Thursday, February 16, 2023

Friday Favourites


Five moments from this week. I'm writing in the quiet of evening with the fire glowing. Tim and I spent some time this evening going over the plans for the kitchen renovation. We're to the point of ordering cabinets and choosing countertops and sinks. So many decisions. 

1. In my garden the hellebores are just beginning to open. How pretty these are against the browns of late winter garden beds. Lilac buds are beginning to swell and daffodil leaves poke sharp and green from the soil with the promise of later flowers.

2. Inside I got up close and personal with a chrysanthemum. Isn't the symmetry amazing? 

3. These two make me laugh. They sit on the couch cuddling their little stuffies in blankets and pretend-watch television. Iris makes up the story and Cora listens. Then Cora decides to turn off the imaginary television and oh, what a reaction she gets! Iris gets so upset that Cora keeps turning off the imaginary television. It's hilarious. Suggesting they each have a television does not work. 

4. Little animals are ever so happy in the zoo. I savour these times with the little ones and enjoy spending time with them. These young years fly by quickly. Once they attend school there is not as much freedom to spend the day with Nana. 

5. Weather is still chilly around here, in spite of the brightening days. We might even get some more snow. A bowl of Turkey Chili is warming and delicious, and so easy to make. 

Have a wonderful weekend filled with activities you enjoy and people you love. 


  1. Here the garden begins to awaken mostly the tree leaves and daffodils. But we still have frost at night and we don’t have enough rain compare to what we usually have. I wish I could see Maxime during his first years, but I must wait until the summer holidays.
    Enjoy your weekend and the choice of your new kitchen.

  2. Thank you for your beautiful photos and the story about the grandchildren's game... simply wonderful.
    Yes, time flies quickly. Let's use them.

  3. Your little ones are so sweet! They must keep you amused with their imaginary play.

  4. There certainly are a lot of decisions to be made when tackling a remodel project. I find it easy to second guess myself until the final selections are made. I look forward to seeing how it all turns out for you.
    How fun to have your granddaughters visit and be able to listen to their delightful conversation.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Lorrie.

  5. Turkey chili! It looks delicious.
    Play TV is adorable! Their imaginations are really good.

  6. Love these early stages with grands for sure. So sweet. The configuration of the zoo makes me smile.

  7. I love your five moments! Darling little ones and that chili looks terrific!

  8. Precious time with the littles indeed. Adorable. Enjoy!

  9. Anonymous4:25 PM

    A renovation of any kind seems to have so many decisions and a kitchen one is almost the hardest. Even changing our sink and choosing countertop has been quite a task. I hope the countertop will be installed this coming week. I wonder what kind of sink you'll choose.

  10. Anonymous4:27 PM

    The last comment was Granny Marigold. I do wish the problem of being anonymous would be solved!

  11. Hi Lorrie~ Oh my goodness, your photos make me anxious for spring, they are just beautiful! Time with grands when they are small is so short. I can see you are making every moment special, they are adorable. We are going to get more snow this week-end, turkey chilli would really hit the spot! Barb

  12. Yes, time flies...too fast! Great photos and your grandchildren are so cute!!
    Have a great weekend & take care...

  13. Sweet memories of ordinary days that pass too quickly. Yes, we have to snuggle up those grandchildren while they're still little.

  14. Precious times with those littles! I love how they can use their imagination, even the little zoo makes one smile. I printed out the chili recipe. It looks so good!

  15. Our hellebores are about the same stage as yours. Lovely to see your grandchildren playing happily. Imagination is a great thing. Good luck with the kitchen renovation. Exciting times. B x

  16. Absolutely beautiful flower photographs. And your granddaughters are adorably sweet.

  17. Love seeing how your "littles" use their imagination and I can pretty much hear the reaction from big sis when the 'TV" gets turned off. Enjoy (and sort of envy) your early signs of Spring. Best wishes for your kitchen remodel -- we've enjoyed that process a few times -- remodeling the rest of the house is a walk in the park compared to that heart of the home.

  18. Is Cora turning off the imaginary TV because she doesn't like the shows on the Iris network? Lol

  19. The grandkiddos are ADORABLE!
    Turkey Chili sounds good.

    Hugs and blessings, Lorrie.

  20. The two grandies 'steal the show'. The girls are so cute! Their presence and playing is the best entertainment one can get.

  21. Blooms busting out all over around here also, Nashville TN. Spring is in bloom. Cute little ones and I love the yummy look of that bowl of food.

  22. marilyn Miller3:05 PM

    I absolutely find the first signs of spring in the garden, the symmetry of a flower, and children's imaginations. How wonderful!

  23. Love all your Friday Favorites and your grans are so sweet! I would also get upset if someone turned off my pretend TV while I was watch. Also If they took away my pretend snack.

  24. Choosing new kitchen counters and countertops is such a big decision and so exciting! You do have a later spring there than we do. Lovely because I always favor a long slow spring. How I regret never having hellebores in our gardens. The older I've gotten the more I treasure smaller subtler plants. What a treat to see Iris and Cora and hear about their play at Nana's! They remind me so much of our Cora and her big sister who has always enjoyed the role of teacher to small student. Most of the time Cora played along but sometimes there was revolt. It is always a pleasure for me to observe sister play when they stay with us. Lorrie, you always picture the food you make so beautifully! I've never made turkey chili but white chicken chili has become my favorite standby over the years. It is so comforting to know there is leftover chicken chili in the fridge for lunch for a few days.

  25. Lorrie - I remember when we built our log house - so many decisions, from cabinet knobs to light fixtures to carpets ... Sometimes I thought my head would explode. I pray that you have a smooth process! Laughed out loud at the story of the imaginary TV - oh my! Enjoy these special times!

  26. Beautiful photos from the garden. There's not much to see in mine at the moment.

  27. It's good to see that children can still make their own entertainment. And those two look adorable!

  28. I enjoy watching your "littles" use their imagination, and I can almost hear big sister's reaction when the "TV" is turned off. Enjoy your early signs of spring (and sort of enviously). Best wishes for your upcoming kitchen renovation! We've had a lot of fun with that process, and compared to that important room in the house, remodelling the rest of the house is a piece of cake.


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