Tuesday, May 02, 2023

A Sunny Start to May


This evening, I am thinking of very little. I'm staying at our youngest daughter's home, caring for our two youngest granddaughters while their parents are away for a few days. How busy life with little ones is, with little time for thought. How joyful it is to be with an almost-four-year-old, and a two-and-a-quarter-year-old (she informed me of her age herself). 

In my own garden, blueberry bushes are in bloom with promises of sweet blueberries in a couple of months. The blooms foretell the shape of the round berries that we will soon enjoy.

After I put the little girls to bed this evening I wandered outside. The yard is large with all sorts of plants, trees, and bushes. I'm not certain what the above is - this is the first season our children have lived here and it's been fun to observe the changing garden. 

Bluebells (the Spanish variety) are in bloom, and although they lack the fragrance of English bluebells, I love seeing the blue swaths of flowers among the long grass on this mostly wild property.

My days with the two little girls are very different from my usual routine. There are lots of stories read and supervising play and other activities. Their other grandmother is sharing the care and took them to Butterfly Gardens today while I ran errands. How quickly one forgets the full-time aspect of caring for young children. 

The girls love being outside. Young Cora would love to catch one of the half-dozen or so bunnies that come out in the evening to nibble on grass and other plants, but so far the bunnies have eluded her. Iris bounces on the trampoline for long stretches of time, her ponytail or braid flying with each jump. 

May is full of beauty, and reminds me of the words of photographer Ansel Adams, "I believe the world is incomprehensibly beautiful; an endless prospect of magic and wonder." 

And now it's time for this Nana to get to bed so she can be fully present and energetic for the little ones tomorrow morning. 


  1. It seems that it would be fun for the children to have both grandmas taking care of them at one time... I have experienced that a couple of times, the sharing between us. When the children are young and needy, more hands and arms are especially welcome. Good rest to you!

  2. What a pretty garden, and with little bunnies as well, it must be a child's delight, as well as for you. I have never seen how blueberries grow: how pretty are their flowers too. Enjoy your time with the dear little girls.

  3. Make sure your granddaughters eat blueberries; the fruit is packed with health. We don't grow them here. We import them from far away, Chili, and they are quite expensive.

  4. Joyful, yes. And I bet you are exhausted -- or if not yet, you will be! Maybe girls are easier than boys. (I sort of wish we had girls though I love my two little guys to pieces!). The garden is just lovely.

  5. Great to have care of the little ones but tiring for my old bones. Time outside is fantastic for the kids! Enjoy!

  6. What a lovely place the world must be when you are only four, or two and a quarter! Everything is a mystery to be solved, everything is new and lovely. You will be tired but it's a good tiredness!

  7. What a very special time for you, although tiring as young children can make you. Having just spent two weeks with grandsons (they are grown but noisy) I am readjusting to the quiet of my apartment. I miss them, though.

  8. That is really fun! Our grandies are older, and I miss those days!

  9. Little ones do take energy! Just a few years and they'll be quite independent! A few of our grands are in and out of our home all week long. I do savor the time I get to think my own thoughts.

  10. Truly raising little boys and girls is good for our younger years. It's nice in our older years to help out here and there and then have many days to recuperate in between. Wonderful memories being made. Happy May to you.

  11. Anonymous10:52 AM

    i think I will have to do the same for a little boy this summer, hope I can still manage ! Happy May. We are leaving for Netherlands on Saturday but we won’t have good weather.

  12. Oh the fun of being Nana to one or more! I must once again say that Iris and Cora and their cousins are very lucky. How nice it must be for your children to get away together for a few days. And exciting to see their new garden unfold with the seasons.

  13. What a special time it must be for the girls to have Nana all to themselves. I can imagine how rewarding it must be for you, too. I completely relate to how tired you must be at the end of the day. Beautiful photos you have captured from your daughter's garden.

  14. Anonymous8:16 PM

    How pretty those delicate white flowers with polka dots are. Spanish Bluebells have spread over my garden. I somehow have white ones now too. What a sweet time with Iris and Cora. Exhausting I'm sure, but so special. Granny M

  15. A joyful time to be caring for children.
    The yard sounds lively.

  16. Lovely post, Lorrie. Your photos are beautiful. It's so nice that your 'kids' can get away for a while and that you get to make lovely memories with the grands.

  17. How lovely that you can share grand parent duties. I bet you are loving having them all day. I think the white flowered plant is a choisia. I may be wrong! B x

  18. Your photos are gorgeous, Lorrie.
    How wonderful that you can make precious memories with the grands!

    Hugs and blessings

  19. I have always admired your garden's pretty flowers. That's great that you and the paternal grandmother can tag team on the childcare.

  20. Hi Lorrie! You have an explosion of color and beauty in your yard. I hope you received enough rest to entertain your grands.

  21. It's good to be reminded of how much energy is needed to care for littles. I'm sure they just love being outside with you. I wonder if that one blossoming tree might be a pear tree? Reminded me of one of our trees.


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