Sunday, February 22, 2015

Seeing the Light at the End of the Tunnel

Hellebore in the rain

I honestly can't remember ever being so sick. Shuffling from bed to couch was the extent of my efforts for most of this week. To add insult to injury I developed conjunctivitis in both eyes and we all know how wonderful that is!

Thankfully, I'm on the mend. I made the bed, went with Tim to buy a few groceries (he went on his own earlier in the week), and I plan to do a little sewing this afternoon. 

Not much energy here, so I'll leave you with this image captured last weekend of a Hellebore beaded with raindrops.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been so very ill and hope that the weekend's burst of energy is followed by steady recuperation!

  2. Hello Lorrie ~ what a time you've had! You can only do a bit at a time and build up from there...frustrating tho' it is.
    It is a most beautiful hellebore pic.

  3. Take it slowly Lorrie. In England these viruses have a nasty habit of returning and people have been very ill. Lots of rest is best.

  4. Awww, Lorrie, saying a prayer for you. Hope that you have some drops for your poor eyes. Conjunctivitis is a misery all of its own. Pinterest has some good suggestions...I have used the tea bag one myself.

  5. So glad to hear you're feeling better, getting conjunctivitis on top of.the flu was just adding insult to injury.
    Did you turn any of your amazing lemons into a hot drink with honey, I wonder?
    Wishing you a better week ahead.

  6. Hello, Lorrie!
    Sorry to hear you have had a bad case of influenza. I hope it has gone by now.
    The hellebore is really beautiful!
    And spring is on its way! :)

  7. Glad you are on the mend, though I'm sorry you were sick.

    Keep resting, don't push yourself to quickly and relapse.


  8. I'm so glad you are some better. That gives me hope. I wrote a post for today and was just sure I was on the upswing....but I had a terrible night and I'm headed back to bed now. You mentioned a rice bag. What is that and do I need one? lol Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. Beautiful photo, but I'm sorry you've been feeling so miserable. Hope you recover quickly!

  10. Those "really sick" days are soooo long...and then the nights are longer. Happy to hear that you are on the road to recovery! Take it slow...

  11. Oh, no! Sorry to hear you've been so sick, Lorrie. Hope you're past the worst of it and fully recovered soon. Take care!

  12. So sorry that you are sick. I have been lucky so far, a sneeze here and there, but I managed to stave off a cold with a good dose of C and a squirt of cold remedy. Stay warm and get well.

  13. Lorrie, so sorry you've been ill. I hope you'll be all better soon. Sad when it's a big happy deal to be able to ride to the grocery store for a few things!

  14. So sorry to hear you have been ill Lorrie. Hoe you will feel better soon!

    Take care! Have a good week,

    Madelief x

  15. A beautiful image indeed. So sorry to hear you have been so sick. I hope you are feeling much better soon :)

  16. So sorry to hear that you are unwell, I really do hope that you will be much better again very soon. Take care of yourself. xx

  17. So sorry to hear about you being sick. Glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Praying a little prayer right now for your full recovery and energy restored!

  18. As they say here in the south, Bless Your Heart. My goodness you have been going through a lot at once.
    I am so sorry to hear this, yet encouraged to know you are feeling some better. Do take it slow and easy, if possible. Saying a prayer for your complete recovery.

  19. Sorry you've been 'under the weather'! Glad things are beginning to look a little brighter for you. Lovely pic!

  20. Good to hear you’re doing better. This has been a terrible year for winter illnesses round here. At one time the whole village was down with flu.

    Get well soon.

  21. Lorrie, so sorry you've been under the weather, but sounds like you're on the mend, maybe a little of your appetite returning, which is a good sign. Don't forget to add lots of lemon to your tea and water and soup; I know you have gorgeous lemons in the house!


  22. Glad to hear you are improving but take it slowly as you recover.

  23. Sorry to hear that you are under the weather. Sure hope you will be feeling better soon and doing all the things you love to do. Take care Lorrie.

  24. Rats that it's been such a horrible time for you and so very glad you're on the mend now. Beautiful picture.


  25. Oh Lorrie, so sorry you've been under the weather with such a nasty bug, and then getting conjunctivitis which is so miserable, I know I had it once and that was enough!
    Get well very soon.
    Hugs - Mary

  26. Sorry you are sick. I guess they had to get a sub for the sub?
    My H is under the weather with lots of chills and I hope he keeps it to himself.

  27. That is a gorgeous photo of raindrops on the hellebore blossom! Sorry you haven't been well. This hasn't been the kindest of seasons...we both ended up seeking health care this past weekend.
    Blessings, Aimee

    1. Glad you are feeling a bit better! God bless you. A

  28. So sorry to hear you've been ill; no fun at all. Hope you are feeling better very soon!

  29. Oh dear me, Lorrie, conjunctivitis in both eyes, besides being sick....ugh! I'm glad you're seeing an end to this. Your Lenten rose picture is so pretty. I'd love to add some of those to my yard.

  30. So glad you are finally feeling better - after 2 weeks of flu and a cold I have spend 5 days in the hospital for cellulitis in one leg - and now I'm in an extended care home for rehab to make sure that I can function at home by myself - good grief - I'm healthy and active and can do most anything -spending time here is annoying, at best. I plan to be home before the weekend - one way or another.

  31. Beautiful image!
    Sorry to hear you have been under the weather.
    Take care and hopefully this weekend will be all
    about being well again.


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