Friday, February 20, 2015

This and That

On our walk through the marina last Saturday, we spent some time looking over this old wooden boat. It's in rough shape. We admired the lines of the boat and wondered whose dream it was and what might have happened - illness, old age, changed focus - for someone to have neglected the boat.

The boxwood hedges along the Sidney waterfront were full of webs. The shape of this one reminds me of a pitched tent - a spider tent so intricately beaded with water droplets

Kale from the garden is delicious just now. Soon I'll be pulling it up to make room for spring and summer vegetables.  These photos were all taken last weekend. I've been down with influenza this week and feel like I'd been hit by a Mack truck. I've spent the last two days on the couch with hot tea, advil, and a rice bag. The aches are subsiding and my voice might be returning. I'm glad I still have the weekend to recover. I hope my husband doesn't get it. He gets the flu shot at work, but this year's flu vaccine is useless, he says. 

Hydrangeas are beginning to leaf out and buds of lilac and blueberries are swelling. What a lovely time of year!

I think it's time for another nap!


  1. Oh Lorrie, I'm SO SORRY you've had the flu -- that is absolutely miserable. I used to get it about every five years or so, and it really knocks you for a loop, doesn't it? We all got our flu shots too and are hoping we get lucky this year. We were also told that the shots weren't working as well this year.

    I love your photos! The one of the boat is most interesting. I love that it has wooden pegs in it! The spider web makes for an interesting picture, but I'm deathly afraid of spiders, unfortunately. :) It's wonderful to see your hydrangea leafing out; I've been a bit worried that this brutal cold may kill our David Austin rosebush. I guess we'll find out before too long.

    I do hope you feel better very soon, Lorrie. Take care of yourself!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  2. We've had that nasty stuff going around here, too. Luckily I've avoided catching it. Rice sock is the BEST! I love mine so much. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, Lorrie. Keeping my fingers crossed that your hubby stays well and hoping that you will be as good as new soon.
    Your kale looks so healthy and plentiful. I planted some last fall that never seemed to do much. I was able to snip a few leaves for my soup the other night, however.

  4. Hubby's drooling over my shoulder as we both sigh over your world of greenery vs our very much white one. And kale in the garden. Oh my. It is our dream to come live your way, but not just yet. In the meantime, we delight in our pics.

    And we hope you are feeling better sooner than soon. Sorry to hear that it hit you so bad.

    Sending hugs,

  5. Soigne-toi bien, et bon rétablissement ! Ici Elise est malade aussi, tellement malade qu'elle me fait de nouveau plein de câlins et a besoin de moi (alors qu'elle était plutôt "ado" revêche et enfermée dans sa chambre). J'espère qu'on sera épargnés parce qu'on veut partir en vacances la semaine prochaine (à Nice, au soleil !)

  6. I'm sorry to report....the Mack truck drove from Canada...all the way to Florida and ran over me this week! I've been sicker than I've ever been and haven't quite turned the corner yet. I just took an Advil to sit down with my computer for a few minutes. I hope you are much better today. Pass the tea! Hugs....but don't get too close....Diane

  7. I think the virus has migrated from England, as so many people have been laid very low here. Feel better soon, but don't try to do too much too soon.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Old boats are always photogenic, aren't they? They grow old gracefully!
    Well done for capturing the beautiful web ~ it isn't always an easy thing to photo.
    Kale is so good!
    I hope you are being well looked after Lorrie, and that you will soon 'turn the corner' in recovering.
    What a miserable bug it is, flu.
    Love and prayers,
    x Alex

  10. Your photos are beautiful, giving no hint of your illness -- I do hope you feel better soon, but even then, be careful to take it easy.

  11. I hope the flu leaves you so that you can get out to enjoy the sun that we're promised. Your photos are beautiful.

  12. I enjoyed your this and that post. How wonderful that so many things are starting to bud and bloom there. I'm sorry you got hit with the flu bug. That is one thing I'm praying does not happen when I fly to Calgary this coming week. I don't need to get that while visiting my grandchildren! I hope you are on the mend soon. Blessings. Pam

  13. Lorrie, I'm so sorry that you are under the weather...that's not just the flu it's the storm of the century that you have.

    Good old Blogger has thrown me off of this comment form 3 times in a row now...I hope that this one sticks finally...

    I love that porthole, it's beyond gorgeous I can only hope that should the boat be scrapped someone will salvage that before it's gone forever....

    Feel better soon...and no worries about the know why I am so behind, but hopefully things will be looking up soon.


  14. I'm sorry about the influenza. Sounds miserable. Hope you recover fully over the weekend. Can hardly imagine anything budding this time of year. Sounds wonderful!

  15. I'm sorry about the influenza. Sounds miserable. Hope you recover fully over the weekend. Can hardly imagine anything budding this time of year. Sounds wonderful!

  16. Ha! I'm cracking up with your final sentence. Hope you had a lovely nap. The photos are artistic and lovely!

  17. Oh Lorrie!

    I am sorry that you've been sick. I hope you rest well this weekend.

    Thank you for the signs of spring!


  18. Take care of yourself and rest all weekend. This flu is a hard one it seems.
    I love your noticing what you did notice during the weekend. Happy new weekend to you!

  19. That web does look just like a pitched tent...kewl! (Nope, I don't feel one bit more "cool" to spell it that way, but I've been trying it out.)

    So sorry that you have been under the weather and I appreciate your husband's honesty. I think his assessment is much closer to the truth than I have been hearing. Praying for you to feel better asap,

  20. So beautiful photos, Lorrie!
    I hope you will soon feel much better and the other members of your family will not get the influenza.
    Happy weekend!

  21. Hope you're feeling better soon Lorrie. At least the signs of spring will cheer you up.

  22. I'm so sorry that you've been sick! I hope you get well soon!

  23. awww, bless your little sick self...glad you are beginning to feel some better.

  24. Sorry you've had the flu. It's still going around here; it's been a long season of it this year. It's very cold here so our budding spring is on hold for a bit but it will be back.

  25. So glad you are feeling better, Lorrie...these are all beautiful photos! Weekend blessings!

  26. Sorry to hear you haven't been well but glad you are on the mend. Spiders truly are amazing with those elaborate webs they are able to weave. Looks like you are having lovely weather. Best wishes, Tammy

  27. Lorrie, I hope you feel better real soon. I like the photo of the old brother had a business where he restored old wooden boats...all with stories from the past. I too wonder what that one could tell. Love the hydrangea buds....still a distant dream for us here on the Prairies.

  28. Sorry to hear you haven't been well Lorrie. Your photos are absolutely amazing, especially the spiders webs. Take care xx

  29. I hope you're soon as right as rain!
    That spider web/tent is amazing. Good eye, Lorrie!

  30. I hope that you feel better soon!

    Lovely web ...and seeing green growth is a treat :)

  31. I hope that you feel better soon!

    Lovely web ...and seeing green growth is a treat :)

  32. I hope that you are feeling better soon! Look after yourself. xx

  33. I have the same mindset as Brenda from a beautiful life. Drooling over the beauty which surrounds you and just look at these hydrangeas-my dream come true flower. I will never ever have them bloom or look as yours do-Texas may be big but it refuses to replenish the aquifers with water and we are already in stage 1 of water restrictions. So, I will enjoy your blooms when the time comes.
    I am wishing you well and hope your Sunday is lovely,

  34. I hate that you have been ill. Two of my neighbors had the flu for over a week and it took so long for them to gain strength back. I love the first image you shared...the colours are absolutely wonderful. Take good care~

  35. I hope you continue to improve - nothing worse than a winter cold/flu - than a summer cold/flu. I'm looking forward to the real spring - where it gets warm.


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