Monday, July 08, 2024

Settling In and Overcoming Jet Lag


Twenty-four hours in transit from Amsterdam to Victoria. We were more than exhausted and so very happy to fall into our own bed on Friday night. I only slept for five hours and dressed quietly, crept downstairs, drank a glass of water, and went out to the garden. Oh my! There's a lot of work to do. But how beautiful the flowers are - hydrangeas in full bloom, poppies, roses, and more. 

We had a wonderful time away, and it's equally wonderful to be home again. There will be stories of our trip when I get myself organized. 

Poppies seed themselves in many places. They are easy to pull out where not needed. I let them grow in the vegetable beds while the vegetables are small, then pull them out to make more space. Everyone seems to get along well. 

Although it was midnight when we arrived home, both of us went out to the garden in the dark. Tim wanted to check on the blueberries. The cool weather while we were away slowed their ripening and they are only just now ready to pick. 

There's a bit of a heat wave on now, not desperately hot, but enough that I am not working in the garden in the afternoons. Laundry, grocery shopping, unpacking - all the things that need doing after a trip - are done. And now it is summer. 


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Welcome back home.
    It's always nice to go away but home is special ...
    Your garden flowers and the blueberries look great.

    All the best Jan

  2. Marilyn M.4:21 PM

    Your blueberries are ahead of mine. Your garden is lovely. Yes, to poppies in with the vegetables too. I love flowers in the veggie garden.

  3. Dearest Lorrie,
    Twenty–four hours in transit is a long time! Did you experience any delay?
    When we flew from Atlanta to Amsterdam and then on to Jakarta via Delhi and Singapore, that was a long journey with exactly 12 hours time difference. And we went to work—not on vacation!
    Glad though that we managed to fly over 1,500,000 miles while it was still doable, higher courtesy and service!
    But welcome home and oh, we both have always checked out our garden and greenhouse, with a flash light upon arrival!
    Those blueberries look great and so do the poppies.

  4. Welcome home, Lorrie dear! Your garden is full of beautiful flowers!
    Looking forward to your stories from the trip.

  5. Home safely from a great trip and great memories packed away! Lovely. Welcome back.

  6. Glad you made it home safely!

    Did you see a lot of Swifties in Amsterdam? Taylor did 3 shows there on July 4-6.

  7. I would be in my garden first thing too after being away.. the blue of those hydrangeas is heavenly!

  8. Our heat wave is real here. So thankful for air conditioning. Glad you made it home again to the comfort of home sweet home. The blueberries look delicious!

  9. However lovely travel is the best part is always the homecoming. We too head straight for the garden whatever time of day. Opposite weather here. Constant rain and gales. Looking beautiful in your corner. B x

  10. Glad you had a nice trip home. We should be going to the Netherlands in September. This week we are having rain all the time not easy to keep the children inside!
    We should go to the market tomorrow, but temperature is 16 C degrees very different from 50 C in Dubaï.

  11. So good to be home! The garden is always the first thing I check after a visit away, and it is amazing how it grows when you arent looking!

  12. Happy to learn that you are both home safely after what appears to have been a fabulous trip.

  13. Welcome home. Your garden is looking good (love those berries!) and I will be eager to see photos and hear more about your trip!

  14. I'm sure it's wonderful to be back home.
    How nice that your blueberries are only now ready to pick and all your flowers did well while you were gone.

  15. You wrote...'We had a wonderful time away, and it's equally wonderful to be home again.' I reckon that is the sign of a perfect trip for most of us don't want to be perpetual travellers; we want to experience adventure and difference that enriches us, but then to return to the routine and familiarity of home and family.

  16. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Welcome home!
    Those blueberries look perfect!

  17. Welcome home. How nice to return to a garden lush with flowers and blueberries ready to eat.

  18. Yes, welcome home!
    Our Ottawa kids were in Amsterdam last year. This year they are going to visit my son in YVR! Lots fun.

  19. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Welcome home! Traveling is hard work. I'll be looking forward to the stories from your trip.

    Gretchen Joanna

  20. Beautiful to come home full of beautiful moments and what a trip from Australia Europe!!
    Your garden is wonderful, I love your pink flowers!
    The blueberries look ready to pick!
    Have a great day Lorrie!

  21. It's great that your blueberries in the garden are now ripe and you can enjoy them. Today we had ice cream with blueberries with coffee.
    I'm looking forward to your holiday reports... the Netherlands is so beautiful.
    Kind regards Viola

  22. Lovely photos of your beautiful plants, Lorrie. Welcome back home!
    To come home exhausted after a long travel but to need to greet the garden before going to sleep. To be very tired but to get up early to start the works and to enjoy being home... so familiar!
    Looking very much forward to reading your travel stories.


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