Tuesday, April 02, 2024

April Begins with Sunshine


I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter. I love the celebration of the Resurrection, full of hope and joy. 

We had a crowd over for dinner on Easter Sunday - 14 of us. The weather cooperated beautifully for an egg hunt before sitting down to the table. For the preceding weeks I saved all the egg shells I used, cracking just the tops and gently prying a minimum of shell loose - just enough that the egg could drop out. I rinsed the shells and then hot glued them together in a circle and filled each shell with water and a tiny posy. It's an idea I saw online. Simple and fun. 

"Spring is singing in my blood today, and the lure of April is 
abroad on the air. I'm seeing visions and dreaming dreams,...That's 
because the wind is from the west. I do love the west wind. It sings 
of hope and gladness..."
L. M. Montgomery

Fawn Lilies (erythronium) are blooming like stars in the woods. I've been taking more walks without my camera, but I was determined to capture these short-lived beauties, and off I set, my camera dangling by its strap. 

I must crouch low to the ground to capture the showy side of the lilies, for they are shy things. Do the insects crawling around underneath the lilies ever look up to see the intricate beauty above them? 

In the same patch of woods where the fawn lilies bloom, an old apple tree is just beginning to produce blossoms, and several unknown prunus trees are bright with creamy-petalled flowers filled with gold-tipped stamens. I stood under the tree looking up into the blue sky. A trio of Chestnut-Backed Chickadees flitted among the branches, not bothered by me at all. They were busy chattering to themselves, perhaps remarking on the warm afternoon, and where to find the best nest-building materials. 

I coloured eggs late last week, put them into a carton in the fridge, and promptly forgot about them. No pretty display this year. Yesterday I peeled some of them, halved them, and placed them on leftover roasted asparagus.

A warm Bechamel sauce and grated Gouda cheese covered the eggs nicely before sliding the dish into the oven. A perfect simple supper for the two of us, along with salad, and buttered carrots. 

I had my hair cut today and am so happy with my new hairdresser. She listens to my inadequate explanation of what I want and then creates something lovely. My hair feels bouncy and alive. Isn't it amazing how our hair can influence the way we feel about ourselves and our day? 

"Spring has a special effect on us in the valley. The whole 
beautiful world invites us out, and we have an urge to wander. The gentle, rolling hills, the clear, winding brooks, the bright, rushing streams: all are filled with the rhythm of life and we 
move with it too."
Gladys Taber, Stillmeadow Calendar

As Spring comes into her own in April, I wish you days of sunshine and increasing warmth, gentle rainfall, and not too much wind. That's what I'm wishing for myself, too. 


  1. Wonderful captures of the fawn lilies!
    The dish you put in the oven, looks very appetizing!
    A haircut can make your day , or ruin it. Glad you're happy about it and the hairdresser.

  2. Dearest Lorrie,
    Love your egg shell vases with the spring flowers!
    You show such spectacular photos of spring blossoms—eye candy.
    Wishing you a happy continuation of spring and its beauty.

  3. Very beautiful photos with flowers and delicious food, the best for the holidays, when you had a table with many people. Thanks for sharing! Good month!

  4. Prunus flowers are so delicate and so lovely. I wish you hadn't shown the photo of the egg/asparagus dish! It made me very hungry for a moment. I did like the egg shell idea.

  5. You egg crown is beautiful!so is your Easter table. You are lucky to have a good hairdresser mine is not good and I am not pleased with my hair it is difficult to find. I like Béchamel and often do some vegetable “gratins” with Béchamel and cheese especially Gouda. I wish you a nice April.

  6. I love how you did the flower arrangement. I always get the kids to do some decorations for the table. This year, we used flowers too and I left them with an idea and they followed through. They love to set the table for our gatherings. All three participated and did a great job.

  7. So love that Easter table decoration. We too had 14 for Easter lunch or should I say 13 and a half:) Lots of promise to come this month. Lovely to see all your spring flowers. Happy April to you. B x

  8. Your Easter table is lovely, Lorrie! That looks to be a vintage tablecloth with the pretty pink and lavender blooms and I do love the flower arrangement in the egg shells you so carefully saved. Fawn lilies are certainly sweet and I smiled as I read of you crouching to the ground to capture the perfect picture of them, remembering when I did the same early one morning about 20 years ago in my garden, my robe on stretched out on the ground for that perfect shot. A helicopter flying low overhead startled me and I wondered if they'd be reporting a dead woman on a lawn below them.

    Yay to getting a new haircut that makes you happy!

  9. I am intrigued by your Easter egg floral arrangement. It is such a clever idea and looks perfect for the Easter dinner table.
    The fawn lilies are lovely and I appreciate the efforts you went to for such nice photos.
    I appreciate your spring wishes. Very windy here today, but the sun is shining and we had a light rain during the night. Hopefully it was enough to wash away some of the pollen.

  10. Great ideas here for an Easter centerpiece and for something to bake with hard boiled eggs. Thanks for sharing. The other photos are lovely. Happy April to you.

  11. I'm so glad you had a lovely Easter. Your flower arrangement is just darling -- what a great idea. And that asparagus dish looks wonderful. I'll have to try that sometime. It looks delicious!

  12. Fawn Lilies are so delicate and beautiful. I wonder if we have them here on the mainland.
    Your posies in egg shells are just so cute!! A delightful centerpiece for Easter.

  13. Now that I have just seen your erythroniums I must check our garden to see if ours are in flower yet.
    The dish of eggs and asparagus sounds delicious.

  14. Thanks for calling by my blog again - I have not been writing enough there recently.
    Fawn Lilies look beautiful - I have not seen or heard of those; what a glorious sign of spring. The egg posies are lovely too - the sort of craft idea my mother would have loved. She once wrote a book on crafts for children and as youngsters we had top to test out all the projects she dreamed up!

  15. Marilyn M.5:40 PM

    Yes, on a good haircut. It does make us feel so good. I love, love the center piece with egg shells, what a good idea. I also love fawn lilies and need to get out and look for them very soon. That casserole with the melty cheese looks sooooo yummy!

  16. Your egg centerpiece is beautiful. That's a neat thing to do for a holiday.
    Beautiful flowers. A new, and good hair cut is a confidence enhancer.

  17. Your Easter celebration sounds delightful!
    Love the eggshell vase idea .
    And those fawn lilies – what delicate beauties!
    Isn't it amazing how a good haircut can uplift the spirits?

    Have a great weekend, Lorrie!

  18. Your Easter table looks lovely and your food so delicious.
    So pleased you are happy with your new hairdresser.

    Enjoy your April days.

    All the best Jan

  19. Your Easter centerpiece is so sweet, Lorrie, using eggshells as tiny vases for your posies. All your food is always so appealing. The asparagus , egg, cheese dish sounds heavenly. I'm glad you had a fabulous haircut that put some Spring in your step, I’ll bet!


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