Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November Skies: Vee's Note Card Party

Vee's Note Card Party sneaked up on me this month. I haven't taken as many photos as I would like. So I went through past November archives and found a photo featuring a November sky for each of the past four years. 

Pinky greys and blues coloured the early morning sky in Parksville in 2010. 

Garry Oak branches and leaves against a cloudy sky (2012).

Stunning gold against impossible blue (2011).

Silvery greys reflected in the ocean (2013). 

Seeing the variety of sky colour in these November photos encourages me. Not every day is dreary and grey. The sun does shine! In fact, sunnier days are forecast for the rest of this week.

Edited to add: This morning was beautifully sunny, but now, just after noon, the sky is dark and ominous. This does not bode well - we're having our "new" driveway concrete poured this afternoon. Will let you know how it goes.

In the meantime, I'm planning to visit Vee's Party and chat with all her guests. It's always a fun time. Everyone is made very welcome.


  1. What an amazing array of colors in these cards. They are beautiful and I'm not sure which is my favorite!All would be welcomed in the mail. I did love the one you send me, so I know you actually print notecards!

  2. Lorrie, those are beautiful. I especially love the ocean-sky photo! I see I'm not the only one who loves sky photos. :-)

  3. Such wonderful variety for November skies! Yes, there's some color if you know when and where to look for it, LOL. Hope all goes well with the driveway pour!

  4. I sure hope the weather clears for your project. LOVE looking up at the skies. Of course a photo of the ocean is always my favorite! Sweet hugs!

  5. The variety is remarkable. I think a day like Stunning Gold Against Impossible Blue would be enough to take a gal over many gray days. If it doesn't rain hard, water is good when pouring concrete or so I'm told. Beautiful images, Lorrie, print'em up!

  6. Neat pics, the last one looks like a cold November day:@)

  7. Beautiful photos, you have captured this month very well. Visiting from Vee's note card party. xo

  8. I love taking Sky photos too!
    They make great seasonal note cards.
    Because I love the sea - the fourth is my favourite - it's a stunning card Lorrie

  9. I love the sky any time of the year and have found November's to be as beautiful as any other month. Your photos are beautiful, especially the last one with all the greys. They'd make nice notecards! I hope the driveway work goes okay.

  10. Lovely skies you chose for Vee's Note Card party! Blessings...

  11. Each card is lovely, but the last one really speaks to me! There is wonderful gradation of colour and it seems to have movement.

  12. Great idea to post the different years! I love the last one :) Again, I will be scramblin to even make the party! Having some friends in for a pasta supper and then will see if I get back to the computer. Hope all goes well with the driveway.

  13. Beautiful postcard pictures.
    Would we be bored if the sun
    always shined? I guess we
    must take the rain with the sun.

  14. Now, these beautiful photos would make really great cards. Good job.

  15. Spectacular photos - I especially love the reflections on the ocean. So calm and lovely.

  16. I love this idea, Lorrie! How fascinating to look back and see the many variations on a November sky. Each is beautiful in its own way...even the gray sky, I think. Of course that view of the golden leaves against the bright blue sky...stunning!

  17. These are all very nice and would make lovely note cards!

  18. Some pretty skies, and although I like the pink in the first photo, I'm drawn to the silver grey of the last one.

  19. Your 1st and 4th shots are my favourite, Lorrie. Hope your driveway turns out okay.

  20. Sunshine is in the forecast Lorrie so that's good news. I love your photos as always…especially the first and fourth. Hope the driveway project went well!

  21. What a great idea! They make beautiful cards! I might have to "borrow" this idea some time!

  22. Lorrie,

    These are wonderful - I love the sky. The third one is my favorite, the colors are so amazing!


  23. Your November sky photos are so pretty! I sure hope the driveway went well. Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. So beautiful! I love the colors!


  25. The clouds in that first shot are really something. I could take pictures of clouds all day!

  26. What beautiful skies! Isn't it great that not every November day is grey.... Love the first and last shots! Thanks for sharing Vanc. Island's beauty with us.

  27. That last photo is a humdinger! Not that the others aren’t great too, but . . . .

  28. Beautiful shots Lorrie - especially love the golden leaves with that amazing shade of blue sky. A lovely set of cards for sure.
    Hugs - Mary

  29. It snuck up on me too and funny... I did the same thing you did. Search the November archive. I didn't find much so resorted to recent shots. These cards are absolutely beautiful. Good luck with the driveway.

  30. Breathtaking skies and views. The colors in the first one are great!

    Mersad Donko Photography


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