Monday, December 09, 2013

Gathering Close

When Tim suggested we get together with our in-town children for a walk and supper, I jumped right on board. Cooler than usual temperatures had us planning a somewhat shorter walk. Around 4 pm at Mount Doug Park, the sunset in the west stained back to show pink loveliness in the east. Of course, to be honest, some of that pink might be due to smog over Vancouver and Seattle. 

A visit to the park must include swinging. The girls are pushed by their fathers, and both are looking in the same direction at I-don't-know-what.

Double slides are so much fun that even Nana slid down, holding Little Miss S's hand.

I'm usually the one behind the camera, but this time, Tim had it. I'm loving this photo of me with my two darling grand girlies. No, we didn't coordinate our pink outfits ahead of time. 

Home to Roasted Potato Soup, an Antipasto platter, and the first servings of Christmas baking. Tim lit a fire and we spent the early evening watching the girls race around the house, playing catch with Uncle Gerry. Oh, the energy! Oh, the fun! 

A couple of people asked how I got the overhead table shot in my last post. I just stand on a dining room chair and take the shot straight downwards. The pearl garland in the last post is draped around the light fixture and I focused on that to get the blurred table background. In the above photo, I focused on the poinsettia. 


  1. You should get out from behind that camera more often! Such nice photos all!

  2. You look fabulous Lorrie. Sounds like fun was had by all.
    I think they are calling for snow again tomorrow...we'll have to arrange a walk when it is a bit warmer.

  3. Oh what fun to enjoy a nice walk and playtime with the family and your sweet granddaughters. Your table looks so colourful with the gorgeous poinsettia at the centre. I like the place mats. Did you make them?

  4. It was so nice to see YOU in some of the photos, Lorrie! You look young enough to be the girls Mother!

    It has been quite cold here but is supposed to warm up by the end of the week. Hope so!

  5. Oh, that's a cute picture of you with your granddaughters! The little one on the left is doing a stork imitation, standing on one leg, LOL. And I've stood on a chair or two to get a shot as well! The roasted potato soup sounds delicious.

  6. These are heart-warming photos to see..Family happily being together is priceless!

  7. What a great homecoming after being out those frigid temps!!

  8. Such sweet photos - especially when family is included. Love the pink outfits. We are getting together with family on Friday for a birthday celebration - love this time of the year.

  9. It was fun. That's a wonderful photo of you with the two little girls. You'll have to send it my way.

  10. What a sweet picture of your and your little grand daughters.
    How fun to play at the park.

  11. What a nice photo with you and your grands! And it does look cold! But what a perfect ending--soup and a fire!

  12. Glad that I am not the only Grandma who goes on slides and things!


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