Tuesday, February 25, 2025

On a Tuesday in February


Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gingersnaps together and then enjoyed them with a cup of tea. When I said I only wanted one cookie and she could have two, she asked for a cookie bag which she tucked into her back pack to give to her sister after school. Such a generous heart for a four-year-old. 

There are so many wonderful children's books to read, and libraries are wonderful resources. We had fun reading these tales of a beautiful French snail. 

"It has been a long winter, and Escargot is suffering from 'ennui,' which is the feeling you have when you are bored with everything."

So we talk about ennui and she decides that she is not experiencing it. 

After a night where wind howled around the corners of the house and rain gushed down, there was sunshine this afternoon. The pot on my porch is sheltered from the weather and here Tête-à-tête daffodils have burst into bloom, shining golden in the sun. 

Two small pots of Siberian Irises have suddenly bloomed, as well. The parade of blossoms is beginning. 

I have been feeling a bit of ennui myself lately, unable to settle to much. Sunshine and tea with little girls are great tonics. Tomorrow is a home day and I am looking forward to tidying my sewing room which has become a bit of a catchall for odd bits and pieces. I try to remember to "don't put things down, put them away," good advice that I don't always follow. 


  1. Tea and Gingersnaps with a four-year-old sounds delightful. We also had wind and rain but I don't think we had as much as you did. Nice to see your lovely flowers 💛

    1. The past few days have been very pleasant. It's so nice that spring is here, although I know we could have cold weather yet.

  2. Your Tuesdays sound delightful

  3. I do sympathise with Escargot, I know just how she feels!

    1. I hope your feeling of ennui soon passes, Barbara.

  4. Smart grandgirlie. I'm sure you keep her quite entertained when you are together. Can't say that i ever experience ennui as I have so many things I want to do (and lots I probably should do). Whenever I organize, I feel like I just shuffle stuff around and then I don't know where I moved what I'm looking for later on. Ugh! It's a constant battle. Pretty blooms. So cold here again. Brrr!

    1. Shuffling things around happens here, too. I'm trying to dispose of things I no longer have interest in. Hope it warms up for you.

  5. I love your sunshine with the girls -- and that now a girl so small knows the word "ennui," which is a great word (and one I should remember for Scrabble.) The ginger snaps (a fave of mine) look wonderful, but especially the sharing of them. She sounds like a dear one!

    1. She is darling. Ennui would be a great word for Scrabble!

  6. Such precious time with you little sweetie. Love this days!

    1. They grow up all too quickly.

  7. What a sweet time with Cora. Those books look delightful. Now I know a new word, too. Thanks for the blooms!

    1. There are so many fun children's books.

  8. The story books look so sweet! I'll have to see if our library carries them. Ginger snaps and tea with a four-year-old sounds like a lovely way to spend the day.

  9. Thank goodness for our precious grandchildren, who without even knowing it, take away from us those feelings of "ennui".
    We were up at the crack of dawn today for my husband's cataract surgery. The first thing we did on our return home was to have a lovely cup of tea.

    1. I hope your husband's surgery went well. Tea is a wonderful way to settle after coming home.

  10. I admire your willpower with the gingersnap cookies. I made them recently and both of us lacked restraint when it came to eating them. For better or worse they have now become one of our favorite cookies.
    How special to have one on one time with Cora. Your ennui conversation sounds so sweet.
    I think this time of year a lot of us are dealing with ennui. Hooray for sunshine and pretty blooms.

    1. I'm trying to not eat between meals, but it's hard!

  11. Daffodils and irises are wonderful, incredible really.

    Precious moments with your granddaughter.
    Reading to a child is one of the greatest things in the world.
    You are both very lucky. 💛

    1. I consider myself very blessed indeed to have five wonderful grandchildren who all enjoy books and reading.

  12. Ah, the Sewing Room is so hard to keep tidy. I feel it too, and so much better when one actually has a good tidy. Darling little girl, and what a joy to have her to visit regularly. I am so impressed that she took a treat to share. She is a very special little one. I am sure the Escargot book was a delight to read to her.

    1. It does feel better to have the sewing room tidied. Reading aloud to a young child is such a wonderful thing.

  13. Don't you love to hear what little ones think? We can always learn from them. Enjoy your day...I like a day inside to get things in order!

    1. She makes me laugh a lot with her take on the world.

  14. Thank goodness for grandchildren I say. They always cheer you. Hope you were successful in your sewing room. Always feels good to get on top of heaps that need sorting :) B x

    1. Yes, grandchildren are such delights. The sewing room is tidy, now to get to a project or two.

  15. I loved the joy in this post, Lorrie. And I was tickled to think that your four-year-old granddaughter could articulate and understand whether she was feeling ennui and deciding that she was not experiencing it. What beautiful memories you are making.

    1. Thanks, Bren. I have so much fun with her (and the other grands).

  16. Spending time with Cora must be so special , Lorrie. What a sweet child to share with her sister.
    I love your floral pictures and also seeing your paintings in previous posts. Your watercolor of the Icelandic home and the clay pots are so pretty. You’re so talented in so many areas.

    1. Thank you, Kitty. I am blessed with my life.

  17. I love your blog—it has this delicate, almost hidden deeper layer. I often feel the same way inside. I really enjoyed reading it, your writing style, and of course, the beautiful flowers and everything. 🌿✨

    Would you still love children's books if you didn’t have grandchildren? I’ve always loved them—there’s something so special about them! 📚😊

    Nice name: Cora! (als a Dutch name)

    1. Thank you, Aritha. I did not know that Cora is a Dutch name.
      I think I would still love children's books without having grandchildren. I have some books that I've collected before I had children just because I love them.

  18. I loved reading about your time with Cora! So sweet to learn of her generosity with her sister! I am a lover of children's books, especially those with rich vocabulary that give the child something to think about. I would love to have eavesdropped on your conversation about ennui. I think I need to have some Escargot books here to share with my own grands.

  19. Spending time with Cora sounds very special. I always enjoy time spent with grandchildren.

    Beautiful flowers in your photographs.
    As I type this it's the 2nd of March, the year is passing by quickly.
    Taking the opportunity to wish you happy days ahead.

    All the best Jan

  20. I loved going to the library when I was a kid.

    Winter seems never ending, but your pretty flowers signal that spring is coming.


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