Monday, January 07, 2013

For Downton Abbey Fans

The third season of Downton Abbey began last night in North America. Ah-hem. Thanks to the wonders of technology, I have already viewed it, seeing each episode the day after it aired in Britain. But I'll be watching it again, you can be sure. 

I found these two videos on YouTube via another blog - so if you're a fan, take a look.

This first one is a little tour of Highclere Castle, the real-life setting for fictional Downton Abbey.

This next video was done during the filming of Season Two.



  1. Yes, but have you seen the Christmas episode?
    Oh My!

  2. I'd love to watch these videos, which I will do with my family when my ailing laptop has been repaired. (My desktop computer is oh-so-slow and aged, and videos are choppy at best.) Blah.

    The television is in fine shape, however, so we were able to drink in the first episode last night. :)

    Thanks for sharing these links...

  3. I love it! Will watch your links. It was great last night!

  4. I love it! Will watch your links. It was great last night!

  5. I was surprised I made it through the two hour show last night. It started past my usual bedtime. It was fabulous, as usual....

  6. I was tuned in last night and managed to stay awake til the end. It was wonderful and I like the addition of Shirley McLaine to the cast. Thank for sharing the videos. I will be checking them out.

  7. I saw the first episode in the UK in September, but have PVRed it and will watch again, at my leisure, this evening.

  8. It's all so wonderful~ a true escape.

  9. I would classify myself as a fan. I just finished watching the second series on DVD after waiting months for the DVD's from the library.

    How did you get access to the new season so fast? Do you have inside info, lol.


  10. Someone mentioned a special Christmas show for Season Three, though I can find no mention of it here in North America. Do you know anything about that?

  11. I think I'm missing out on something good....since I have not seen any Downton Abbey as yet. I need to get the set on DVD...and see what I've missed.

  12. We caught up with all the fuss via DVDs of the first two seasons and thoroughly loved it! So we made sure we tuned in last night. Great fun!

  13. I saw on PBS that they're doing a special on the real castle...might want to check your listings!

  14. Oh, it was so good. And like another commenter I was wondering about the Christmas show as well, which I didn't see. Or maybe it is still to come in 2013?


  15. I have it recorded. I'm waiting till Wednesday, when the Farmboy will be out of town for the evening, so I can watch without any interruptions!

  16. It was great - I especially noticed the change in clothing design and hairstyles as the years move along. I'm somewhat confused now though because I watched the Season 3 Christmas Special while in England at Christmas and discovered some quite unexpected happenings that we will learn about in this new season here in the US...............and the ending was definitely a huge shocker! Won't give it away of course!

    Such a great program of days gone by.

    Hugs - Mary

  17. Oh it was wonderful. I can't wait till next week! Bonnie

  18. thanks! I have seen Season 3 also in the Fall and rewatching now on Masterpiece.
    I haven't seen these particular youtubes. The recent NY hour interviews of the cast are really good!


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