Friday, March 24, 2023

Friday Favourites: Welcome Spring!


Late daylight on golden daffodils. How beautiful they are. The sunny warm days we've enjoyed have brought out many blooms and gladden my heart. 

In the spirit of keeping it real, I confess that I am sitting on my bed writing this post at 6:30 pm. Two plates and two sets of cutlery lie at the foot of the bed. Tim and I just finished our dinner, purchased at the deli counter at the grocery store.

It's been a bit of a stressful week with tradesmen here refinishing the ceilings on the main floor, and they are still here, working much harder now than they have been all week. You would not believe the mess. Seriously. Splotches of plaster from here to there. Dust everywhere. I've been spending time with my daughters and working in the garden to avoid being in the house. The promised finish time of Wednesday has been extended until Friday morning. Grrr. That afternoon my parents arrive. I hope the work is done by then! I'm trying to be cool about it all, but it's exhausting, and I just want to get to cleaning it all up!

So let's look at beautiful spring things and practice avoidance. 

Our Persian friends brought us a beautiful platter for the new year, celebrated on March 21. Spring is such a logical time for the beginning of a year, don't you think? Everything on the tray (other than the sweets on the little plate) begins with the letter "s" in Farsi. "Haft-seen" meaning seven s' is a tradition of the season of Nowruz, celebrated for over 3000 years in the middle east. There are rich traditions in other cultures, and I love to learn about them. 

Apricot blossoms popped out this week, and I've seen bees and insects flying around, so I hope they are doing their important work that will result in lots of sweet apricots in a few months. 

A few grape hyacinths bloom in sunny spots, and there are many more to come. Hooray for early spring flowers that begin the parade of blossoms. Cooler temperatures and a bit of rain arrived today after I planted potatoes, arugula, radishes, and carrots. 

Last weekend, when I still had a functioning kitchen, I made a simple supper of polenta topped with sauteed asparagus and poached eggs. Fast and simple, and surprisingly delicious. 

The raspberry canes are leafing out. Such delicate colouring and fine shapes that glow in the evening sunlight. 

In another avoidance technique I read Charles' Todd's A Forgotten Place, featuring Bess Crawford. Reading is a stress-buster for me, as even 30 minutes with a book calms me as I lose myself in the story. 

There's a party this weekend, and my parents' visit to look forward to. Anything particular happening in your world in the next couple of days? 


  1. The platter looks elegant and wonderful. Light on flowers is great to see.
    Here, the ground under the melting snow needs to thaw. Thus far the green I've seen are all weeds. Enjoy the party and parent visit

  2. It's so hard to get through the messy part of a project. I know you'll be glad to get things cleaned up. I hope you have a good weekend. We'll plan a hike and that's always exciting!

  3. (One comment up in smoke...😵‍💫)

    Your situation sounds frustrating. It will surely all be accomplished; may it be sooner rather than later. Perhaps you and your parents can skip along to a mini vacation.

    How beautiful your daffodils are. I must find my daffodil tucked in the cupboard that you sent me years ago now. It will be a bright spot against the snow beyond my window.

  4. Oh my, I can only imagine the disruption and mess a remodel/renovation brings. Hope by now they have completed the work. Sounds like a fun weekend is planned. Enjoy. We have a quiet weekend coming as our last weekend was full from top to bottom. Happy Spring to you!

  5. What a lovely post, Lorrie! Love the flower pics in your garden. Sigh.... And that beautiful arrangement from your Persian friends - so prettily displayed. Extensions are often annoying. Hopefully, they'll give it all they've got and get it done in time for you to tidy before your parents arrive. Wishing you a beautiful weekend. xo

  6. I hope the work was finished in time for your parents’ visit. Have a great weekend.

  7. Renovations are stressful, but when all is done it is worth it. I love your pretty spring scenes. We are still buried in snow, although it is +3 today, so it is melting.

  8. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Your are well ahead of us for blooming. No grape hyacinths or sprouting raspberries here, so there are plenty of daffodils now. The tulips are late to bloom too. The treat from your friends look wonderful. Hoping the work got done and you have a good visit with family. Happy weekend!

  9. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I wonder if any renovating project gets done by the projected date. For some reason it just doesn't seem to happen. Meanwhile the mess and stress continue. I hope it's finished very soon and life (and your kitchen) will go back to normal. GM

  10. I think it's a given that home renovations and repairs always take longer than promised. You sometimes wonder whether contractors lie as a matter of course.

  11. Your daffodils are gorgeous, Lorrie.
    I hope the renovation is done before the arrival of your parents.

    Hugs and blessings

  12. I hate work in the house. Maybe that's why an old person's house, when it gets sold, is always a bit of a mess. The thought is "why decorate, I'm not here much longer".
    Gorgeous signs of spring round your way. Enjoy the weekend, I hope everything will get done before your parents visit.

  13. I hope the renovation works will be completed promptly and that you have a lovely weekend!
    Where I live, we are far from spring, there's wet snow and ice everywhere. Alas, it will take at least a month before we see any flowers. Fortunately there are your posts full of sunlight and cheer!

  14. What a cheerful photo to begin your post with. As it is now Saturday, I am hoping that the renovations have been completed and you are enjoying your visit with your parents.

  15. Great to have the cheery daffodils around, I'm in the UK at the moment and the year feels better when I've had Spring in my life! Grrrr indeed to your over run renovations, hoping you've been able to clean up before guests and the party.
    Happy weekend
    Wren x

  16. Home renovations indeed can be very stressful, especiallye if they don't stick to a schedule. Last year when we got a new roof and solar panels afterwards we were very pleasantly surprised how fast and on time both companies worked. The roof was done withing three days and the solar panels within a few hours. And they completely cleaned up afterwards. Both were local companies and we were quite impressed. I guess we were very lucky.

  17. Renovations can be very difficult, when time frames change as you try to live your life around it. I do hope they finish on time before your parents visit. Happy Springtime with those gorgeous yellow daffodils, one of my favourite blooms. Your polenta dish looks very delicious, and how beautiful is the Persian feast from your friends. I am sure you enjoyed it very much. Nothing much happening here this weekend: it is still hot, and I am 'recovering' from Covid Jab No. 5 - just minor side-effects. Have a good week.

  18. Hi Lorrie,

    I love your picture of the daffodils -- the light is just perfect!! What a beautiful tray your Persian friends gifted you with! I enjoy learning about other cultures, too. I can so relate to your frustration with workmen in the house, and it's been my experience (unfortunately) that the first completion date given is almost never the actual date of completion. For reasons I'll never understand, it ALWAYS takes longer. Actually, to be fair, there were some projects here that ran perfectly on time. Our kitchen, however, took forever to finish. It was so worth it, though, because I have loved the improvements for these ten years since it was remodeled. Hang in there, my friend, and it will be finished. I hope you love the way everything turns out!

    As far as plans for the weekend here, we have nothing. I'm bored silly, truly I am. I'm hoping we can get down to the beach soon, just for a long weekend. We are due a change of scenery right now. I almost forgot, your asparagus, polenta, and poached eggs look DELICIOUS. I love all three of those things, so I would be happy to have that for a meal. :) Take care, Lorrie, and have a good week!



  19. Anonymous10:57 AM

    This is a late comment about your March 5th blog entry and your Chanel jacket. One of my favorite blogs is called Fifty Dresses, and the author is a wonderful seamstress using mostly vintage patterns by Vogue, Butterick and Simplicity and McCalls. I used to make many of my clothes and took a couple of sewing courses, though I really learned from my mother, who made my clothes and lovely dresses for my dolls. There is another blog I’ve lost track of by a woman who attended a Chanel jacket class and went through the process step by step. I have not made clothing for some time, but instead I became a quilter and stitcher. I lost your blog for awhile also but I ran across the name of it yesterday and began reading back through the past months. I love your entries. Carol in Texas

  20. Rehab is wearing and stressful on a good day, much less biting the nails and hoping they are done before your parents arrive. But the garden looks like a grand diversion and it's such a "wow!" to see those blooms. We're getting closer! I love the Charles Todd books and especially Bess Crawford series. I was so sad when one of them (probably the mother of the duo) died. I hope there will still be more books to come.

  21. Another busy week here cat sitting among other things so only just catching up on your post. Oh I feel your angst. Kitchens are just the worst thing for renovations. But just think once it’s all complete! So much to enjoy in your garden. It all looks beautiful. Hope your parents visit goes well. B x


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