Tuesday, December 15, 2015

By the Water in December

There is a lot to be done. Papers to grade, gifts to wrap, a house to maintain. But. This morning, as dawn creeps over the land, I drive to Island View Beach for a solitary walk. 

Glaucous-winged gulls. Buffle head ducks. Common Golden-eyes that look anything but common with their striking white markings. Crows. 

The night's frost lingers on the logs. Dawn stains the eastern sky. Last week's fierce storms threw up massive piles of debris. 

All the wind and rain and still the weeds, sere and brown, stand. 

Driftwood is irresistible to children and adults alike. I wonder who created this shelter?

More light in the sky. More grasses to bend before the wind.

I turn towards the car and the wind, formerly at my back, buffets my face and chills my ears. Gloved fingers sting with cold. One last photo - a tangle of seaweed caught on a bit of sand.

It's evening now. A full day has passed. Fatigue set in a few hours ago. But looking at these photos from the morning, my senses remember.  


  1. I enjoyed our morning walk, Lorrie. There is so much atmosphere in these pretty photos.

  2. Wow, what a lot of wood washed up! It was a good way to take some time out though I am sure. xx

  3. I feel as if I have also had a walk with you. Lovely. How lucky that the storms washed up such picturesque debris when we had storms here the beaches we covered with plastic rubbish not lovely driftwood! Hope that by now you are refreshed after a night's sleep and ready for another day.

  4. Lovey photos and words Lorrie! It's been quite the storm season, hasn't it? You've manged to capture the beauty in it! Take care and happy holidays!

  5. These photos look soo great and unreal. Looks like a scenes from some mystic novel. My friend from http://www.stilusessaywriting.com/ has a hobby of taking photos, too. He says it really hard to catch the mood of the moment when you're taking the photo. Looking on these photos I can say you did it perfectly!

  6. Beautiful images. And I learned two new words. Glaucous and sere. :)

  7. So good for you to take the time to get away and out in the wild, how refreshing. I do hope you were refreshed.

  8. Beautiful photos...and a glorious refreshing walk.

  9. We have snow. Sun shines on it, making it sparkle, but it is cold. I am quite sure that walk along the water's edge is most relaxing, for there is much to ponder just in it's beauty and the variety of things to look at. My grading is done; grades submitted. These few days before Christmas I am tending to the house. Lovely lake side photos and very nicely written narrative. Have you tried you hand at poetry?

  10. Those words even made me remember...the sting of a stiff, cold wind...the smell...wait, I know that the Atlantic and the Pacific have a different aroma. Anyway, I smelled the Atlantic coast, though some things remain the same...steel gray water, driftwood, and dawn. Soon you'll be free as a bird! I am excited for you.

  11. Beautiful photos, Lorrie. I'm afraid I'm the type who would stay inside with my coffee, and miss all that wild wonderful-ness. You were rewarded with beauty by getting out.

  12. I love the tall grasses and the driftwood is beautiful. It sure feels great to get outside and walk...no matter what you see! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  13. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Lorrie, there is something about driftwood that just calls to me. Love your pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  14. A lovely walk - so many fabulous things to see and experience in nature. Refreshing!!!!

  15. How wonderful to take this day to walk by the water's edge. How I need to have a day like that. I am reminded of our visit to Victoria and spending some time at the beach.

  16. You are a wonderful photographer ... your capture such beauty when you take your pics. A lovely glimpse of your walk.

    Happy day...

  17. I'm sure I say this every time, but I have to say it again, your photographs are wonderful. Love coastal shots, you have captured the cold windy weather showing the beauty in the debris on the shore.

  18. A good start to your day and you've captured winter on the water. Even if it wasn't cold, it looks it!

  19. I love this...so beautiful and serene. How fortunate you are be so close to the sea shore. Your photos are mesmerizing, even more so because it was either very early or overcast...my favorite type of day to do photography. Sometimes I need a cloudy day...or two...or three :)

  20. Beautiful and peaceful start to your day...captured so nicely here!


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