Monday, January 16, 2023

Of Carrots and Walking by the Sea


Carrot soup, bright with ginger and garlic, on a January day is a dish to savour. I made a big pot of it on Saturday and froze some for the future (maybe for the day when my kitchen will be out of commission due to the renovation). 

Prior to making the soup, however, I picked the last of the winter carrots from the garden, brushing off the soil, cutting and throwing the tops into the compost bin. The carrots are misshapen and of all sizes, but oh, how sweet they are, full of crunch and juice.

This sky during our Sunday afternoon walk along the water looked ominous, but no rain fell. The huge container ship, 300 metres in length, ran into trouble out at sea and put into port for needed repairs due to a "rudder malfunction". In the lower part of the photo a tiny harbour ferry - I call them jelly bean boats - is dwarfed by the huge ship, but bravely bounces along the water. 

Closer to shore the clear green water looked almost tropical, but I wouldn't be the one to venture in. Many people had the same idea as we did, for the walkway was almost crowded at times, with everyone enjoying the mild weather. 

I was at the nursery the other day and picked up some seeds - zinnias, poppies, snapdragons among others. At this point the colorful packets are merely inspirational, but I hope to start seeds indoors in a month or so. Meanwhile, the viburnum is blooming, and spikey bulb leaves are poking upwards in places, giving hints of blooms to follow. 

This morning's sky was pink in the east and now, a few hours later, a wide stripe of pale blue is sandwiched between thin cloud layers, boding for a pleasant day for an afternoon walk. 


  1. I do love pulling fresh carrots from the garden in winter. Oh so good!!! The occasional blue skies in winter are so welcomed for walking outdoors. You have such beautiful places to walk. I did notice my mini-daffodils are cautiously poking their tips out of the ground. I am here watching for signs of springtime.

  2. What sweet little surprises from your winter garden. They turned into the most colorful and delicious looking soup.
    That container ship does look huge. Hope they were able to get the problem solved.
    Your viburnum is a welcome sight at this time of year especially.

  3. Winter carrots! How good they look, as does the soup. There is nothing quite like a bowl of carrot and maybe lentil, soup. What an enormous boat that was. I would not want to be in the tiny boat almost under it. I have a few daffodil spikes bravely emerging now.

  4. Strange as it may sound I don't like carrots. That's a big loss as they are packed with vitamins and have lots of benefits.

  5. The carrot soup is beautifully rich in color. I'll bet it was delicious.

  6. Those carrots (and the soup) look terrific. I can't even imagine the thought of garden thinking right now (it's 29 degrees here!)

  7. Nicely done! I made a weird casserole with our leftover turkey. It would be better if I could use dairy, I love the cheese on top, but hubby cannot have it. :'(

  8. The only thing I've seen growing outside are the Hellebores. No spikes of Daffs yet. The carrot soup looks delicious. We're having pea soup today.

  9. The photo of your colorful and cozy carrot soup caught my eye, but so did the words "kitchen renovation!" How exciting! The seed packets are promising, aren't they?

  10. I don’t grew carrots in my garden but buy some organic ones to make soup with grounded cumin on top. Your sky picture is beautiful. I used to live by the river Seine and see the boats from my windows and now I am in the middle of the fields and I really enjoyed the water and the view of boats

  11. Oh my, look at that tiny ferry beside the giant container ship. I wonder if the passengers felt threatened by it. The carrot soup looks and sounds fantastic; home grown carrots are the best. Interesting to read that you start the seeds inside, ready for planting out in the Spring, a great collection of pretty flowers.

  12. The carrots look wonderful and I am sure they were very tasty. This obsession with uniform size and shape gets a little ridiculous. A local farmer I know gave me a couple of cauliflowers because they were too big to fit into the standard crates into which he had to pack them, twenty-four per crate, to send them to the food terminal. It was my gain, but quite sad in a way. Sorry to be hit and miss with comments on your blog, Lorrie. I have yet not found a way to follow it.

  13. The photo with the ship is just gorgeous! You captured the angry looking sky beautifully. I cooked a carrot to add to green peas last night. They are so good! Save me one!

  14. Yesssss... we love Tomatoe and of course carrot soup too. Your soup looks very delicious.

  15. Love the carrot soup. That sky is incredible!

  16. That soup sounds wonderful. I always loved buying seeds in the winter and dreaming of warmer days when the planting would begin.

  17. I make a carrot and corriander soup but a touch of ginger would add an extra dimension - I am making a mental note for the next time I make some. Happily spring is now showing signs that she is on her way.

  18. Homegrown carrots must have made your soup so delicious! I had luck growing peppers and tomatoes from seeds I saved from foods we ate last year, so I am going to do that again this spring. I start them inside at the end of February and early March. I have to wait until early June to re-plant outside, as we can get snow and frost until then. We are expecting another snowstorm tomorrow! So far it has been a wet and cold winter.

  19. Your carrot soup looks delicious.
    I particularly like the photograph with the ship.
    The dark and shade, the different shapes and the sky ... it's just lovely.

    All the best Jan

  20. January is the perfect time for carrot soup and dreaming of spring flowers!

  21. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I love carrots, they are probably my favorite vegetable, but I have never made or even had carrot soup. You have inspired me.

  22. Anonymous3:38 PM

    That was me, Connie from Crafty Home Cottage . . . don't know why I keep coming up anonymous.

  23. Oooh Lorrie, your soup looks so pretty in the blue and white bowl, and carrots from your garden. How exciting to be thinking of planting seeds and a kitchen renovation.

  24. I love the color of the carrot soup, I'll bet is was delicious! I still have a few carrots from the garden in my vegetable bin, we love munching on them and cooking with them. Those small boats made me smile, they do look so tiny compared to that huge ship! Have a great week-end, Barb


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