Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring? Where?


Climate change I can believe, but global warming...? It's a little hard to swallow after yesterday's snowstorm! Huge, fat flakes pelted down. Nothing really stayed, but baby, it's cold outside! I retrieved my winter jacket and scarf from the back of the closet for our evening walk.


This was the scene from our second story window yesterday, before the majority of the snow fell.
Today is sunny, but still chilly. We just got home from church and after lunch I'm going to bundle up and poke around the yard a little, searching for signs of spring.
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  1. Yeah, that darn Global Warming theory only works when it is warm. I guess this would be called Global Cooling. We've had more Global Cooling this month than warming. I hope the warming starts up soon, I'm ready for spring!

    Happy week!

  2. A familiar site Lorrie though I have to say that today the tv says we are in for some warmer weather and that summer is coming!

  3. Hi, It's me again! :) I just left a comment under your tea post and then decided to check out the rest of your blog! I enjoyed my tour! Your blog is interesting! Our weather has been very unpredictable too, this spring. I am in NC, USA, and we had frost just last week! Which is very rare for this time of year for us! I think the cold weather is behind us now! Your cherry blossom trees are absolutely beautiful!

    Love what you did with your husband's fork and spoon! I have my children's baby silver and they are almost black with tarnish! This was a great idea and I may have to try it!

    The table setting at your church was very pretty! :)

    Glad I was able to find your blog through the tea-a-thon! I certainly enjoyed it!

    Take Care! ~Rhonda

  4. I know, the weather has been crazy. Snow in April? Just bizarre


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