Wednesday, November 06, 2013


After Tim's conference in Vancouver last week, we drove out to Chilliwack to see my family.  A beautiful white miniature rose plant was sitting on the dresser with a card - a gift from my parents. I've been admiring its creamy blossoms and thought they needed photographing. They might be used for the textures assignment for Donna's Personal Photo Challenge coming up on Saturday.

With all our gallivanting, I neglected to shout out a Happy Birthday to Eldest Daughter, who can visit now on her own blog, Dapple Design. My birthday, hers, and daughter-in-love Katie's fall within a two week period, so we usually celebrate together. This year's will be on Saturday.

In the photo, Cristal models an apron I sewed. I've stitched up a bunch of them for an upcoming craft fair, and to stock my Etsy shop. There are such fun fabrics out there. I want them ALL. But I can't. 

Early last year, Elizabeth of Cornish Cream contacted me about creating a custom blank journal for a friend of hers. We consulted via email and Skype. Green was the preferred colour, and she said her friend loved fritillarias. I confess I had to look up the flower, but now that I know its name, I've seen it growing around here in the spring, too. Does it grow in your area? For the journal I used the covers from an old cookbook, drilled the holes, inserted eyelets and stitched the covers with the pages in linen thread.

I've also re-stocked my Etsy shop with more blank journals.  Do you keep a journal? Blogging is a type of journaling, but I continue to fill blank pages with words as well. Some things are not meant for publication. Virginia Woolf referred to her journal writing as "this loose, drifting material of life..."

Yep. That about sums up my journal writing. And this post. Off to my sewing machine!




  1. Dotsie sent me over! What a lovely surprise you stitched for her. I'm looking forward to visiting your Etsy


  2. Hi Lorrie,

    Saw your lovely journals at Podso's blog and stopped by to say a hi to you. So thoughtful of you :). Those journals look great! I do some embroidery occasionally. I think I should spend more time to read your fabulous thread work tutorials. The photos look great! The apron looks sweet. Nice visiting you :)

  3. how thrilled my friend was with that lovely journal, Lorrie. It was just as I envisaged.

  4. It seems your creativity has found its way to the next generation of your family. That must please you, Lorrie. Best Wishes for a successful booth at the craft fair.


  5. I look forward to what you will do with the rose! BTW I posted about you today! Love the apron!

  6. Oh a fritillaria. The very first time we were introduced to this flower was on a walk in Oxford, England in the Spring in 2004. There was a whole small field of them at Madeline College. Dear and I came across a single fritillaria in the Santa Monica Mountains on a hike a few years ago. It was so different than anything we had seen before that it made an impact on our visual memories...

    Happy birthday to the women in the family!!

  7. I've never looked at your Etsy shop Lorrie!

    I'm off to have a look!

    Happy birthday to you, and your girls!


  8. I'm glad to hear that you are getting ready for the photo challenge! The apron is cute. The daughter is even cuter, LOL. And I do well enough to keep up with blogging, so no, I don't do a handwritten journal too. Your journal design is sure pretty!

  9. I didn't know you are from Chilliwack! That's where my sister has lived since 1975 and as you know, I visited her in July. Your daughter is sweet and I love the apron you made. It's really cute. I used to journal but got waylaid and started a blog. :) I hope you have a fun weekend celebrating birthdays! Now I'm going to visit Cristal's blog. Blessings, Pam

  10. I have a few fritillaria in the garden, although I didn't get to see if they came up and flowered this year, as I was distracted going back and forth with family stuff.
    You make such lovely things . . . and it looks as if your daughter has inherited some of that talent. . .

  11. Well happy belated birthday to your daughter - what a sweet smile she has! I LOVE her apron she is wearing ,too - and totally ♥ your handmade journals, how unique.

    Thanks so much for your visit today!!!!

  12. Oh, what a darling model you have for that adorable apron! May you have a lovely triple birthday celebration this weekend!

  13. How fun to celebrate birthdays together. Enjoy your Saturday celebration.
    I have several personal journals, but the one I am writing in the most is a
    journal for my grandson, a record of the little special moments we have shared.
    Being an older first time grandmother I may not always be here for him, so
    I wanted him to know how much I love him.

  14. Thanks that you visit our blog.
    Beautiful rose photo!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  15. Cute aprons!! I used to journal but got away from it, still hope to begin again.

  16. I am visiting via Podso after she showed your beautiful needle cases.

    Cute aprons and I love the journal. I love creating books and like the challenge of commissions.

  17. Yes, my handwritten journals are on the back burner since blogging began! However I do write little journal notes when traveling to remind me of more personal feelings I experience - I enjoy looking back over them later. The journal you made is really beautiful - bookbinding must be such a fulfilling craft.

    Your daughter is lovely and the perfect model for your handiwork Lorrie. You do sew such delightful items.

    Another weekend upon us - hope yours is perfect.
    Hugs - Mary


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