Friday, January 13, 2012


I signed up for Teresa McFayden's Letter Whimsy e-course. I've been practicing making block letters, with shadowing. And colouring them in. Such fun. And taking photos makes me see all the places I went out of the lines and where my lines are wonky. Oh dear. But still fun.

I've also been watching the videos on Strathmore Artist Papers' site. They have free workshops, the one currently on features Traci Bautista as the instructor. The course, called Doodles Unleashed, is all about having fun with paint, markers, pens, ink and whatever. I haven't done very much with what I've watched, but again, it's a lot of fun, and it inspired the flower in my practice lettering journal above.

Every day IS a gift. I need to remember that.


  1. That does look like a lot of fun. This is the year, I tell myself, to express some creativity! Something has to be buried in me aching to get out; I'm going to mine for it. Thanks for the inspiration, Lorrie.

  2. I used to doodle a lot . . . may have to take it up again. You always find such interesting creative outlets. thanks for sharing.

  3. I love where doodling can take me - some of my treasures are my mother's and my aunt's teen-age doodles. I like the sound of the course and may have a look.

  4. You are always trying something new. It's a wonderful time of life when we have the luxury of time. Can't say that I've wanted to attempt creating from scratch this way, but I admire those who do!

  5. Yes Lorrie, every day is a gift. Have fun doodling!

  6. Wise words indeed, sounds like you've got yourself a very engrossing new hobby for those stay at home days, have fun.

  7. Enjoy your new hobby, it looks like fun.


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