Friday, March 18, 2011

Dispelling Crankiness

I try to keep my blog a reasonably happy place. But some days are just harder than others. Today was one of those days - and for no particular reason. There's a host of things running through my mind these days, things that usually need thinking about around 3 am. So, I woke up, from too little sleep, feeling cranky. 

My creative bent is being consumed by studies but I decided I needed to take myself in hand, and bought a few tropical plants for this terrarium given to me by my daughter a few years ago. I hadn't changed out the decor in it Christmas. Now it sits prettily on my mantel, living green and a spot of color. 

Crankiness is being dispelled, slowly. Our youngest and her hubby are coming up for the weekend and that will surely dispel ALL crankiness.

Have a thoroughly UNcranky weekend.


  1. Oh there's nothing worse than the mind going into overdrive at 3am. What a lovely terrarium and I'm glad that you did some updating so that you can enjoy it in this coming season and over the weekend. Enjoy yours!

  2. sorry your day started cranky !!!glad you are going to have a lovely weekend xxx bettyann

  3. This to shall pass. Have wonderful weekend.

  4. Love your terrarium Lorrie,,,what a nice container. Would for sure brighten anyones day. Have a great week end with your family. It is very foggy here tonight, so some sunshine tomorrow would sure be nice.

  5. This sweet terrarium would make it hard to stay cranky:)

  6. A 3am start isn't the best way to avoid crankiness. I've had a few of those recently. Hope you have the best weekend with your visitors. xx

  7. Eh bien je sais ce que c'est, et je compatis ! Mais rien de tel que l'affection des enfants (à tout âge !) pour se sentir mieux, et de la verdure et des fleurs. En ce moment je prie beaucoup pendant la journée (pas seulement le soir au coucher) et je t'inclurai dans mes prières.
    Passe un bon week-end !

  8. I just know that a few days of real sunshine, a stop to the rain, a walk on the beach and the company of your youngest will dispel the crankiness - and we're promised some sunshine this weekend. Don't be too hard on yourself - this unrelenting rain is a real downer!

  9. Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend together with not a sign of crankiness to be seen.
    The terrarium is very pretty, your mantle must be huge if it can be displayed there, I'm sure it would fall off mine!

  10. You handle cranky well...very creatively! Have a wonderful weekend with the kids at home.

  11. The ideas of creating a terranium is something that has always intrigued me, but I've never tried. Yours looks lovely! Good for you for turning your crankiness into something creative. I need to learn that lesson as well. :)

    Also, thank you for stopping by and seeing the new redesign on the blog. I do so appreciate your support. Have a lovely week. :)

  12. Yes those mind games at 3.0 am are not fun. Can't say they make me cranky but more anxious sometimes.


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