Friday, April 05, 2024

Things I Like Today


It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.
J. R. R. Tolkien

In The Reading List, by Sara Nishi Adams, a found list of book titles inspires others to read and reflect. List-making has a curious appeal, a way of ordering tasks, grocery-shopping, or just for fun. Several weeks ago, Brenda posted a list of things she liked, and I am copying that idea today. This is a changeable list; if I wrote it tomorrow, it would surely be different. 

Things I like Today

Rain-washed mornings. Neatly folded laundry. 
Popcorn. Pink tulips. Freshly laundered sheets.
Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Fluffy towels. Chocolate. Hummingbirds.
Marching bands. Fresh mint. Walking barefoot in the house.
"One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again." C.S. Lewis
Dorothy Sayers. Agatha Christie. Louise Penny.

Nachos with guacamole. Laughing so hard I can't talk. 
ABBA music for housecleaning. Reading. Writing. Singing.
Pretty tables. Butchart Gardens. Walking with friends.
Chicken noodle soup. Fresh bread.
"Tea! Bless ordinary everyday afternoon tea! Agatha Christie
Running hot water. Book of Psalms. Grace. 
Houseplants. Candleglow. 

Birch trees. Blizzards of blossom. Waves lapping on shore.
"little mannerly murmurs of daily life" Garrison Kiellor
Blue hyacinth scent. Roast chicken. Homemade jam.
Dabbling in watercolour. Sewing. Embroidery. Creating.
Conversations with my grandchildren. Silk. Hugs in the kitchen.

Writing notes by hand. Sharp pencils. Sky-blue. Turquoise. 
Navy Blue. Polka-dots. Swishy skirts. 
"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine 
are hard to beat." Laura Ingalls Wilder
Louisa May Alcott. C.S. Lewis. L.M. Montgomery. 
Reflections. Woodland flowers. Mossy rocks.

A gently rocking boat. Cozy fires, gas or wood. 
Tidy kitchen counter tops. Presents. Books. Poetry.
"Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars and see yourself
running with them." Marcus Aurelius 
Dinner with friends. Riesling. Quilts. Roses.

What do you like today? I'd love to know. All photos are from Butchart Gardens where I walked yesterday with a friend.


  1. Dearest Lorrie,
    That must have been a lovely walk at Butchart Gardens with your friend!
    Lovely photos.

  2. A truly lovely list, Lorrie, with beautiful photos.

  3. A wonderful post, Lorrie! Gorgeous photos of an amazing place. Wonderful lists that make the reader smile. There are so many lovely things in the world and in our lives! Everyone should write them down, daily.
    Have a happy weekend! xx

  4. Such a good idea to think of and record all those things that bring you happiness. You have mentioned some lovely things in your list:)

  5. The blossoms and blooms are spectacular. Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Beautiful walking at Butchart Gardens! A very lovely post too with evocative thoughts and poetic imagery.
    Hostess of the Humble Bungalow

  7. Well what do I like today ...
    The photos from your blog for a start.
    Fritillaries must be one of my favourite flowers.
    And on a stormy day here in Wales ... I love the sound of the sea... swn y mor in welsh

  8. I love this beyond words! It's so happy and it reminds me of the song "My Favorite Things." I don't want to eat up your whole comment thread with my list (it's a good day!) but here are a few... blogging; Lizzie being extra sweet; a delightful sunny day; knowing Harry the Heron is back (even if I haven't seen him myself yet); the feeling of holding my book proof in my hands; a surprisingly inexpensive price for tulips at the grocery today.... I should stop now...!

  9. What a lovely list of favourites!! And what gorgeous pictures, especially that last one.
    Have a wonderful weekend 💗

  10. Such a lovely post with lots of things I love too. ABBA music definitely to get things done. Grand daughter is rather a fan of it too and likes to wiggle along. So many things to love in that list. I’m definitely smiling 😻. B x

  11. This was a lovely post.
    I enjoyed the read and your fabulous photographs from Butchart Gardens.

    All the best Jan

  12. What a lovely list!
    Love from Titti

  13. What a lovely post. It is so good to dwell on the things you enjoy and think on those things a spell. Beautiful photos from Butchart! There are so many things about Spring that I like. Daffodils are the very first color to show here. Blessings!

  14. I love knowing what other people's favorite things are! And you probably won't be surprised to hear that many of your lovely things are also mine. I would add Dachshunds to the top of my list, and would sub Van Morrison instead of ABBA for housecleaning, and your blues (which I also love) would become shades of green for me. C.S. Lewis and chocolate, always! Definitely your Dorothy Sayers and Louise Penny but I would put Agatha Christie further down my list and substitute Charlotte MacLeod's New England and Canadian mysteries for hers. I definitely agree with the Book of Psalms that in times of crisis becomes what I turn to. Amen for chicken noodle soup!

    Lovely lovely pinks and greens and white from the Gardens!

  15. I can only imagine how wonderful your walk through the Butchart Gardens were. You captured such beautiful photos. What fun to read your list of things you like today. I think it would be a good practice to reflect on that each day. I just gave a few minutes thought to my own likes for today and came up with the following: open windows on a spring day, birdsong, sunshine, tulips, reading with my first cup of coffee, the first of the local strawberries and sitting on the patio with my husband at the end of our work day.

  16. Butchart Gardens always looks a joy to see whenever you show it and whatever the time of year.

  17. Marilyn M6:06 PM

    I just knew the pictures had to be from Butchart. It is so beautiful there in every season. I love your list. Ed Sheeran's song Perfect is a good one. I think for today what jumped out for me were tulips on my walk and tiny daisies I saw in a nearby lawn, a video I watch of a beautiful village in the mountains of Japan, my morning tea, taking the time to prepare my tea basket for tea with friends on Sunday afternoon, oh and I even saw a little bit of the eclipse.

  18. First Butchart gardens are beautiful. I just saw a garden in my favourite magazine this month and it was about this garden I remembered the name when you’ve talked about it on your blog some months ago. My magazine is from the Netherlands. In fact I like nearly everything you like. I like Nature, bird songs and simple and quiet life, I like travelling meeting people in different countries.

  19. What a lovely post. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    You took fascinating photos...
    oh yes, I would have liked to have been there for your wonderful walk.
    Photo #1 is my hit along with "It's not a bad thing to celebrate a simple life" -
    And me today: walk in the forest :-)

  20. Joanne Long2:01 PM

    Those are beautiful photos, Lorie. Simple, peaceful days are the best.

  21. I enjoyed Brenda's and your lists.

    Today, I like the creative promos for Taylor Swift's upcoming album, The Tortured Poets Department, that will get released on the 29th!

  22. Correction: 19th not 29th

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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