Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Of Muffins, Roses and Vegetable Stew

There are many abandoned apple trees in our area. As fall approaches, we scout out the harvest and when the apples are ripe, collect them. I think it's terrible that so much food goes to waste. I don't think the food banks would take these apples because they are usually small and imperfect. But they make great applesauce. 

Applesauce is a main ingredient in these muffins. They are so good. I wouldn't want to admit to eating three of them while they were still warm. But I just might have done that. Try them, you'll like them. Not too sweet, with a lovely cinnamon warmth. 

I read a little tip about preventing the rose droop - you know, several days after clipping the stems, adding the food, and putting them into water, the rose heads begin to droop. Infuriating. Well, I can't remember where I read this, but one suggestion was to prick a hole just under the blossom with a needle. The theory is that air bubbles get trapped there and prevent the water from rising to the blossom. I tried it, and 6 days later the roses are still perky and upright.

I'm not much of a fan of legumes. I don't really like their texture. I find them mealy. Although I do like hummus. Anyway, I found the recipe for this Moroccan Vegetable Ragout and it appealed to me in spite of the chickpeas. You can find the recipe on the Fine Cooking website. I made some adjustments which I listed on my recipe blog. It's really a lovely dish, with hints of cinnamon and citrus, a bit of salt from the olives, and lots of good vegetables. A great meatless dish, served over quinoa or brown rice.

Are legumes frequently seen in your diet? Do you enjoy eating them? How do you prepare them? 


  1. Love chick peas in a cold salad with a dressing. I put red or Puy Lentils into home made soups. They are, as my grandma used to say, 'Good for you'.

  2. Muffins with apple, great. I can eat them and three at a time would present no problems.

    I put the rose stem in between the blunt edges of the secateurs (pruning shears), A good squeeze to flatten the stem, an aspirin in the water, and the roses last.

  3. I'm enjoying the rose-prolong tips. I know that Martha S. suggests cutting roses under water to avoid the problem. LOL! Another frightful sentence, but so funny I'm leaving it. I'll try both yours and Friko's suggestion. No, I am not a fan of legumes either and I don't even like hummus. The muffins look and sound scrumptious.

  4. What an interesting rose tip. I do enjoy legumes but probably I enjoy muffins more :)

  5. Very interesting tip..I love muffins so much xx

  6. Ooooh...yummy muffins! Good way to use those abandoned apples.
    Thanks so much for your recent visit to my blog. Have fun sewing your Easter projects!

  7. Hello Lorrie,

    Well, as you probably know the weather has been really bad here. This is a perfect meal! Loving your muffins as well. Did you post the recipe?


  8. Hi Lorrie,

    Visiting for the first time from Chel's blog, Sweetbriar Dreams. You have a lovely blog.

    The muffins look so good, I would have eaten 3, or maybe even 4. I do like legumes in cold salad or mushed up in hummus, and the Ragout looks really delicious.

    I live not far from you in Washington. Have a lovely week - I am now following. xx

  9. Hi Lorrie,
    We love legumes, especially in stews and chilies!
    Your applesauce muffins would be quickly eaten in our house, especially since I haven't been baking for weeks (a cold will do that to a person!).
    Have a great week!

  10. Totally interesting and informative post. I will have to check on the stew it looks delicious!

  11. Both of your recipes look and sound good to me. I do like legumes and am trying to eat them more often. I made a lentil soup recently that received thumbs up here. It had a tomatoey base and the unexpected ingredient of balsamic vinegar. A very tasty combination.
    How great to know that tip for the roses and that it does, indeed, work.

  12. Hello Lorrie,
    yes we do eat them. There are so many recipes in the italian tradition! I love to prepare "minestra" with legumes and pasta. You inspired me to share these recipes in my new From my Kitchen posts!
    Monica xo

  13. Mnnnn muffins. And your trick with the rose - so clever/

  14. That stew looks amazing! I love chickpeas and have many recipes I use them in. I also just toss them into salads. Of course, we can get a lot of homous over here. And even better is going to the little shop around the corner where they cook up fresh chickpeas in a big vat. We buy them warm then top them with fresh chopped tomato, onion, parsley with a dash of olive oil, salt & pepper and just eat a big bowl of them. Yummy! Best wishes, Tammy

  15. That looks yummy and being vegetarian I know I'd enjoy. Yes, I eat loads of legumes including tonight - small fillet of broiled salmon on a bed of lentils, quinoa, white beans, with chopped carrots, squash, parsnip etc. with steamed green beans bathed in garlic infused olive oil! The Mediterranean Diet is apparently back - I've followed it for years.

    Bon appetit dear.


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