Monday, February 04, 2013

What Came in the Mail, Books I Read, and What I Ate

Have you visited Donna at Cottage Days? She takes amazing photos of nature on her trips. Recently she held a giveaway for a photo book of her trip to Alaska. She also gave away a desk calender, which I won. It arrived the day before we left on our trip, so I didn't have a chance to photograph it and show you. I'm going to enjoy looking at this wonderful scenery while seated at my desk. Thank you, Donna.

These are the three books I read on our vacation. Each one is unique, although both The Postmistress and Mr. Churchill's Secretary are set during the second World War. The School of Essential Ingredients is a series of chapters each focusing on various members of a cooking school class. What really sets this book apart is the description of food - it made me want to go home and cook, cook, cook.

When we are on vacation, we do some of our own cooking, and some restaurant meals. I like to try new dishes or new ways of eating something familiar. These green beans, cooked in a little oil in a hot skillet, then dressed with garlic, ginger and soy sauce were so good that I came home re-created the recipe. The sauce at the restaurant was perhaps a little sweeter, but this is still delicious. I could have eaten them all. You can find the recipe on my other blog. Copycat Green Beans - since I took the inspiration from the meal we had in Carlsbad.

That's what I received, what I read, and what I ate recently. Now I want to think about Valentine's Day!


  1. I love a good book recommendation. I enjoyed the Postmistress and I'll look for the other two - thank you!

  2. Lovely calendar, interesting books and yummy looking green beans. Just wondering when you had time to read with all your walks.

  3. It looks like a wonderful calender, good book recommendations, and a delicious way to make green beans that i will have to try soon!

  4. I have the Postmistress on my library list, but don't know the other two. The foody one sounds fascinating.

  5. lovely calander and yummy green beans..
    have a lovely day x

  6. Thanks for the book suggestions and those green beans look delicious!

  7. I have to doctor green beans to get them down the hatch. Wonder if that recipe would be enough doctoring for me. ☺

    Your books sound intriguing, especially Mr. Churchill's Secretary.

    Yes, I love to visit Donna and see her beautiful photography. It's inspiring and intimidating all at the same time. Congratulations on such a lovely win and practical win!

  8. The green beans look delicious. I'll have to check on that ingredients book...

  9. The books look good. Wonder if the food book would be good for a book club. And yes to the green beans. I love to do them in a similar way. Did you have trouble sleeping that night? My sister has been telling me about ginger and some of its effects. !!!

  10. Hi Lorrie,

    It sounds like you had a very nice vacation! Your green beans look and sound delicious! Those books look like something I might enjoy reading; I love to read and I love collecting books.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  11. Must make those beans -- they look delicious!

  12. I'm so glad that you like the calendar! I hope it makes you smile each month you flip the page. Congratulations, again, and thank you for the sweet compliments!

  13. What do I think about Valentine's Day? Just another commercial venture. Gone are the days when young lovers sent anonymous cards.


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