Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Just Around the Corner - Vee's Note Card Party

Each month Vee hosts a Note Card Party - she asks us to choose four images previously posted on our blog that we think might be suitable for printing as note cards. 

This month, I am longing for spring, hoping for colour in my garden where there is little, and so I went back to find images of spring past.  

Are these flowers not glorious examples of springtime abundance? I can hardly wait to see them in real life again.

Colour! Bring it on!

We are redoing our garden beds this year and I didn't plant bulbs last fall. I'm really regretting that now. I have a few in pots that will have to do. Do you have a favourite spring flower? Mine changes with what's in season. To me, each blossom is full of the very best kind of magic - life after winter. 

Today's sunny skies have me thinking that a walk after lunch would be the very best thing I could do. Tell me, what are the signs of spring around your place?

Linking with Vee's Note Card Party.


  1. Well I found you! Stupid Mister Linky. Probably shouldn't say that. =D

    Oh I do love the borders you've chosen to complement the note cards. They really look elegant. This would make one heavenly set of cards.

    I really don't have spring flowers...a couple of daffodils and a few hyacinths. I've never replanted tulips since the skunks had a hey day with them one year. Guess that I look forward to the forsythia and the azalea bushes blooming for spring color and my neighbors' tulips.

  2. These are really pretty note cards Lorrie. I love the colour in our white world right now. I have lots of daffodils planted in one flower bed that bloom early as they get the southerly sun. They are my first blooms along with a crocus. Since we're getting more snow tomorrow I doubt we'll see them for a long while. Blessings, Pamela

  3. These are so beautiful. I love all the color in the midst of winter. I got your card today! Thank you so much.

  4. These are gorgeous! Such colors. I can't decide on a favorite... I DO love spring flowers, and can't wait until the weather breaks, so I can go out & investigate what's going on in our flower beds. Spring cannot come soon enough for me.

  5. These are all so pretty! I wish I could remember to put mine into a mosaic at the end! I love seeing them altogether! Sweet hugs!

  6. All gorgeous, really love the last one! And yes, can't wait for some great color outside:@)

  7. These are stunning photographs, perfect note cards or even transferred onto canvas and hung on the wall. Visiting from Vee's party. xo

  8. All lovely choices . . . I think the grape hyacinth is my favourite.

  9. Lovely flower note cards. I am longing for spring and chose flowers for my cards this month too.

  10. Simply lovely. I think my favorite flower is the one I am looking at, at any time.

  11. Stunning photos...glorious color! Thank you for this peep at spring, Lorrie!

  12. A gorgeous collection of spring delight. My signs of spring, snowdrops, have been buried in snow:(

  13. Beautiful note cards! I can't wait for the lilacs to bloom in my yard, I love the scent!

  14. Gorgeous! I am longing for spring color too and wishing I had remembered to plant snowdrops:(
    We are very, very close to seeing the first colors of 'spring' here...tete a tete daffodils and our daphne. I, of course, can hardly wait!

  15. OMG - your photos are absolutely breathtaking!

  16. Lorrie your note cards are wonderful you have framed them all so beautifully, I would buy the lot!
    Daffodils, has to be daffodils for me.

  17. OOO, you win the prize.!! These are just beautiful and would make wonderful note cards.

  18. aww stunning photos..truly so lovely x

  19. Lorrie!

    Just the beauty I needed this morning! It is snowing here and I am longing for Spring!

    Beautiful photos!


  20. Beautiful notecards! I'd pick them up in a flash.

    So what program are you using to frame your photos? That's just the right touch.

    1. Hi Judy. I use Picasa (downloaded to my computer, not the online version) to edit my photos. One of the image processing options is a museum matte. I used that. It's possible to choose the frame colour and to adjust the width of it all, too.

  21. Anyone would be pleased to receive on a card as pretty as each of these. I like the polka dots on the snowdrops.

  22. Beautiful shots...and of course I miss the snow drops....

    Enjoy your walk.


  23. Well Done! The spring flowers make beautiful note cards.

  24. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Glad you're feeling well enough for a walk. Enjoy.

  25. Love your posy pics! Isn't it amazing to think those flowers are now molecular level outside but pixel viewable inside?

  26. Beautiful! I love signs of spring! I love the first bright greens and I think the lavender lilac tree is one of my favorite!

  27. These are are quite lovely! Ah, your photos are giving me spring fever! We have two daffodils that are blooming right now in our flowerbeds, and many more to come. Daffies are my favorite in the spring. I also adore our daylilies!

  28. I am longing for spring, too. I am ready for the bright and cheerful colors are back and the flowers are blooming again. Such pretty pictures! I love the second picture the best.

    1. Oh and I love header! I love buttons and stamps.

  29. Gorgeous! I can wait for Spring, but that is because I live in SO Ca and it never quite seems like Winter! LOL~ I like having cooler weather cause once it heats up it is hot until Oct 31...blah! Your photos are lovely. They would make wonderful note cards :)

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  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Lovely, lovely, lovely! Thank you. (and on a less lovely note, I see you're being bothered by the spammers as well. What a pain!)

  33. Oh Lorrie, these are absolutely gorgeous images!!! They would make such beautiful note cards; you really should print them out on card stock. I love the first pic of Snowdrops. Are the blue flowers in the last picture Bluebells? Oh, they're just so charming. You can tell I love flowers. :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you have a great day!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  34. Lorrie, these would make a fantastic set of notecards! I'm sorry you didn't get to plant many bulbs, but don't worry... Renaissance Man planted enough for both of you! I'll do my best to do them justice in my posts. The tulips and daffodils are beginning to make their appearance, but the mornings are still cold. I'll try to be patient...


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