.

  28. Oh Lorrie that sounds like a wonderful trip and I'm sure you two are enjoying it as I write. We drove our camper van to the Arctic Circle and on to the Arctic Ocean when we spent that summer in Alaska a few years ago. Such a good experience altogether and this was definitely one of the highlights. (actually, we drove to Prudhoe Bay and had reservations for a tour bus from there to the Ocean.) It will be great to read about your adventures. Meanwhile, I am in love with your sweet peas, a flower which I haven't actually seen for years and years. Must find out why nobody plants those here.

  29. What a fun road trip! You will have a fantastic time. We drove to Alaska many years ago and then to Northwest Territories and back a few years ago. But we have not been to Tuktoyaktuk! Our road trip to Texas and back in February was 10,000 kms. Looking forward to your 'postcards'!

  30. I have tried to grow sweet peas so many times without any luck and I love these little flowers and they smell so delightful. If you have a trick let me know I'm ready to try one more time. Have a wonderful trip, I'm looking forward to photos of your adventures. God bless you and be safe.

  31. Wishing you safe travels and happy travels.

    All the best Jan

  32. What a great's going to be wonderful and I look forward to photos.
    Have fun and joy for you with many beautiful experiences and relaxation.


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