Monday, January 20, 2025

Arriving Home


After a trip, be it long or short, how wonderful it is to walk through my own front door. All the rooms seem to welcome me, enfolding me in familiarity and warmth. The amaryllis above was not at all open 10 days ago. Now it's in its glory and a second stem will flower soon. 

We arrived last night with time to unpack our suitcases before laying our heads on our own pillows and pulling up familiar covers and falling into deep refreshing sleep. 

I've spent the day doing laundry and buying groceries. Roasted a pan of cauliflower and one of butternut squash. Made a creamy broccoli soup with a hint of blue cheese. After doing no chores for awhile, I am enjoying slipping into the routines of house and home. 

Now, as the sun slips lower on the horizon, I've made a proper cup of tea (no tea bag dragged through hot water), and will enjoying catching up with a few blogs after writing this post.

Earlier, I ventured out to the garden to take a good look at the snowdrops now blooming despite the chilly temperatures. 

The Hellebores are also in bloom, heads nodding downwards so that I must tip them up to see them properly. 

Our visit to Mexico was lovely. Tim's sister and her husband live in Puerto Vallarta, and January seemed like a good time to visit them. We stayed in a hotel, spending time on our own as well as with family. It was fun to speak Spanish again, and to be part of the Latin American culture once again. 

I'll share some of the sights we saw on our trip in future blogs. For now, I'm reveling in being at home. 


  1. There is definitely no place like home!

  2. It's always lovely to come home again💖. Your snowdrops are so pretty and so early !! The red of your Amaryllis is almost startling. I know they come in other colours but the red is my favourite I think.

  3. You eloquently describe that Coming Home feeling <3

  4. You trip sounds lovely. The amaryllis is such a showy bloom. Gorgeous.

  5. It is a joy to travel and lovely to return home. Much to be grateful for in that regard. Sounds like you had a great trip. So nice to return to beautiful blooms. Warm wishes, Tammy

  6. Yes, it is always good to be home again; to look at what the plants have done, to re-stock the pantry, to resume the rhythm if everyday life. Your amaryllis is a beautiful shade of red, just stunning, and I love the white snowdrops, more so because we do not grow them here. Mexico sounds like a great place to holiday.

  7. A joy to have travelled and a joy to be home bringing back pleasant memories! Still being January and in Canada, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around a word you used and that is "blooming"! To me this offers promise of what spring will bring a few months from now!

  8. Wherever one travels, no matter the joy, it’s always great to be home.

  9. Your words let us readers share the happy and cosy feeling of being back home. Your home and garden look beautiful as always. Is there also a hyacinth starting to bloom soon (near the teapot)?
    Thank you for your comment today! We have read that some damaging and immoral ex. orders have already been issued but I want to trust that not all the threats will materialise.
    Warm hugs from Finland!

  10. It's good to travel and meet up with family but there is nothing like being home again with all that is familiar around you:)

  11. Visiting family in a warm, sunny clime seems a lovely way to spend some January days! But . . . home. What a wonderful place to be! You have put it into words so well, that feeling that "all is well" when you are back at home.

  12. It's so nice to come home again. Crawling into bed that first night is pure comfort.

  13. How nice to have family living in a great spot to visit and enjoy. Welcome home! You described that wonderful feeling of being home again so well.

  14. Nothing better than sleeping in your own bed. Can’t wait to hear about your trip. B x

  15. I feel the same! Happy to leave and happy to come back home! You must have had a nice time with family. My amaryllis has bloomed in December. We don’t have yet snowdrops here it is foggy and cold.

  16. Welcome home! We are planning a visit to Puerto Vallarta next month...even if we have no family living there! We have never been there before and look forward to it. You posted some beautiful pic's on Instagram.

  17. What a lovely break to be in Mexico. And coming home is always just wonderful. Welcome back -- I'll look forward to photos from your trip.

  18. Home is always the best place to be, at least for me. It's fun to travel and explore but there is a special comfort in home.

  19. Welcome home, Lorrie. How nice to visit family in such a beautiful spot.
    Your amaryllis sure did welcome you home in a big way.

  20. Welcome home.
    I always think it's nice to sleep in your own bed and have familiar things around you.
    Love the snowdrops in your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  21. That would be great if you did some watercolour and post it on your blog!

  22. What a fabulous trip and to have family there is even better. It was a perfect month to travel South! Love getting home and enjoying the familiar feelings and a beautiful flower as well. I wonder what your temps were and how long before you see them where you live. It's cold here this week but the forecast is in the 70s all next week. Yay!

  23. Goodness... snowdrops! We're at -6 this afternoon...

  24. MarilynM7:20 PM

    Loved that you made time for a proper cup of tea. Sweet teapot!


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