Thursday, November 17, 2022

Friday Favourites: Beautiful Walks


Uncommon weather continues. After our extended summer followed by a short blast of winter, calmness prevails. Little rain has meant plenty of outdoor excursions, alone and in company. On a misty morning I wandered around Beckwith Pond. It was a slow meander with plenty of stops along the way to admire the ducks. Lots of ducks. My little companion was enthralled with the ducks. 

Fog-shrouded foliage vibrant with colour lines the banks of the pond. When I saw the photo on my computer I wondered how the Eiffel Tower got into the photo. Do you see it? A closer look reveals the truth - a power line tower transformed by the mist.

On another afternoon this mellow pastoral scene reminded me of harvest season and the flat prairie of Canada's wheat fields. It's a gentle scene, and gentleness has been much on my mind recently. 

I'm craving gentle reads just now. Miss Read, Rosamunde Pilcher, Patrick Taylor. I'm dipping in and out of The Wind in the Willows, and Gladys Taber's Stillmeadow Calendar. I love reading books that go through the year and have occasionally thought that it would be fun to write such a book. In a way, blogging is similar, for here I comment on the weather and seasonal occupations. 

The "sunny stillness and the haze that dreams over the woods" is a line of Taber's that I found myself nodding along with after a walk in the forest. In the inlet at the end of this walk, hundreds of moon jellyfish pulsated in the clear green water, and white gulls swooped over the water before perching. 

In thinking of gentleness, I came across these words by Henri Nouwen - "A gentle person treads lightly, listens carefully, looks tenderly, and touches with reverence. Let's dress ourselves with gentleness. In our tough and often unbending world, our gentleness can be a vivid reminder of the presence of God among us." 

Here is my misty morning companion climbing the porch steps. She proudly wears the backpack her mother designed and stitched, complete with all-important pompoms. It's just her size. At almost two, independence is very important. "Do it myself" is a constant refrain. 

A sunny weekend is in the forecast, with rain beginning early next week. We do need the moisture, but now, these gentle sunny days are a balm. 

As my American readers prepare for Thanksgiving, I wish you all a wonderful time with family and friends. 


  1. Your pictures are beautiful especially the first one! It must have been a nice walk with the little one. I love her backpack

  2. Lovely gentle walks indeed and with the perfect companion looking at everything with new eyes. B x

  3. What a wonderful companion on such a beautiful walk. It couldn’t be more perfect!

  4. She is a cutie! The tower is fun! We're expecting more snow tomorrow!

  5. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Thanks for the reminder of Gladys Taber’s books. My best friend has a birthday coming up and I think she’d love to read one of that wonderful writer’s books. I’ll look for Stillmeadow Calendar…..we’re blessed to have so many used book sellers we can look to. Carol in Texas

  6. What a sweet little girl wish the most adorable backpack! Love these beautiful photos. It's nice to get out for walks when the weather is nice. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Cutest backpack ever? I think so! I like the idea of "gentle reads." Thank you for taking us on your lovely walks. You always share such beauty!

  8. What wonderful pictures. Beautiful images! I love her backpack and remember those days of "I DO IT MYSELF" all too well. lol. xo Diana

  9. I love this post! The photos are beautiful, and now I want to curl up with a good book. And the little one, they are such joy, aren't they? Such a sweet picture.

  10. Beautiful pictures of late autumn scenes. Such a peaceful place to walk and enjoy. I only saw the Eiffel tower after you mentioned it. Like you I am wanting to read old favourites like Gladys Taber, Rosamund Pilcher, and Miss Read. I have a couple of mystery novels from the library and am not inclined to get into them.

  11. I laughed about your Eiffel Tower :-)

    I've been enjoying the crisp autumn world down here, too, and enjoy coming indoors to the cozy wood fire!

  12. Do it myself.... oh yes, at that age especially. :-)))) Simply lovely photos.


  13. Beautiful photographs you've shared.
    I haven't read any Miss Read books, I really should!

    You certainly had a wonderful companion for your walks, I like her backpack and her boots look lovely and comfortable.

    All the best Jan

  14. Your little companion is so cute! Lovely photos.

  15. Lorrie, I am so glad I came to my laptop to view your post. Beckwith Pond in November must help soothe any worries away. As I said on FB,, your first picture could be a painting. But then, many of your own "landscapes" should be. You just mentioned favorite authors in your post, I love every one of them. I got out my Patrick Taylor's An Irish Country Christmas this week as it's been a few years since I read it and hope to start it after I finish a Christmas book by Bess Streeter Aldrich called Journey Into Christmas, full of short stories she wrote. As I've been reading it again I couldn't help thinking that my friend Lorrie would like it. Do you know her, author of Miss Bishop that the movie was made from? This book contains a famous Christmas book she wrote, The Drum Goes Dead, which so moved me decades ago that I bought copies for all my adult children one year.

    That darling companion of yours, dressed so stylishly! She is perfect for writing about gentleness. I'm going to go back and write down your quote on gentleness.

  16. I love your misty morning companion's determination to do it herself, but how quickly they grow up.

  17. Such a cute companion on such a lovely walk!
    Beautiful photos as always, Lorrie 💐

  18. Good morning, Lorrie! Autumn colours with some mist are lovely but the most delighting photo is the one of your little companion climbing the big steps. So very cute!
    Gentle reads is what I try to find too, especially for Christmas. I hope to have time to read Natalie Jenner's The Jane Austen Society.
    Thank you for your comment. Purchasing generators for Ukrainians is really, really important.
    Stay well!

  19. What a cute photo of your morning companion. So beautiful :-))) ... congratulations to mum for this wonderful backpack and the knitted hat is also so wonderful ... a lot of energy and joy lies in the crotch! I also wish you a joyful and energetic Sunday. Viola

  20. How beautiful it is, as Winter approaches, and you have already had a little snow. I love the ducks, so pretty among the Autumn leaves. Your little Grandie is darling in her pretty warm hat and pom pom backback! Enjoy the season.

  21. I'm used to say that walking for me is not just an exercise, but a way of life.
    How well-equipped (backpack, hat, gloves, boots) and determined, your cute little companion is!

  22. Gentleness is a wonderful and rare quality. I remember the car ride with my 18 year old son when I realized he was truly a gentle soul and I commented on it. He said he knew. Being sensitive can also go along with this quality.

  23. sweet backpack on your little grand!

  24. Such beautiful fall scenes! I had to laugh about the mysterious Eiffel tower! It does look like it! And your tiiny companion is so cute! I wonder how long we'd be doing everything for our littles if they never insisted on doing it themselves. Our oldest granddaughter would say "Tehya feed you" meaning I will feed myself. Today we still refer to that statement when her stubborn independence shows through.

  25. That is so cool, an Eiffel Tower! Great photo. The ducks in the pond is spectacular as well.
    Beautiful country. The backpack is adorable! The fun pom poms are genius.

  26. That really does look like the Eiffel Tower in the background. I perhaps wouldn't have spotted it if you hadn't pointed it out. This looks like a lovely walk and I am sure that your little companion enjoyed it immensely. Her backpack is a work of art, influenced greatly by love, and her determination is impressive. A little naturalist in the making perhaps.

  27. Oh some beautiful pictures! The first photo is just magical, the last one too!
    Hug, Titti

  28. 'Do it myself'... oh, how I remember those words, and miss those times... My youngest Dylan was 18 this month and I am both delighted and sort of bereft at the same time. Thank you for your kind comments over at my Bike Shed; Oscar got the all clear from the vet today - he'll be alright he said; its now just time.

  29. What a sweet walking companion. Love her backpack. Yes, I did see that Eiffel Tower. Gentleness is a very wonderful word. Another book I am actually thinking I need to post about is The Christmas Chronicles by Nigel Slater. I pull it out for my morning reading every year about this time. It is rather magical.

  30. The returning word of "gentle" really spoke to me - if we all could embrace more gentleness in our life. Being gentle with others, being gentle with the earth.
    I only saw the tower when you mentioned it, otherwise it would have disappeared in the mist of me. Your little companion looks very dertermined the way she climbs the steps. The best companion you had that morning.
    I'm listening to Rosamunde Pilcher's "Shell Seekers" these days while I knit. I've read the book a few times, but listening to it is almost like a new book. The narrator does make the characters come to life. It's a nice escape in the afternoon.

  31. What an absolutely beautiful post, Lorrie! I felt more peace reading your words that I have felt for a very long time. I think we are all seeking for the kind of life that will bring us the gentleness and serenity that our heart and soul seeks in the everyday quiet moments in life, thank you for sharing yours today, my heart needed this. As always, your photos are just so beautiful! Have a wonderful week, and enjoy this cozy autumn week. Hugs, Barb


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