Sunday, December 16, 2012

Celebrating Two

Little Miss A turned two yesterday. When asked recently what she would like for a present, Little Miss A's reply was "I think milk." After a pause, she added, "maybe some cookies." So the birthday party theme was Milk and Cookies. Friends and family gathered to celebrate. Big kids and little kids played in the Kinder Gym at a local recreation center.

She insisted on wearing her pink rubber boots to the party. Little Miss A has a fashion sense all her own. Presents were not nearly as important as blowing out the candles and drinking some chocolate milk.

In the wake of the tragedy in Connecticut, I realize once again how precious, and how fragile, life is. My heart aches for those who have lost beloved children, sisters, mothers, aunts, and grandmothers. Yet, life goes on. We grieve loss and we celebrate life. How full of paradox is this life we live.



  1. Oh my goodness. Miss A is absolutely adorable! (Notice the alliteration?) And her birthday hat is so special. Someone took great care in making that for her.
    Two is such a sweet age!

  2. Love the birthday hat. Perhaps we all need a milk and cookie birthday celebration! That sounds like a perfect day.

  3. Ohhh...a milk and cookies birthday! Why have I never thought of that? What a cutie adorable two, not one bit terrible.

  4. Happy Birthday to this little sweetheart! She is adorable and oh so precious! Happy holidays!

  5. Paradox is right.

    And how sweet Miss A looks! Did you make that hat? I can't think of a more fun birthday theme than cookies and milk.
    She knows what is important!

  6. Happy Birthday to lovely kid. Very cute.

  7. Cookies and milk - Little Miss A knows what makes a good party!
    She is adorable. It's hard to believe how time has flown.

  8. How lovely for you Lorrie!
    Little Miss A, has a mind of her own - such sweet pink gumboots!
    I love her crown hat - she is right in her element!
    Happy Birthday wishes to Miss A!!!

  9. Cookies and milk, what a sweetie! Happy Birthday to Little Miss A. Adorable photos. Have a lovely week!

  10. so sweet..happy birthday to her xx

  11. What a party girl! Love a girl who knows what she wants! Cookies, milk & pink rubber boots! Love it!

  12. Oh my goodness, how sweet! I love her birthday hat! I think I will ask for cookies and milk and pink rubber boots for my birthday in January. :). Thanks for sharing at MM. xoxo

  13. So so sweet. Love the milk and cookies response! The birthday hat is fabulous!

  14. She has things in perspective, milk, and cookies are important...

    Happy B day to a little sweetheart.


  15. Happy Birthday to Miss A
    Thanks for your visit
    Have a nice day

  16. Aww, Happy Birthday to Little Miss A. What a little sweetheart she is!
    Her response to what she'd like for her birthday is just precious and a wonderful choice, I might add :).

  17. Happy Birthday, Little Miss A!

  18. Happy second birthday to beautiful Ms Little Miss A! She is so sweet. Children are indeed miracles from God. May He pour down His blessings on your granddaughter.

  19. How sweet she is! And I love the 'milk and cookies' theme...and the b'day hat. Happy Birthday to Little Miss A.

  20. She is precious! Happy late birthday to A!!! And her crown is wonderful! Did you make it?

  21. How adorable, so very, very precious and I love those pink boots, chocolate milk and cookies too;')~

  22. Happy Belated Second Birthday -- Oh, to be happy with milk and cookies! The wisdom of babes. . .

  23. Can't believe that 2 years have gone by. What a fun hat.


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