Friday, May 24, 2013

A Thousand Shades of Green

Green dominated my May visit to Butchart Gardens this week. The spring display of color is almost over and summer's has not yet begun. 

The rain we've had has helped with the greening of the landscape, although the Gardens are beautiful and lush at any time of year with the aid of irrigation. 

 I took Little Miss A along with me and she sat in her cart (provided by the Gardens) and watched the fountain dance for a long time. Then, when I thought to return the way we came and not wander through the Sunken Garden, since we saw from above, she informed me that, "No, Nana, that's my favorite garden. We have to go THAT way." 

I think she's been there once before, a few weeks ago. Of course, we took a stroll through that garden since it was her favorite.

A few beds showed color, like these vivid pinks and purples that looked almost as though they had been painted.

You may remember my April post, where the rose plants had been pruned low to the ground, and I wondered how they would ever bloom by June. In the mid-ground of this photo you can see the rose bushes, fully leafed out, with buds forming. In a few weeks this garden will be a profusion of blooms.

Today I'll be puttering around the house, tidying, cleaning, and then running out do some errands. What do you have planned for this Friday in May?


  1. Oh well...anyone can see why it is her favorite garden. It is filled with the magical, isn't it? It certainly is beautiful there. Puttering myself, but mostly catching up in Blogdom!

  2. Those shades of green are so vibrant!! Love it! I am headin to work for my 12- 3 shift, then coffee with a friend,, and it is a rainy day in Alberta! Yeah,,,its been a good morning of listening to the rain and seeing raindrops on the window. Have a good week end!

  3. Wow. that second photo is amazing! It's so green and lush. Well, they are all beautiful right down to Miss A looking at the gazing ball. The flowers are gorgeous. Keep visiting and taking pictures to share please. It's all so lovely. I did the cleaning thing yesterday and today it's raining a lot so I'm visiting blogland. Pam

  4. This is the only season when you see all the different greens, and they are so lovely. The new leaves of the beech trees look almost edible.
    I can see why the second garden is a favourite!

  5. Wow such sweet colors...
    Have a sweet weekend x

  6. Wonderful gardens, the pretty flowers really set off the lovely greens. It is amazingly green around here this spring - so much rain has made everything grow so fast. I too am looking forward to the summer color - and the summer temperatures.

  7. This is a good illustration of how there are many shades of all colors. I love green and love these photos. Green is so easy on the eyes. Hope you have a nice, restful weekend!

  8. Beautiful shades of green! Today I had 2 appointments this morning and did some shopping in between the appointments. This is the start of our Memorial Day Weekend. We are going to do some organizing and clearing out...

  9. So lovely...thanks for the beautiful tour of the gardens.

  10. Lorrie~
    Thank you -- this was wonderful! Loved it all--especially the beautiful fountain and your picture of Little Miss A! This post also reminds me of my family's past journeys in gorgeous, wonderful, indescribable British Columbia and how much I loved your magical land.
    PS: My mom so loved Vancouver Island...

  11. Such a glorious place! And how fortunate you are to live to close to it! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. We did a little shopping today and Mr. Jim had a CAT scan done at the hospital earlier this morning (testing to confirm that nothing serious is wrong, so no worries). Oh yes, and I got a blog post done that I had been planning to do for a couple months, LOL. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  12. When our children gave us an Alaskan cruise for our 50th anniv. 3 yrs ago, this was one of the stops on our trip. Oh, my goodness, we walked around with our mouths open at all the beauty. One of the (if not THE), most beautiful spots we've ever been to.
    Your beautiful photos take me right back to 3 years ago....THANKS.
    xo bj

  13. Those gardens are just breath taking! Thanks for sharing.


  14. I am going to have take out my pass and make a visit to the gardens soon!
    Friday is almost over, as I respond to your question. I spent the day at work, then came home and cut broom in the woods and in the old goat field. It was hard and hot work!

  15. Such beauty, and so meaningful to share it with your darling (and observant!) little granddaughter.

  16. Anonymous4:21 AM

    The Gardens do look so beautiful with all that green, I think it's because of the rain it's been getting. Have a nice weekend Lorrie!

  17. Anonymous5:19 AM

    I love all the shades of greens in the second photo.


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