Wednesday, May 29, 2013

When you don't have an old barn

Have you seen posts and magazine ideas about things to make with old barn boards? Me, too. I've not noticed many old barns around here and even if there were any, I'd have qualms about nonchalantly prying off a few boards for my own use. 

However, I have absolutely no qualms about rummaging through my husband's stock of wood. I scored this weathered fence board and thought it perfect for a table runner.

An assortment of votive holders and a mini vase. Pansies which are flourishing in the wet cool weather. One last ranunculus. A couple of rose buds. Various clippings from herbs and shrubs.  Et voilĂ , five mini bouquets to perch on top of the board for a casual country effect. Without a barn to pillage.

Any old barns around your neighborhood? 


  1. It's very pretty, Lorrie - and no barns were harmed in the making of the arrangement!

  2. That is simply charming!!!! Clever idea. Once I found an old barn board in our backyard - have no idea how it got there - I cut out a Canada Goose (flying) shape and a wing from the raggedy end - it turned out great.

  3. Hi Lorrie,

    So nice to meet a fellow Canadian! Your little bouquets are very pretty. I love those colour combinations; find them so dramatic and romantic at the same time. Just adorable!


  4. I like this look, especially with the variety of blooms and glass. There are barns here and there and we see a lot when we travel to our son's area. I'll have to have him save me an old board or two when he demolishes a couple old out buildings on his property...

  5. I just love this look and your flowers are so beautiful. They make sweet little bouquets. I have some barn boards in the shed that I'm trying to get at. I need hubby to do some cleaning out of the shed as it's loaded with junk and to get at those boards. Maybe on Saturday. And yes, we have old barns around here but like you said, I just can't go over and take the boards. :) I hope you have a great day Lorrie!

  6. Love this idea, Lorrie. The little bouquets pair so well with the weathered wood.
    There are no old barns in my neighborhood, but I think I need to start rummaging somewhere for a weathered piece of wood.

  7. That's a great look! I can only imagine what John might have to say about it. Yes, lots of old barns and I'd not dare to rip off a board either. On the other hand, I know where I can find piles and piles of old boards. Wonder if he'd notice one missing.

  8. Great idea, Lorrie!
    I do love old wood.

  9. Lorrie~
    Yep, old barns wherever I go and I LOVE them so much that I 'collect' photos of them (and old churches, schools and Victorian homes!) In my High School years, my parents built a home that had old beams from a barn that was torn down and old stained glass windows that were rescued too--both were beautiful!
    Love your idea of a mini vase arrangement--it makes for a nice change:)

  10. Oh my - I love these. Yes - we do have a lot of old barns near home - I live in rural Douglas County, Colorado. There are a lot of old ranchers and beautiful horses and barns that are barely standing (sort of my favorite type). But we've been travelling for a year now and I have a teeny space in our 5th wheel to put flowers - I LOVE this idea. Little jars with bursts of fresh color.

    So pretty!

  11. What a great idea! Lots of old barns near me that are gradually being bought and converted into executive houses (bit of a shame really). I think I'll go and find an empty one to see what I can pillage!! Take care. Chel x

  12. I would never have thought about putting a plank of wood on the table - but the effect is wonderful.
    I have a few planks that I do food photogrpahy on - I might have to drag them out for my table next time I have a dinner party.
    Have a wonderful weekend ahead - and thankyou for stopping by my blog this week.

  13. Good job...on creating your own 'old barn board'! I have a little stock pile of old barn wood downstairs. I just need to get creative. Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. It's beautiful! Great idea!

  15. Really pretty! No old barns around here! I wish!

  16. I like your floral display, old barn board or not! There are some decrepit barns in the neighbouring countryside, but I wouldn't be helping myself either, Lorrie.

  17. It looks just your photos. :))

  18. Very nice! Nope........... no old barns around me either..... lots of new construction tho and I do tend to pick up the odd scraps!!!!

  19. Fabulous table runner, Lorrie! And a perfectly lovely parade of pansies!

  20. All the old barns around here are listed in the Historic Register & I'd be arrested if I took a board from one of them! LOL

    Such pretty posies...I love the colors you picked to mix & match. Lovely idea for a display! I can imagine it done is lots of seasonal themes.


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