Wednesday, December 04, 2013

It's Beginning... look a lot little like Christmas. The wreath is on the door, but there's nothing like a photograph to let you see the work something needs. The splayed out ribbon definitely needs some tweaking. I'm liking the plain green against the red door, though. Maybe I'll wire in a few pine cones.

The wood carved nativity is set out on the china hutch. I've played with putting it elsewhere, but like it best in that spot. On the bottom of one shepherd carving is written, "purchased in 1983 in San Antonio de Ibarra." (Ecuador) So that makes it 30 years old. One of the cow's horns fell off, but it was a clean break and can be glued back on.

Guests for dinner on Friday night combined with never knowing when I'm going to be called in to teach mean that I need to get my decorating done while I can - like today. Except for the tree. That will come later. And I'll have help. At least for the lights.

Is it beginning to look a little or a lot like Christmas at your place?


  1. Well someone gave me a game I like to play and I haven't even looked in the library yet so I'm goofing off too much. A bit here and a bit there. I also got my wreath on the front door and I, too, had some work to do to make it look like something. I should so something for the mailbox... To complicate matters, the prelit tree had an entire section of bulbs go out. I hate messing with lights.

    Hope that you get accomplished just what you need by Friday night. I'm sure that you will!

  2. do something not so something ...this iPad! Arghhhh!

  3. It's beginning here too, Lorrie. I made our wreath yesterday and will hang it up on the front door. I don't like to decorate too soon. Yours looks very elegant.

  4. You're ahead of me. We have the felt ornament advent calendar up. I started making an advent wreath but only got as far as candles on a plate -- it worked. That's it for Christmas around here. I'm in no rush, either. I'm keeping up with life and enjoying the pace these days. Why mess with that?

  5. No, certainly not. Harrumph!
    It’s looks like Advent round here. After all, I come from the land of a long run-up to Christmas, a long festive and contemplative period.
    seriously, Advent is a wonderful season in Germany, at least it was, the last time I was there.

  6. Love that wreath on the red door! and I agree some pinecones would finish it off. I have a few finishing touches to do, my "unfinished fireplace" turned out pretty good for this year and I think I have found a home for most of my decorations as well. Have a great day!

  7. That's a pretty nativity set! We got our decorating done before Thanksgiving. And we kept it minimal and simple this year. Jim sure didn't need to be hauling a lot of stuff down the stairs, and some of the boxes are just too heavy for me. So no big tree with lights, just small tabletop trees.

  8. These two pictures got me into the Season mood! So pretty!

  9. I hope you were able to accomplish what you wanted to get done today. The wreath and and the crèche have set the scene for Christmas.

  10. It's really not, except that I do have my seasonal winter arrangements at the porch. Someone on the island is apparently making and selling wreaths and swags, so I should pick up a few of those. Not sure if we'll even bother with a tree here, as we'll be doing Christmas in Vancouver, not even hosting any of the meals (and NOT that I'm complaining). I love your crèche -- so many memories it must hold.

  11. Your red door is a lovely backdrop for your wreath. Such a pretty welcome.
    The nativity set is beautiful.
    I am about done decorating here. I just need to find the time to finish hanging the ornaments on the tree.

  12. I'm resisting...except for the front porch, because the Realtors are coming to pick up the food bank donations...and I don't want them to think I'm still stuck with my Autumn displays in December. I love your wreath, so cute and cheery, and in this weather we all need that.


  13. The greenery on your door is so pretty.
    Yes, it is beginning, but definitely not finished.
    Hopefully after the tree is put up on Saturday,
    the decorating can be finished. Then the fun
    begins in the kitchen.

  14. Gorgeous nativity set Lorrie--so beautifully carved! It looks a little bit like Christmas around here--but then it always does because I leave up year-round one of our Swedish candelabras and also a little tree decorated with ornaments from Scandinavia. Of course, I still haven't taken down the Thanksgiving décor yet, so it's a bit strange:)

  15. Lovely red door, and how nice to have a keepsake like the nativity set.

  16. Your green wreath will be stunning whatever you do with it, Lorrie.
    I put our nativity set in the same place year after year also.
    Your little missies are sure cute little moppets.
    xo Carole

  17. Not much at my house yet - a wreath and a decorated chandelier on the veranda.....but when I get home, I'll get started.

  18. What a lovely nativity set, Lorrie! I have a similar one that was a gift from back in '78. Ms. C. is coming for a sleep over Fri. so I'm waiting to set it up with her help.
    Love the understated green wreath on the red front door...very similar to how my DD does her red door, too.
    Hoping you're having a nice holiday season!

  19. I do like your nativity set -- I had guessed it would be from Ecuador!

  20. So lovely! It's slowly looking like Christmas............. Advent!........ around here!


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