Thursday, September 28, 2023

Autumn Begins


September is nearly gone. We’ve travelled from the middle of Ontario to central Alberta in the past six days. Lots of driving, but wonderful weather and scenery along the way. The colours of red maple forests are stunning, unlike anything we have in the west where all is gold. 

Next week we arrive home on our west coast island. Thanks for following along and I hope to begin regular posting soon. 

Enjoy these last days of September. 


  1. You really are packing in the miles! What a journey this has been!

  2. Safe travels. Bet you can’t wait to get home :) B x

  3. Happy Travels!
    Your adventure has been a pleasure to read about.

  4. Such a wonderful trip. Happy adventures as you near home!

  5. May God make smooth and joyful, these last days of your journey.

  6. Lovely photo.

    Safe travels, Lorrie.

  7. Enjoy these last days of your journey. Travel safely.

  8. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I'm sure you're looking forward to being home and seeing loved ones again. Granny M

  9. Nice to hear travels going homeward have been good. Happy last two days of September to you.

  10. Those red maple leaves are stunning - worth a trip to see them! That sure is a lot of driving; I hope you are taking a little break before the final push over the Rockies. It has been wonderful following your journey.

  11. By now you may be home from your wonderful adventure. Happy October!

  12. Marilyn M7:27 PM

    Enjoy the return home. You live in a beautiful part of the world.

  13. Sounds like an epic journey and I'm sure you are looking forward to arriving home now. The photos are lovely. (I scrolled down to follow along). I hope that you post more once you are rested.

  14. So good to know you got home safely! Home sweet home! 🤍

  15. Have a safe travel home and see you soon.


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