Saturday, December 14, 2024

A Visit to Butchart Gardens


On a chilly night we donned down-filled jackets, toques, and gloves for a walk through Butchart Gardens, known worldwide for its magnificent flower displays. In December the garden is transformed by thousands of lights twinkling brightly to enchant young and old alike. 

The voices of carolers travel through the clear cold air in perfect harmony. 
Children and adults have fun at the tree whose lights react to clapping, becoming brighter as the noise increases. The Rose Carousel is always a hit with the younger set. We skipped that this time but wouldn't dream of passing it by if the grandchildren were with us. 

Visitors have fun looking for characters from The Twelve Days of Christmas in clever displays throughout the gardens. My favourite are the Three French Hens enjoying tea with the Eiffel Tower in the background. 
More than one visitor looks in vain for the last characters - the twelve drummers drumming. They are not visible until one leaves the gardens and passes under the lighted arches with those drummers perched merrily above. 

My younger daughter and I made Rum Balls one day. They have become a family favourite and it's hard to stop at one. Doing things together is also a Christmas tradition. 

Tim and I decorated the tree and remarked how quickly the years have passed since we had little ones excited about hanging ornaments on the branches. Memories surge. "Remember where we bought this ornament?" "So and so made this for us." Christmas is a time to remember friends and family, and events of long ago, or just last year. 

I made this ornament many years while living in the jungle of South America. How I longed for the Christmas weather I was accustomed to. Now, I still wish for snow. We see so little of it here on our west coast island. 

It's mid-afternoon as I finish this post. Strong winds have howled around the house all day, with spatters of rain to change it up at times. I've been baking, with Tim's help. He's becoming a great sous-chef. Shortbread, Chocolate Cherry Cookies, and Butter Tarts are cooling and headed for the freezer. Light is fading fast and soon we'll close the blinds, turn on all the twinkling lights and stay cozy while the weather does what it will. 


  1. I enjoyed reading your post and looking at the pictures. 💕
    What a wonderful, gorgeous incredible outdoor happening that must have been!
    I also enjoyed reading about your baking plans and memories of Christmas times past. 🎄
    Hope you'll have snow. We do but very little and it's melting away. Still, better than South America, eh? 😀

  2. A wonderful, Christmassy post, Lorrie. I hope it will snow there a little. (We don't have much snow either yet.) Happy Third Sunday of Advent!

    1. Thank you for your comment today, Lorrie! Funnily, the Finnish word 'kuusi' means both the number six and a tree species, a spruce. The lyrics of the verse mean that a Christmas tree has candles as if it were blossoming.

  3. Anonymous10:07 PM

    We were fortunate to visit Butchart Gardens in December one year ( and nearly froze) but that didn't lessen our enjoyment of all the enchantment. I must look up the recipe for Rum Balls. Recently I've developed an intolerance for PB so the PB balls that my son made won't be eaten by me. Hopefully the Rum Balls don't call for PB. GM

  4. I am sorry not to have left a comment for so long or posted on my blog. I have been very ill and only now feel more able to use a keyboard - albeit on a phone! But I have been reading and it helps to see me through. Today I am posting similar comments on many favourite blogs I have read. From a hospital in France…

  5. A perfect place to visit. I love the three French Hens!

  6. What an enchanting display of Christmas lights in the gardens. The French Hens are so cute and funny. I wish we could let it snow here, too! It is so hot and humid here, and snow makes everything look like Christmas. I hope you get a little white dusting of snow very soon, to look at while you enjoy rum balls and all the other goodies.

  7. Awww your beautifully written post gave me all the feels! All the warm, comfy, cozy feels of the season! I have been to Butchart Gardens in spring, summer and autumn but never in winter. Being there at this time of year could be the most joyous with all those lights, characters and carolling!

  8. What a magical evening at Butchart Gardens, especially with the holiday lights and festive displays! Your traditions, like making rum balls and decorating the tree, really bring the warmth of Christmas to life. You're invited to visit my blog whenever you’d like—I'd love to share more cozy moments with you!

  9. How enchanting! We've had the lovely opportunity to visit there a few times at this time of year when we been in Victoria. It's always such a delight. Love the Three French Hens.

  10. The gardens look stunning. Nothing quite as pretty in this corner. Christmas baking still to do. In fact lots to do. Have a lovely week. B x

  11. The gardens look so good and (thanks to your lovely photographs) I always enjoy my visits their with you :)

    All the best Jan

  12. We're like that, decorating the tree too. Everything has a connection, some many decades old! I've been baking too -- shortbreads, ginger cookies, a peppermint frosted sugar cookie. More to come. And that garden show -- spectacular. What a treat to see that one in person!

  13. How nice to live close enough to Butchart Gardens to enjoy it in all the seasons. Your rum balls look delicious. So many memories hang on Christmas trees. :) Enjoy your fresh new week.

  14. Visiting the Butchart Gardens all lit up and baking cookies with your daughter and husband are such nice things to do as Christmas approaches. The rum balls look delicious.

  15. Butchart Gardens sounds magical with all the lights and festive displays! The Three French Hens with the Eiffel Tower is such a cute idea. I love how you’re keeping holiday traditions alive with things like making Rum Balls and decorating the tree. Your cozy baking day also sounds perfect for this time of year. Wishing you lots of holiday cheer and more fun memories!

  16. À very nice place to visit for Christmas.
    I am not baking this years too much to do with the grandchildren. But I would have liked to I am so used to bake Christmas cookies. The children are not feeling too well after their plane travel and not I got their cold.

  17. Lovely photos but I enjoy your words the most, they summon up all that is lovely about Christmastime. Like yours, our tree will have an assortment of long-used decorations, many handmade by friends and family members, some rather battered now. (both the decorations and us!) The brandy bottle is out on the kitchen worktop to give a slug to the mincemeat and other goodies being prepared for the holiday. Our Christmas follows the same pattern year on year. Happily that is just how the family like it!

  18. How wonderful to visit Butchart Gardens. It looks especially festive this time of the year from your photos. I know having Tim as your sous chef is so very helpful. I sure miss mine. He was such a great help. Your cookies sound so good and your Rugelach from your previous post with your cup of tea, made me wish we could share some together.

  19. I never realized or thought about it having decorations! How lovely!


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