Monday, February 18, 2013

The Lost Weekend

Well. Remember Valentine's Day? Waaay back. Candlelight dinner in front of the fire. Very nice. Last proper meal I've eaten. And that's all I'm saying about that. It was intense but short-lived and has passed through 9 members of our family, including the little granddaughters. 

So. No blogging. Lots of television (inane). Read three novels. Stayed home to prevent any further spread of this. Today I'm going to teach. Will catch up with you all later. I've missed you. 

How was YOUR weekend? 



  1. Happy Monday dear friend :)
    Love for you x

  2. Oh rats about the malady that has laid you all low. That's hardly fair!

    Had a lovely weekend with family. Saturday we went to a new restaurant in town for brunch (eggs beni was wonderful).

    Then we took a tour of a local greenhouse that always creates an indoor garden for the pleasure of souls longing for gardening season to hurry up in this part of the world.

    Plus, we took in a delightful tour of a small art gallery where the words of local artists were on display. Delightful works, filled with light and colour and beauty. It made our souls happy.

    Hope you are now all on the mend and ready for a new week.....

  3. Glad you are finally feeling better, Lorrie.

  4. Oh it doesn't sound at all pleasant. Glad that you're all vertical are all vertical, I hope. Hope the teaching day goes very well.

  5. Lots of rest, that's what you must take. Feel well soon.

  6. Oh dear! So sorry you were all hit!!
    Glad you are better.

  7. Holiday weekend here so we've been busy catching up on life. The first part of the weekend was spent organizing, cleaning, and gathering what we need to do our taxes, due at the end of April, if a payment needs to be made. We always get refunds or owe nothing but do our returns now in case we need to buy RRSP's to offset. Did our taxes and all of us are getting refunds. Yeah! Had an open house at our preschool for families needing to register for the fall. Provided counselling to two families and did some paperwork. Got groceries for the week and meal planned. Today, we are having a pyjama day, staying in as it's cold out and just taking it easy. Dh has a movie to watch and he wants to do some writing. I want to do some quilting and maybe finish up the paperwork that is now laid out so nicely on the dining room table. Trying to be ahead of the game right now! Over all, a good weekend!

  8. Oh, gosh. You poor thing!

    Things were more pleasant here. I went to my local gallery and thought of one of your previous posts while admiring an Emily Carr painting.

    I hope you're feeling much better now, and your family as well.


  9. Obviously my weekend was better than yours - hope you are all done with this flu. We drove out to find eagles to take photos of on the first day - the next day we went back an found a lot of hawks to photograph. Today is a lovely quiet day, puttering about the house - making a baked custard, a little knitting and some reading.

  10. Oh dear! Glad to hear you're better now.

  11. sorry you got hit! I've been MIA as well...but not due to illness. Hope your day went well.

  12. Oh no... how awful. I hope you and your family are feeling much better now.
    Take care.

  13. It is a vicious bug! I'm so glad you're feeling better do take it easy!

  14. Sounds as if you all had the most dreaded of short term illnesses. Not fun. I am amazed that you were able to read three novels in the midst of it.

    Glad to know that you are on the mend!

  15. Sorry to hear you've been "under the weather" . Hopefully today will be a turning point for you. Do you have any recommendations for good books to read?

  16. Ugh, well at least you got to read!!

  17. Oh dear, Lorrie, I'm sorry you all caught that bug and hope you are feeling much better today. Thankfully we haven't had it here but it's going around. Washing hands, washing hands, traveling in airports, washing hands. Ewwww! Germs Be Gone! Take care. Blessings, Pamela


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