Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Return of the Light

Last week I felt a lightness in the air. It was as if winter said, "I give up," and began folding her things in preparation to leave. Spring is moving into the neighborhood, one daffodil at a time. 

Late one afternoon I noticed the sun shining through the windows, making rainbows on the mantel, and snapped a couple of photos. This simple shot pleases me. Strong shadows. Hints of color in the light. 

Spring is capricious around here, one day warm and friendly, the next moody and stand-offish. But for now, there are daffodils. There is light. I am learning to be content.


  1. Well I am glad that you have seen her...spring that is. I haven't and now I learn a two-day snow event is coming. Sigh. It's enough to make one go to bed and pull up the covers, but I have been stew to make and bread so guess not. If you make that garland, I hope that you'll show us. I think it is absolutely darling and I truly did think of all my friends with grandgirlies.

  2. Do you really think she's going to hang around? I was just thinking of lighting a fire, but perhaps I'm being hasty.
    Nope - just checked and it's raining again. A fire would be nice.

  3. Oh...send the sunlight this way! We have had fog and snow,,,I am so ready for some spring weather!! Hope you have a happy day :)

  4. I feel exactly the same! I have seen glimpses of spring...but we had snow in the afternoon:(
    But spring is defenately on the way.

  5. Lorrie, I'm laughing at your spring comments because I dreamed about you this morning and didn't realize it until now because of the photo on your sidebar. We were going to a garden show together with two of my friends. I was the driver and you were in the backseat laughing about what you were going to buy. Dreams are so odd, aren't they? Cheryl

  6. Hello Lorrie,

    Yes! He is giving up even here! It's been sunny and getting warmer...

    ~ Gabriela ~

  7. yes I agree with you maybe spring is here...love all the light, even when it's raining lol

  8. Love the picture! You write beautifully. Your words made me smile!

  9. Glad to hear that the sunshine is streaming through your windows and that is a wonderful shot of the rainbows on your mantle. Welcome Spring!

  10. Hi Lorrie,
    what a lovely vignette & rainbow photograph, you have captured it beautifully.

  11. What a gorgeous image! It makes me happy just to look at it!

  12. Ohhhh... that is lovely!

    I'm loving how the sunshine is beginning to sneak through my northerly kitchen door these days. A harbinger of those languid summer evenings (we hope)!

  13. Strange you should mention that! It has been so rainy and yucky in East TN lately. We got a little break in the rain yesterday, and for awhile the sun actually tried to shine thru the clouds. I remarked to my husband at how GREEN everything was, as if SPRING was saying that she was ready to arrive! I love the changing of the seasons, don't you?

    Have a great day, Lorrie!

  14. Capricious is the word. However, time is moving on and soon there will be April showers.

  15. You caught the moment! Great picture.

  16. Oh YES!!!! Spring is surly just around the corner! I am so ready to wake up to warm & sunny days!
    Thanks so much for stopping by today!
    I will count you in my "army" to deliberately and passionately live, teach and encourage Living Graciously!
    Have a beautiful weekend~
    ;-D Kathleen

  17. You are a poet...love the dappled lights and shadows on your photo too.


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