Friday, June 27, 2014

These Days: Five on Friday

1.  Cherry time! We planted trees last spring (2013) and there are enough ripening this year for a generous bowlful for the two of us in a week or so. I covered the tree with a net to prevent birds from getting them all. The net goes right to the ground so that birds cannot get underneath and perhaps get caught. We wouldn't want that. 

2. Baby beets (thinnings) and greens were on the menu this week. Is there anything more luxurious than going out to the garden to choose part of one's dinner? I've been watching the BBC series Land Girls and marvel at how hard people work on farms. Other BBC programs such as Wartime Farm highlight the intensive nature of reliance upon one's physical strength and working the land, too. Gardening used to be a necessity, not a pastime. I'm glad to have the options of gardening and of shopping for my food.

3. One glowing raspberry. There are many more of them and we're picking some every couple of days. Our growing season is several weeks ahead of normal this year, unlike the eastern part of the continent. These photos were taken yesterday in warmth and sunlight. An unsettled front moved in overnight and I awoke in the wee hours to feel a rain-freshened breeze drift across my face. I lay awake for a minute, cozy, as I listened to soft droplets of rain begin followed by a trickle as water collected in the eavestrough.

4.  When unsettling news comes it's hard to know how to respond. As a person of faith, I pray throughout my day. Sometimes, it's impossible to find words or to form thoughts. Ellis Peters, in one of her Brother Caedfel mysteries, writes, "He prayed as he breathed, forming no words and making no specific requests, only holding in his heart, like broken birds in cupped hands, all those people who were in stress or grief." I love this picture of holding broken people up before the God who loves them. 

This has been a week of holding any number of people in my heart - ill friends and those with broken relationships. Anger comes, too, when I consider behaviors and actions that lead to hurt. And I must lift myself up, broken, too, in need of grace.

5.  Big girl and little girls. Our eldest with her Little Miss S and cousin Miss A alongside, enjoying strawberries yesterday's sunshine. We went to the strawberry patch one last time and then home to play in the little wading pool. Splashing, pouring, squirting - oh the delight! 

Today is drippy and overcast. Good for the gardens and grass. Good for staying indoors and getting the house shipshape. Good for preparing for overnight guests. A puttery sort of day. And you? How is your day shaping up? 


  1. Thunder is rumbling in the west and it's been raining on and off today - I was lucky with the weather for my few days BBB! I have been puttering today too and catching up on some little jobs that wanted doing. Lucky you to have those cherries - we used to get a big basketful over the fence each year from my neighbours' tree but they are not as common in UK.

  2. The cherries look so tempting. How positively wonderful to have them to look forward to. Smart move with the bird net.
    Beets and raspberries also sound delicious and I agree it is a delight to pick something fresh for dinner. Our tomatoes are starting to come. Other than that it's only herbs and swiss chard in my garden.
    I'm going to look up those BBC shows. Thanks for mentioning them.

  3. Gorgeous colours of cherries , Kale and raspberries, so Summery.

  4. Today was outdoors for me...most of the morning / trying to catch up on yard work before it got too hot! :)

    OH do those cherries look good and I miss the raspberry bushes that we had at the house ages ago when the boys were growing up.

    Lorrie I answered on my blog but am responding here too. I have had one person mention her Feedly posts coming in batches recently. I have my posts come to my email at comcast and they come one by one so I know the feed is probably ok at least in regards to email...I am not sure how all of the readers work though : )

  5. Today was outdoors for me...most of the morning / trying to catch up on yard work before it got too hot! :)

    OH do those cherries look good and I miss the raspberry bushes that we had at the house ages ago when the boys were growing up.

    Lorrie I answered on my blog but am responding here too. I have had one person mention her Feedly posts coming in batches recently. I have my posts come to my email at comcast and they come one by one so I know the feed is probably ok at least in regards to email...I am not sure how all of the readers work though : )

  6. Your #4 has me pondering. Sometimes, the hurts of our loved ones are harder to take than our own. And so true...that we all are broken, and in need of a Savior.

    Beautiful cherries!

    Today was a beach day with family. Summer has started off extremely busy for us...something "extra" to do almost daily. It promises to slow down a tad later on, so we're trying to go with it.

  7. Delicious colours. I can almost smell the fragrance of these tasty gifts of earth.

    I love that quote you share of Ellis Peters' Bro. Caedfel. How often are my heart's breathings just that ... no words formed, no specific requests even, but a holding of things that weigh.

    Forming my own heart whisperings for your own journey today.


  8. Thanks for sharing that quote. There are so many prayers lately with no words. What a bounty you have.

  9. Cherries? Already, and raspberries...well I have to wait quite a while still, but your lovely photos make me realize how delightful it will be.


  10. Beautiful images of berries, showing off in the bright light! It's true, your observation regarding gardening, Lorrie. My goodness, can you imagine having to survive on the daily deliver of our gardens? And lastly, I can feel your concern about the people in your prayers at this time, and I hope things will turn around for them.

    Have a sweet weekend!


  11. It was a gorgeous day today after the chilly start. The boys and I were outside from noon to five. Glorious!

    We did not, however, have the treats that you are enjoying. =D

    I am pondering the words you shared...yes, it does seem just that way sometimes and often in Blogdom...there are just no words. It used to be that I knew so few carrying such burdens. Now I know many.

  12. Lovely photos, and of course how wonderful to have all those delightful things growing and those lovely girls.

    Thank you for your quote in #4 about holding those hurting before the Lord. I feel that way sometimes too - like I don't have words, but surely the Lord knows our hearts and the Spirit can intercede for us! So thankful for this!


  13. Oh sort of a puttery sort of day today with a massage and laundry. I had to smile when seeing the cherries as my little D's dad sent me photos a little while ago of D picking cherries (or is that smearing them all over his face and in his mouth).
    Yes, the best way to pray is with each breathe and thought. Some weeks just need a lot of that kind of prayer. Take care!

  14. The little girls sure are sweet in their cute summertime outfits. It's so nice to pick fresh fruit and have veggies in the garden, too. Have a wonderful weekend! Ours will be quiet...and HOT! Hugs, Diane

  15. The photos are stunning - the cherries almost look like glass, lit from behind.

    My day you ask? Wonderful for sure. Our nine year old grandson spent the day with me - we discussed Pokemon (long e for those who don't know) games, well he talked I listened. I could listen to him talk all day. He uses words like plethora and contingent - and he just completed third grade. We baked a cake for him to take home to his dad for his birthday - we discussed favorite books, read a little and played "two truths and a lie". A fun game, each person, in their turn, tells two true things about themselves and one lie and the other has to pick out the lie. It is a fun way to give the grandkids some stories about yourself when you were younger, and also helps them work on their imagination and their mystery solving skills.

    Yes, it was a great day - topped off with going to a fruit stand for half a flat of raspberries and half a flat of strawberries - on this nice rainy day in the Pacific Northwest.

  16. Lorrie, your photos absolutely take my breath away! Outstanding!

    Loved the sentiments expressed about holding broken people true!

    Great shot of your girls, too.


  17. We are enjoying the cherries and berries over here as well!

    Thank-you for sharing that quote. A wonderful picture of what intercessory prayer is all about. Though I know I can't fix all the hurts around me...I can talk to the One who can. And keep talking.

    Beautiful pic's, as always.

  18. I love cherries and wish I had my own cherry tree to pick from, Lorrie! Gardening is a challenge here--we have strange weather and a short growing season as we are at a high altitude. I think root vegetables would do well, but we have too many wild rabbits that would probably eat them.

    Your granddaughters are getting big! They are both very cute!

    We are preparing for another vacation so lots of yard work and laundry has been keeping me busy.

  19. I always enjoy your thoughtful posts. Your lovely personality always shines through.

    I have chores to do today, such as laundry and some yard work. My to-do list seems to be getting longer rather than shorter lately. Jim is trying to do a bit more around the house, now that he's off the chemo and not so drugged up.

  20. Those vibrant reds, almost like Christmas decorations. Lovely photo of your daughter and the little girls.
    Praying, people often say how can we pray without ceasing when one sleeps. well I believe that our life can become a prayer when we live it in an attitude of prayer as you obviously do Lorrie.

  21. Oh this is such a mouth watering post! I grew up with 3 cherry trees and loved the delicious month of June.

  22. Anonymous1:41 PM

    A beautiful post, Lorrie. I have seen many prayers answered and I, too, pray throughout my day. When I tell someone I will pray, I usually stop right then and do so. I greatly appreciate your prayers for our home sale and I will be praying for you also.
    Your daughter and granddaughter and her cousin are so sweet. They seem to enjoy the berries.
    You have so many great things fresh from the garden. That is a blessing! Wishing you a very nice evening. Mildred

  23. A beautiful family and a beautiful garden! I made a nice beet salad this past week, but the produce came from a farmers' market rather than my own garden; what a treat yours would be.

    I hope some healing comes to those for whom you are concerned.


  24. I am a little jealous of the beautiful cherries.

    I am loving British TV. My fave - Call The Midwife. I can hardly wait for the new season. They have not ran Land Girls yet.


  25. Thank you for the beautiful image for #4...

    Miss visiting...nice to pop in and see you are having some wonderful days.


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Five to Delight on Friday

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