Tuesday, January 28, 2025

A West Coast January Hike


While much of North America has suffered from intense cold and lots of snow, it's been sunny on the west coast of Canada. Frosty in the mornings, but pure sunshine in the afternoons. Tim and I decided to take advantage of these beautiful days by going hiking. 

One of the most scenic places we've found is the Coast Trail at East Sooke Park. Forest, sea, and sky combine in stunning vistas. The route follows alongside the Strait of Georgia. Rocks and inlets form a jagged coastline that can be challenging to hike with lots of scrambling up steep rocks, crossing streams, and rough terrain.

At one point along the trail my water bottle slipped out of my backpack pouch and we watched it bounce down the cliff, wondering if it would disappear forever. Fortunately it stopped and Tim rescued it for me. 

We stop often on our hikes, finding much to admire. For quite some time we observed three hummingbirds flitting from branch to branch in front of us. 

Reindeer Moss Lichen grows profusely in places and its pale and fluffy appearance looks faintly like snow from a distance. I love how it catches the light. 

When hiking in this park we generally travel five to six kilometres. This time we challenged ourselves to go further, to Cabin Point where a Fish Shack built in the 1930s stands as testament to the people who fished along the coast. The trail is more rugged and we felt it. Steeper climbs, longer descents. The going was slower, but the scenery more magnificent. In all, we hiked 10 kilometres. 

The sun has some real warmth in it while being in the shade was chilly. Little succulents grow in rocky crevices and on the sunny side of rocks.

We ate our lunch perched on rocks overlooking the water that changed from blue to turquoise to cobalt. The only sound for much of the day was birds chattering in the trees, the occasional cry of a gull, and the constant waves lapping or crashing onto the shore. 

To say we were tired when we arrived home was an understatement. Dinner was a simple meal and we spent the evening reading until we could no longer keep our eyes open. Sleep was sweet. I'm pleased that I'm still able to do these longer hikes. We hope to do more such hikes in the future. 

Today was spent more quietly, occupied with home tasks and writing. The weather will change in a few days and our sunny weather may end abruptly. 


  1. Thanks for the walk!
    There is nothing more beautiful than nature!
    It will make my day beautifully .
    Thank you so much Lorri!

    1. Thank you. Nature is filled with beauty!

  2. It’s nice to see sun and blue sky! It is very tiring here to stay inside with so much rain and not much light. It was a very nice hike and I am sure you must have been tired and slept well!

    1. I hope your rainy dark weather soon improves, Catherine.

  3. 10 m is a long hike! But with such beautiful scenery it must have been worth every step.

    1. It was such a beautiful day. It filled my soul.

  4. Cute little birdie with a very long beak.
    What a brisk hike that has been. For all five senses.
    Beautiful pictures, wonderful nature and
    you have a gift of describing nature with your words ♥

    1. Thank you, Rita. The hummingbird really posed well for the photo!

  5. Hats off to the two of you for going the distance on this hike. Look at that sweet hummer! I can imagine how nice it was to have a cozy evening after that strenuous exercise.

    1. It was a long hike, but worth it. We've had such beautiful sunny weather.

  6. Love that coastline and such a hike. All that time in nature sounds perfect!

    1. Coastlines across our beautiful country are wonderful in so many different ways.

  7. Wonderful photos of your hike. It's good to feel that pleasing tiredness after such an adventure:)

    1. Thank you, Rosie. It was a very good feeling to relax after the hike.

  8. Some really beautiful scenery shown here. I can't imagine a hike that arduous and that long! A mile is about all I can do. But I hope to work on increasing it. But on much gentler hiking!

    1. The scenery was stunning. Good luck on increasing your walking - little by little makes a big difference.

  9. Such stunning scenery and well done on walking a goodly distance. It always feels so worthwhile on your return home. How lovely to watch hummingbirds. B x

    1. Thank you, Barbara. It was a beautiful day.

  10. It sounds just lovely!!

  11. That was quite a hike!! All your pictures are lovely. The weather has been so perfect all January it seems.

    1. January weather has been spectacular!

  12. Oh wow! Stunning. Such a beautiful coastline. And amazing biodiversity. Sweet photo of the litter hummer. "Warm in the sunshine, cold in the shade" describes our weather perfectly right now. :)

  13. This is a beautiful hike and I'm so glad you were able to do it. (And to have your water bottle rescued!) Looking at these photos, it's hard to believe you live north of us and how different it is from here in mid-Michigan to Western Canada!

  14. Some beautiful scenery. From what you say, those hikes are out for me by now.I do enjoy seeing the views through your eyes and camera.

  15. I love how rough and rugged and wild the views along your hike look! The sound of the lapping and crashing waves would lull me to sleep. The words I like to use to describe how I feel after a day like you had are "pleasantly depleted"!

  16. I hope you keep doing those longer hikes too. I am trying to be satisfied with my shorter hikes but it sure is hard to turn around. I love your water bottle story. He's your hero! And we have the reindeer moss here, it's so pretty!

  17. Beautiful photographs from your hike.
    Pleased that Tim rescued your water bottle.

    Enjoy the coming weekend.

    All the best Jan


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