Sunday, December 15, 2013

Weekend Celebration

The Little Misses' parents were invited out on Friday night so the girls came to our house. Grandpa read them stories, they played with toys and ran in circles through the living room, the entrance hall, kitchen, dining room and round again. And again. When it came time to put Little Miss S to bed, she didn't want to go. "Run, run," she said. Alas, Nana hardened her heart and put her down.

On Sunday, Little Miss A turned 3. Already! Her talented mother created a balloon-themed party.

She thought of so many things that could be balloon-shaped - cookies, peanut butter sandwiches, tomatoes, melon balls, small cheeses, and more. It was all delightful. 

With three focused breaths, Miss A blew out the candles. One. Two. Three. And we all wish her God's blessings. 

Katie created this lovely piece of art from an old window frame. I love it. I took one photo with no reflection showing, but I think I prefer this one with the balloons hanging in the window. The day was Merry and Bright, indeed.

What's the mood around your place these days? Not too busy, I hope. What gets done, gets done, I tell myself, as my list of tasks seems to grow instead of shrink. Take time to enjoy the moments, I remind myself. Each one is precious. 


  1. That was a darling party! What a clever mom! I love the picture in which Miss A has just blown out her three candles and stands clutching a cherry tomato balloon. Precious.

    Ah yes, the growing list. It's growing here too, and I am trying to take the same approach. Enjoy the moments. Celebrate the King!

  2. I love themed parties and your daughter did a fabulous job! All the balloon accents were so much fun!
    That photo of grandpa and the girls is a keeper!

  3. Lucky birthday girl! Love the photo of grandpa and girls together. No lists here as we are planning a very quiet time this Christmas.

  4. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Ohhh, that cake! It looks like you had a wonderful time and I really liked the window frame art too, beautiful!

  5. That cake and the cookies are adorable!!

  6. It would seem that your daughter has inherited some of your creativity and love of homey things. Her balloon themed party looks like such fun. The little ones are growing quickly.

  7. What a clever party with balloons! And that first picture of grandpa with his girls is a keeper!

  8. Lorrie, such beautiful little girls, and your daughter looks like you - gorgeous! Grandfather looks happy and cozy in his chair with the girls. Birthday celebration (great cake) and now Christmas just around the corner - and having the little ones around makes it all more special.

    Hugs - Mary

  9. What a charming party - and such a lovely, memory filled photo of the girls and grandpa reading - you just can't beat moments like that.

    We are moving rather quietly towards christmas day - oh there is lots going on - but at a nice slow pace - the lists are getting completed and new lists appear - but we have the treasure of plenty of time. Last year I completely missed christmas - don't even remember receiving presents - as I was groggy and still in great pain and recovering from emergency back surgery - so this year it is all-out, full speed ahead - enjoy every single minute with family and friends. And yet it seems restful and fun and lovely - just what christmas should be!!! Happy holidays to you, my dear.

  10. Another example of time escaping! Three!? How is that even possible? She sure is an adorable three!

    All going well well as we have control over anyway!

  11. I love that photo of your husband with his granddaughters -- I find it so moving to look at mine with his, sometimes, and notice how much older he looks than in my mental image of him with our own little ones, decades ago . . . but also how much the same. And I feel so tender and fortunate, I must say.
    I also love that piece your daughter made (so talented! She made that gorgeous cake as well?) -- I have some old frames with divided panes of leaded-glass -- I can imagine doing something similar with them. Although I'd have to find a good stencil as my handwriting isn't at your daughter's standard! What kind of pen or paint or whatever did she use -- don't suppose she'd do a guest-post tutorial?! (you know, in her spare time? ha!)

  12. Beautiful photos of your sweet granddaughters. And happy birthday to Miss A. I love the birthday theme and your daughter made a gorgeous cake. The window art is so pretty and unique. Wishing you a lovely week.

  13. That's a sweet picture of Grandpa and the girls. The party and the birthday girl are all pretty wonderful too!

  14. What a cake! I love that picture of Grandpa reading to the girls.

  15. She did an amazing job of the balloon theme. I loved seeing it.
    I have been rushing. If you visit me tomorrow you will what I have
    been up to. Now I am resting and getting ready to bake a little for
    family and wrap gifts, plus spend some time with friends.

  16. Happy Birthday to your sweet little miss! Love the cake.

    And the 'merry and bright' Christmas art is pretty special too!

  17. I still smile when I think of Miss S crying because she didn't want to stop running.

  18. This a precious post .. maybe because I can relate to the sweetness of the little girls in the picture. I love the balloon themed birthday party! Such cute ideas!


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