Sunday, November 13, 2022

November Quiet


Our unexpected snow is gone. Melted in a day. The cyclamen plant I received last weekend sits on the window ledge and stands in for soft white snowflakes. 

Sunday afternoon. Late. From my window I see pinky yellow skies on the distant horizon just above a hazy blue silhouette of the mountains across the strait. The air is still. We just returned from a walk on a new-to-us trail along a creek where poplar leaves glinted golden in the sunshine and brown grasses nodded gently. 

In one area we came across a considerable number of  Woolly Bear Caterpillars crossing the trail. The grandchild who was with us gathered up as many as she could to help them across the path so they would not be stepped upon. 

The tomatoes I harvested a couple of weeks ago are ripening nicely. This week I made Spicy Tomato Jam, a distant relative of ketchup in which ginger, cloves, cinnamon, and red pepper add lots of flavour. 

The result of some chopping and simmering is 7 jars of deliciousness to pair with cold meats, cheeses, and crackers. 
The recipe is from the cookbook Food in Jars, but it's also on line and can be found here

With darkness falling sooner, a flickering fire, glowing candles, and lights contribute to the sense of coziness and close comfort that we all crave at this time of year. Light. Warmth. I love this little breakfast nook where we eat when it's just the two of us. 

What adds to the sense of coziness for you? 

edited to add: Jan from Low Carb Diabetic mentioned that she had posted a comment but it didn't show up, so I investigated my spam folder and oh, my, there were lots of them there! I have now published them and will be checking it more regularly in future. 


  1. The white Cyclamen is very pretty, the spicy tomato jam looks interesting. You must have been relieved that the snow didn't stay long. It's pretty but inconvenient. Have a great week.

  2. I like your food jars. Light and warmth make me feel good, too.

  3. i made tomato jam one year though it wasn’t spiced. I’ll check out your recipe.

  4. The tomato jam sounds wonderful! Candles make our home more cozy as the night falls sooner!

  5. Adding spices to ketchup sounds wonderful.
    Your nook has a lot of charm. A nice space like that can do a lot for enhancing cheerful times in winter.

  6. I'm happy you posted the recipe! As I glanced over to your profile I see you live in one of my favorites places, Vancouver Island! So beautiful there. We enjoyed staying at a B&B in Lake Cowichan area and enjoying Duncan and the drive to Victoria! It's a nice road trip from Seattle, not too far! Coffee and cashmere make me cozy!

  7. Your spicy tomato jam sounds and looks wonderful! What adds to my sense of coziness in this season? A fire in the fireplace, cozy throws and pillows, soft music playing...and the aroma of something yummy coming from the kitchen.

  8. The tomato jam sounds just great! I just love tomatoes...
    The days are getting shorter and shorter. The evenings are very dark here on the countryside. I light candles, trying to make my home cozy and longing a bit for Christmas :)
    Love from Titti

  9. Oh my, the spices in that tomato jam sound delightful. Your breakfast nook does look very cozy and welcoming. Soft sweaters and throws, candles and twinkle lights, warm drinks, good books and a warming meal simmering away on the stove are a few of the things that I find to be cozy at this time of year.

  10. I'm intrigued by the spicy tomato jam.

  11. I love the coziness winter offers us. We still have snow! It will be here until spring, I'm sure! Your tomato jam looks wonderful! So sweet of your granddaughter to saw the woolly catepillars. I had a few of them around my house this year, and they were almost all black. They say the more orange stripe they have, the more mild the winter will be. I saw a very tiny orange stripe on each of them. I am thinking that "old wives tale" may be true. Winter has been cold and extra snowy here, already. Enjoy the coziness of winter! Your cyclamen is beautiful!

  12. That last photo is lovely. Fireside is always my cosy place with the lamps lit. Good to have found a new trail to walk. B x

  13. That tomato jam sounds like it would be yummy with the items you mentioned. We are still waiting for our snow to melt here.

  14. What a sweet grandchild to go to the rescue of caterpillars.
    Cozy are candles, my bathroom, and sometimes closed drapes, then maybe something warm to drink.

  15. I like the sound of your spicey tomato jam - I wonder if a spoonful or two would go rather nicely if added to a tomato pasta dish?

  16. Your spicy tomato jam sounds wonderful, Lorrie, as did the apple cream pie and date loaves from your previous posts. What brings coziness to me…soft candles glowing, a cup of tea, and just being home.

  17. Just seen your edit ... yes, spam folders need to be checked regularly :)

    All the best Jan

  18. On the one hand I don't really like that it gets dark so much earlier, on the other I like the coziness inside. Candles and lights, a mug of hot chocolate, soft blankets and my knitting needles. The days are still sunny and mild, but mornings, evenings and nights are chilly.


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